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Holiday Tiki Mug Trade-Off...

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Bogielocks posted on 12/01/2007

Hey Gang,

I know we have the Ooga-Mooga trade section, but I thought this would be fun to do.

How many folks would be interested in a trade-off? One mug for one mug? Kind of a secret Santa for Tiki Central. I would be happy to chair the project. It's easy. All those interested, just say OK in the thread. I'll then pull names and make matches.

Let's have a cut off date of December 16th and the mugs need to be in the mail by the 18th. That why we all should have them by Christmas.

If you have more than one mug you want to trade, that's fine, just put your name in again. I think this can be fun, we all have duplicate mugs. All those interested, just say "I"! LOL

Happy Holidays and let the trading begin..


Tikisgrl posted on 12/01/2007



Trader Tom posted on 12/01/2007


Psycho Tiki D posted on 12/01/2007


Bogielocks posted on 12/01/2007

In for one, so far

Kenike posted on 12/01/2007


closettiki posted on 12/01/2007

....I......im in

Atomicchick posted on 12/01/2007


TravelingJones posted on 12/02/2007

aye - yi - yi - eye!

dibroc posted on 12/02/2007


Tiki Matt posted on 12/02/2007

I'm in...

Tiki-Kate posted on 12/02/2007

Me too.

Bogielocks posted on 12/03/2007

Looks like this is going to turn out fun. Somebody asked me to tell everyone to make sure the mugs are in good shape, no chips or cracks. We're all friends and collectors, we know what a good mug looks like.

If we have a uneven amount of traders at the end, I will make it even. I have a couple of nice doubles. I"m planning on putting a local twist into my package. Maybe a post card, or something else.

Just want to have fun..



Bongo Bungalow posted on 12/04/2007

Count me in too.

teaKEY posted on 12/04/2007

i'M IN

JenTiki posted on 12/04/2007

Great idea! Ay!

Hiphipahula posted on 12/06/2007

" I "

Bogielocks posted on 12/07/2007

Hey folks,

Looks like we have 15 people ready for trading. If we can get five more traders. I can probably start the matching. The lines at the Post Office are starting to get long and I for one, hate to wait in lines..

After that I will match folks up by drawing names from a hat. I will PM you with your matches TC name. You will have to get mailing addresses from your match.

I'm looking forward to this. My mug is already packed up and ready to ship.

Happy Holidays!


Tiki-Kate posted on 12/07/2007

Just a thought:

Everyone PMs their address to Bogielocks, so we can keep the element of surprise going until the item arrives in the mail.

What do you think, Rick?

dibroc posted on 12/07/2007

good idea, as long as it is not too much for Bogielocks to track.

Bogielocks posted on 12/07/2007

I'm game for that... Let the PMs begin!!!

That's personal messages, not PMS!! :) Although I'm not eligible..


Trader Tom posted on 12/07/2007

I just sent a PM.

Also, maybe this doesn't need to be said, but I thought I would remind everyone to do a quick scan of each other's Ooga-Mooga collection before sending off mugs.

It's always cool to get a surprise, but even better if you receive something you don't already have. :)

caffeinated posted on 12/07/2007

Aye, I'm in.

TravelingJones posted on 12/07/2007

ALoooHA ALL & mucho mahaloz Bogielocks for this "Holiday Trade Off"! :D

Tiki-Kate and Trader Tom both have valid points: (1)"element of surprise" and (2) "recieve something you don't already have"...

Oooh but sooo tricky to dooo and how to have FUN keeping the secret? All players here do not have an Ooga Mooga display and may not be accurate anyway? I don't have the answer, maybe others are better at gifting games... but I can offer my input:

When pm'ing Bogielocks your address, also send 3 wishes... (a. mug by name, b. favorite artist/manufacturer, c. vintage or modern)??? Bogie will match names and forward "holiday wishes" to appropriate gifters, allowing everyone a little hint-hint?

I too want to ensure my gift will make someone happy...not a BLUE...blue-blue-blue Xmas!!! :D

smgleason47 posted on 12/07/2007

Wow - Sounds like fun. Count me in...

Michael G

Tiki-Kate posted on 12/08/2007

I'm trying really hard not to over think this because I over think everything. (Just one of my many curses in life.) I saw this thread and thought, "Hey. I have a couple of duplicate mugs. Nothing earth shattering, but so what." Now I'm thinking, "Oh my God. I have to come up with the perfect gift, and there's a 50/50 chance it's going to be for someone I don't know. How do you get the perfect gift for someone you don't know, especially if they don't have their collection on Ooga-Mooga?"

I'm just going to take a deep breath and relax and send one of my duplicate mugs and hope that the other person doesn't have it and that they will appreciate it and even if they do have it that they could make it their every day drinking mug and think of the really neurotic girl that it came from when they're having a drink.

