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Dan's stuff

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Bali_Dan posted on 09/23/2007

I was lucky enough to get some large logs and I wanted some input from TC on what I should attempt to carve. I started a Moai with the first log (the smallest one)and do not know what to do after this. I will keep posting pics of the Moai in progress, but I would like to start thinking of what to do next. I was thinking of a large tang but I do not have very many pics to work with. Any help in that department would be great. I also would love other ideas for some of the other logs, and any pics I could get would be great. The following pics are of the Moai and the remaining logs.

[ Edited by: Bali_Dan 2007-12-16 17:25 ]

[ Edited by: Bali_Dan 2007-12-24 15:09 ]

Bali_Dan posted on 12/01/2007

Even though I haven't posted in awhile, I have been busy. I said I would post progress picks of the moai, and that is what I will do. I really haven't been able to do much of the outdoor carving so they have been going a little slow. Plus I wanted to have two of them to sit on each side of our swing so I started another one. Here they are:

I still need to finish the mouth on each of them and sand them down real well.
But while I haven't been doing the large carvings on the big logs, I have been working in the shop doing some masks (at least that is what I am calling them). Though I posted some in the past, I really didn't like them. These are my next attempt.

From these the next two were inspired:

The next couple I am upset about. I think I screwed up. I was real inspired by Ken Pleasant's work, and I drew up two Witco inspired pieces. I had a piece of yellow pine 2x10 and that is what I used. After carving them and thinking that they looked great, I started doing more research on Witco, and realized that unlike a moai image, Witco is Copyrighted. I wish I had done my research before I did the work. So this will be the only image of these two masks, as I think I am going to burn them. I do apologize Ken, I am not saying they are as good as yours, I just don't want to step on anyones toes.

The next one was my first attempt at a marquesan (sp.). I took it from pictures on the internet, from a Tiki mug, and from an absolute love of Basement Kahuna's awsome work. I know its not as good as BK's work but I just had to try one. Here it is:

The last image is of a wall hanging I have just started. I had a chunk of tiger maple that was two inches thick. I drew an image of a Tang and cut it out. I then split the wood in half, to give me two matching tangs. I plan on setting them with their backs together and then mount them on a nice background and then frame it. I won't be able to work on this one much as my Dremel just burned up and I am not the best at the chisel. In fact you guys here at TC could help. What tool do I buy next? I am considering the Foredom or the Mastercarver brand. Heres the pick of the twin tangs:

I hope you guys like the pics. I really hope I haven't stepped on anyones toes and I look forward to your replies, advice, criticism, or anything else you would like to say to me.

congatiki posted on 12/01/2007

Nice start with your "tiki" carving Dan. I wouldn't "sweat it" too much
with the Witco-inspired pieces, as long as you are not planning to sell them as
cheaper versions of what Ken does. I don't think it's offensive to start out
carving copies of what you like, we all "evolve" into a specific style after a
little while. I know I can't speak for Keigs but I doubt that you would find a
more gracious guy than he is. I like your dual Tangs, nice lines.

AlohaStation posted on 12/01/2007

All right. What direction do you need?

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/02/2007

Hi, Dan... thanks for the props, man. Mask looks good. First thing I would do is get those logs under a carport or indoors before they get bluestain fungus from outdoor moisture and ground contact. Also get them up on some wood stints off the floor. That will get them drying right. Then think of the hardest looking thing you can and try it on one of them. Best way to learn is always jumping in whole hog. Those look like some Texas logs!

Bali_Dan posted on 12/02/2007

Thank you for the replies.
Conga-I guess I won't burn them, I will just leave them hanging in the shop.
Aloha- I don't exactly know what direction I was looking for, how about any?
BK- thank you for the reply, I don't have the room to put those logs up anywhere, so I have set them up on concrete blocks and covered them with a contractor sized garbage bag. And yeah they are Texas piney woods logs.
I am off to carve, gotta finish the moai.

[ Edited by: Bali_Dan 2007-12-02 06:20 ]

Benzart posted on 12/02/2007

Welcome to TC Bali_Dan,
You have come a long way in a short time and your Tangs look like they are Really goonna be Excellent. As far as a choice between the Foredom and Master brands, go with the Foredom as they have a better warranty and More replaceable parts available.
keep up the good work.

Bali_Dan posted on 12/07/2007

Well I was able to work on the Moai pair for a little bit. Here's what they look like so far.

can't wait to get these done this weekend and try something new.

keigs20 posted on 12/07/2007

Dan, Looking good I dig the fat Moai's also. With the size of those logs looks like you got your work cut out. On the masks thanks for your consideration. Conga pretty much nailed it he is wise beyond his years and a bit crazy for carving in below zero temps :)

TheBigT posted on 12/09/2007

Great job on the large moai, I'd love to have some of those on my yard. They must be really eye catching out there! Luv the fat look! That's really different.

Bali_Dan posted on 12/09/2007

Benzart- Thank you very much, Foredom it is.
Keigs20- Thank you, I was worried, and thank you for the compliment.
Big T- I thank you as well, plus its nice to know there is some other carvers here in the Houston area, PM me and maybe we can get a chop going.

I finished carving and shaping the moai. They are sanded to 120 right now. I will sand them to 220 when I decide what I am going to stain them with. Any suggestions would be great (about what color you think). Again thank you all for the kind words. I did post on TC a few months ago with my first few Tikis, so I don't bog down this post I will just attach the link:
The following are the Moais just waiting to be finished.

Thank you for looking, and any input you care to share.

hodadhank posted on 12/09/2007

Far out Dan! ...and quit apologizing. There is nothing new under the sun.

Bali_Dan posted on 12/15/2007

Well after considering what to stain the Moai, I consulted with my little girl and decided to do something different with them. I know this isn't traditional but I think they turned out pretty cool. Since they are going to be outside, I wanted to use a good sturdy finish, and I do not like spar urathane. So I went with a deck and fence stain that is supposed to hold up for 8 years. I hope you guys like them. And by the way this happens to be her favorite color, I think she is happy with them. So I am proud to introduce the Blue Moai Brothers.

While I was waiting for the stain to dry I started working on my next tiki. I found inspiration from the picture on page 242 of BOT. Plus I found alot of great pics here on TC. Its my version of a LeRoy. The log is 38 inches tall and 17 1/2 inches from side to side, and its good old Texas pine. Hope you guys like.

I look forward to your replies, and if it wasn't for TC I would be lost. Thank you all again.


Bali_Dan posted on 12/16/2007

I realize that this has been discussed previously, however I cannot seem to find out where. How do I modify the name of this thread? I see others doing it to theirs and I would like to do that here. Any help would be great. I do realize its probably easy I just can't figure it out. Thanks again.

Benzart posted on 12/16/2007

MAN, These are looking Better and Better every time you do another one. From the looks of that Shop, You can make about Anything you want to there. Keep up the great work.

Howland posted on 12/16/2007

Nice logs, nice carvings and NICE SHOP!!! You've definitely got some skillz there my friend. Like Conga said, you'll eventually develop your own style and you wont even have to look at someone elses work before you start hacking away at a log. I'm still waiting for that day to come for me :)

What is that 'scooter' looking bench thing with the bicycle wheels you have the moai sitting on? That looks like a handy unit to have around.

to change your thread title: log in, go to your first post and click the EDIT button at the bottom of your first post and that will show your current title in an editable text field.

Bali_Dan posted on 12/16/2007

Benzart- Thank you so much. Your comments always keep me motivated.
Howland- Thank you too, I can't wait until people see a piece and say thats its one of mine.
The workshop is 20X30. I started in woodworking making furniture and small carvings. It was a hobby and I went crazy with it. The shop is also my personal man space (the house is the girls), its equipped with surround sound, cable, and a well stocked fridge for when the workday is done. Since I developed the Tiki Fever, I may have to add on. The rolling work bench is a creation made from an old wooden lawn cart that rotted and some left over treated material I had from another project. I live north of Houston and you never know what the weather is going to do, so it comes in handy when I need to move inside, or when the wife wants me to move it out of sight.