Bogielocks posted on 12/08/2007

Kate that's the way to look at it. I thought of this idea as a fun way to move a duplicate mug. I know most everybody will be happy in the long run. Like I said before, I'm not just giving a mug, that person is getting a little extra in the package. Put some other goodies in there, make it fun, make it a surprise..



teaKEY posted on 12/08/2007

I thought of that too, a swizzle stick or coaster. I don't live of the west coast, and their is a lot of sorta common mugs over there, that I probably would never get here in Michigan.

Trader Tom posted on 12/08/2007

Relaxed and casual is the way to go!

I just meant that if you had a couple of dupes you were deciding between, and they happened to have an ooga-mooga account, you could take a peek to see if there was one they didn't have. Or, see what kinds of mugs they tend to like.

Nobody should feel pressured to find the perfect mug for somebody...

Come to think of it, that would be the worst gift to give because once somebody finds the perfect mug...there's hardly any point collecting anymore. They'd have to quit and go collect stamps or something. :)

Sneakytiki posted on 12/08/2007

Okay I'm in, pix of most of my mugs are in creating tiki on the thread about home tiki bars/spaces...... I will definitely put in some extreez as well.

TravelingJones posted on 12/08/2007

Oooops! Looks like I misunderstood the mug exchange...sorry gang.

FUN! FUN! FUN! :D "Surprise Inside" each gifted tiki!! :D Kinda like a box of Cracker Jacks!!! :D Yahooooo! this is waaayyy more fun and gonna go pack mine up right now!!! :D

MauiTiki posted on 12/08/2007

Great Idea! If it's not too late, count me in.

Are there rules about shipping? Mine would need to be sent Priority Mail, otherwise it would become my February Birthday present.

No Leilani Mugs Please.

SoccerTiki posted on 12/08/2007

Aye! Please include me in this festive idea! So I'm clear... Bogielocks will have all adresses PM'd to him. "Secret Santa's" will be randomly selected. A sender won't necessarily be receiving from the person they send to. It would be nice if everyone had their mugs listed on Ooga Mooga or include in their PM what they like. Ok...a PM is on the way!

Bogielocks posted on 12/09/2007

Hey Folks,

We hit over 20 traders. Today will be the last day to sign up. Please PM me with your shipping address, if you have not. As soon as I match addys with the sign up thread, I'll PM you with your match.

Mahalo to all for bringing the fun together...


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tiki-lee posted on 12/09/2007

If it's not too late I want to play.

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6145ad28c3f4c231a8ab388b65d9399d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
hodadhank posted on 12/10/2007

Hodaddy's in like Flynn.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6011d0d152f66379ea30bbf96ea85823?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
sneakyjack posted on 12/10/2007

can do
if still space.

Bogielocks posted on 12/10/2007

We have 24 traders, that's an even number, so I'm going to cut it off right there, for now. The only way I can take anymore is if it's in pairs.

I need SneakyTiki and Hiphipahula to PM me your addresses.

I will start matching as soon as I get the two missing addys. Hopefully by tomorrow. Here's a few things I would like the traders to do.

  1. Ship as soon as possible
  2. When you ship your mug, PM me so I can check you off.
  3. When you receive your mug, let your trader know.
  4. Post some pictures when they arrive (if you want)
  5. Just have FUN!

Any questions, just ask.

And one more thing....

Happy Holidays!!!


Tiki-Kate posted on 12/10/2007


Are you pairing people up to swap? So if I've got so and so, then so and so has me?

Bogielocks posted on 12/10/2007
teaKEY posted on 12/10/2007

Hip, the way I take it is that who you have is different from who has you. That way its a secret.?

Bogie will be the only one to know

1has2 2has4 4has3 3has1, something like that.

Bogielocks posted on 12/10/2007

On 2007-12-09 18:35, Tiki-Kate wrote:

Are you pairing people up to swap? So if I've got so and so, then so and so has me?

Nope, first I'll draw who you will receive from. Then, I'll draw who you will be shipping to. That way it will mix it up. The only thing you'll get in a PM is a TC'ers name and address. The rest will be a secret until the mail man comes..

Tiki-Kate posted on 12/10/2007

I thought that was the case. I was just thrown by the even number thing. Thanks for the clarification.

closettiki posted on 12/10/2007

....let the trading begin...........this is gonna be fun.........

Atomicchick posted on 12/10/2007

Where are we getting the list from? If the mugs they have on their wishlist are mugs we don't have, what to do? HELP! Also, is there a $ limit?

Bogielocks posted on 12/10/2007

This is just a fun way of giving away a duplicate. Hopefully what is sent as a mug trade, the receiver doesn't have. I've added extras to my package to try and make it a little more special.


Bogielocks posted on 12/10/2007


I just wanted to let everyone know that you all have been matched and have your secret trader's address in your TC mailboxes.

Thanks again for everyone who wanted to play. I know this is going to be a fun way to share a duplicate with a fellow TC collector.

Happy Holidays!!


Psycho Tiki D posted on 12/11/2007

One question,

If the receipient does not have the mug being sent displayed in their Ogga Mooga can/should one assume they need one not shown?


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