I will be posting more picks this afternoon of the progress of my version of the LeRoy. Thank you again for all the kind words.

Bali_Dan posted on 12/17/2007

I promised some update pics so here the are:

I managed to get this beast in the shop and will get the final shaping done in the evenings. Thank you again for all your replies.


seeksurf posted on 12/18/2007

Looking realy good, nice size logs you got there.

Bali_Dan posted on 12/24/2007

Merry Christmas TC. Where oh where are my new carving tools? UPS didn't bring them yet. I haven't carved in a week and its driving me nuts. I've been doing something for a friend and it just about killed me. Not Tiki but I will post a pick just so you can see what takes me away from my tiki time. That's me in the pic to give a size comparison.

Here are some updates to the LaRoi.

Maybe Wednesday I will get to carve. Hope everyone is having a safe and happy holiday.


Benzart posted on 12/25/2007

Excellent Leroy BaliDan I Love how you have really gone Deep with your Detail,,Beautiful and the Castle is top shelf too!
Hope your new toolz come soon so we can see M ore nice stuff!.

hypnotiki posted on 12/28/2007

Danny boy- nice LaRoi! i dig it. hope you had a merry christmas and all that jazz- i need to get off my ass and carve something. I'll try to make it down to see you soon


Bali_Dan posted on 01/03/2008

It's been a little while, but I do have some updates. LaRoi is finished, and sitting in his new location (until someone wants to buy him). Hope you guys like him.

I also did this quickie mask for a co-worker.

Hope everyone has a great new year. Got to go out and get started on the next log.

Thank you all,


seeksurf posted on 01/03/2008

I really like how the grain line came popping out on him.
He looks fantastic nice work.

TheBigT posted on 01/04/2008

On 2008-01-03 07:42, Bali_Dan wrote:
It's been a little while, but I do have some updates. LaRoi is finished, and sitting in his new location (until someone wants to buy him). Hope you guys like him.

Great work Dan! Good luck on the sales, but I hope you're keeping one for yourself. :wink:

Bali_Dan posted on 01/04/2008

Benz- Thank you, your replies are always encouraging.
Hypno- Thanks, and yes you need to start carving again.
Seeks- Thank you too, I used a pencil torch on the whole thing so I could have better control of the heat. Took awhile but the result was worth it.
BigT- Thanks as well, look forward to seeing number 3 from you. Don't really try to sell them too much just yet. Just seems each time one gets done someone comes along and wants it. But don't worry, there's plenty in the yard to look at right now.
Thank you everyone for looking, I am off to carve.


Traderbob posted on 01/05/2008

Dan, that's a sweet tiki, totally like the way you finished it !
Being new to carving, I'd like to know what kind of wood you used and how you got the grain stick out that cool in the end.



Matt Reese posted on 01/05/2008

The tiki looks good. Great depth which is something many carvers initially seem to miss. I like the quickie tiki too. It has attitude. Many times tikis like the quickie one bum me out(I've made a few myself) because they look cheesey. My knee-jerk internal reaction was exactly that until I looked a bit more. That thing is sweet. Wall panels done like that would really help to tie a room together. (shut the f up Donnie).

Bali_Dan posted on 01/05/2008

TraderBob- Thanks, the wood is yellow pine. Hypnotiki and I found it on a local golf course and they let us pick it up. The grain is done by burning it. I used a pencil torch so I could control the heat better. The other thing is I got lucky it worked out allright.
Matt- Thank you for the compliment. I have been trying to go deep since I was told to do so by TC. A couple of times I have gone too far, but hey its all about practice and learning. That mask was red oak and well aged (hard as a rock).

Thank you everyone,


Unkle John posted on 01/06/2008

I must say Dan, those a very awesome!
You should get you a site made where you can sell these guys, I love the adstract look you have done on the face masks!

Benzart posted on 01/06/2008

Dan, Your LeRoy turned out Excellent and I Really LOVE that Quickie Mask, SWEET!

Pages: 1 30 replies