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Need help with Mug Id

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LOL Tiki posted on 11/24/2007

Hi All,
I picked up a few mugs recently; one I've never seen before and the other I'm unsure about.

The first is a Chinese mug which had remnants of an unidentifiable retail sticker affixed to the bottom. Does anyone know where this may have come from? Was it a single item or part of a set or series?

The second mug was sold as an Orchids of Hawaii, Japan R-3 with green, jeweled eyes. The markings on the bottom are painted/stamped/silk screened and the piece itself is thin, light-weight and feels rather cheap. I have a few other Orchids pieces which from a quality standpoint are superior, so I have to wonder if this is genuine. Any insights?


Tipsy McStagger posted on 11/24/2007

the first one looks alot like a set of mugs that spencer gifts sold a couple years back..i don't think it's vintage. pottery barn also sold similiar mugs i think....the orchids i think is the real deal..it seems that orchids made 2 types of mugs...heavier ones to be used by the bar industry and these lightweight ones, to be marketed strictly as gifts or part of gift sets in small shops throughout the sixties and seventies.....these were too fragile to use in the bars, which is why you rarely if ever see a bars name stamped on this mug, but rather on it's heavier counterpart. that's my take on it...anyone else??

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/24/2007

Here's the set of those Chinese ones in the original box:

They will be vintage very soon. the new westwoods!

You need the rest of set now. :wink:

(...and I just happen to have a few boxes of these lying around for $6 a set.)

Soon to be vintage cheap mugs anyone?
Buzzy Out!

LOL Tiki posted on 11/24/2007

On 2007-11-24 13:30, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Here's the set of those Chinese ones in the original box:

They will be vintage very soon. the new westwoods!

You need the rest of set now. :wink:

(...and I just happen to have a few boxes of these lying around for $6 a set.)

Soon to be vintage cheap mugs anyone?
Buzzy Out!

That's definitely it. I recognize the red mug, the seller sent it to me by mistake. I'd be interested in a set for $6, (especially if I could pick them up). Do you know when they date from?

Hiphipahula posted on 11/24/2007

On 2007-11-24 13:09, LOL Tiki wrote:
Hi All,
I picked up a few mugs recently; one I've never seen before and the other I'm unsure about.

The first is a Chinese mug which had remnants of an unidentifiable retail sticker affixed to the bottom. Does anyone know where this may have come from? Was it a single item or part of a set or series?

The second mug was sold as an Orchids of Hawaii, Japan R-3 with green, jeweled eyes. The markings on the bottom are painted/stamped/silk screened and the piece itself is thin, light-weight and feels rather cheap. I have a few other Orchids pieces which from a quality standpoint are superior, so I have to wonder if this is genuine. Any insights?



Oh my, those 1st ones are choice "Pony Express" Mugs probibly from Party City, the 2nd is for real too & they are very light weight so that when you throw it it pops! when it breaks. "Quon Quon" also makes that very mug & your others may be "Quons" they are not marked on the botton but by a pull off foil sticker that reads "Quon Quon"

I have to ask, I watch your posts & Ooga Mooga collection & all those wonderful pic's ...all 4,000 of them & have to wonder not to blow your jig here but LOL I don't buy it LOLOLOLOLOL :D Have fun with your collection

LOL Tiki posted on 11/24/2007

On 2007-11-24 13:19, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
the first one looks alot like a set of mugs that spencer gifts sold a couple years back..i don't think it's vintage. pottery barn also sold similiar mugs i think....the orchids i think is the real deal..it seems that orchids made 2 types of mugs...heavier ones to be used by the bar industry and these lightweight ones, to be marketed strictly as gifts or part of gift sets in small shops throughout the sixties and seventies.....these were too fragile to use in the bars, which is why you rarely if ever see a bars name stamped on this mug, but rather on it's heavier counterpart. that's my take on it...anyone else??

Interesting... this one is fragile, I don't think it would last long with household use. It's future is on a shelf.

LOL Tiki posted on 11/25/2007

On 2007-11-24 13:53, Hiphipahula wrote:


Oh my, those 1st ones are choice "Pony Express" Mugs probibly from Party City, the 2nd is for real too & they are very light weight so that when you throw it it pops! when it breaks. "Quon Quon" also makes that very mug & your others may be "Quons" they are not marked on the botton but by a pull off foil sticker that reads "Quon Quon"

I have to ask, I watch your posts & Ooga Mooga collection & all those wonderful pic's ...all 4,000 of them & have to wonder not to blow your jig here but LOL I don't buy it LOLOLOLOLOL :D Have fun with your collection

Hi Hip,
Thank you for the additional info. Aside from the price tag remnant there was no other sticker on the mug; maybe Buzzy can check his boxes for a manufacturer id.

"...so that when you throw it it pops!"; ok, that made me laugh! It sounds like the mugs were made for tossing into a fireplace (or fire pit?) at Tiki Weddings. :D You've had some experience with this, maybe?

I'm glad you like the pics, I know I tend to post a lot for each mug. I do it partly to document the mug, but it's also an attempt to give the viewer a fuller sense of what the piece looks like. If someone is considering a particular piece the photos could be used as a rough reference. And of course, I enjoy doing it. BTW - this morning I posted a reply to your comments on the Squll mug.

I didn't get the meaning of the last part of the paragraph, the part about blowing my jig and not buying it. The turkey and pumpkin pie have slowed me down a bit. :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/25/2007

On 2007-11-24 16:31, LOL Tiki wrote:
maybe Buzzy can check his boxes for a manufacturer id.

It says the following on the bottom of the box:

4 Piece set 12 oz
Ceramic Mug Assortment
7 88677 05699 4

Distributed by
Party City Corporation
Rockaway, NJ 07866
Made in China"

I think party city cleared them out about 9 months ago. They showed up all over the place along with some bamboo table runner, plastic trash can coversers, hula skirts, and a couple other shitty items that I cannot recall, all with the same matching packaging. I don't think they're much more than 3 years old. I've also been informed by a few reliable sources that these were available at Spencers as well.
Yeah LOL, these things are real rare and you better stock up. How many you want?

Buzzy Out!


LOL Tiki posted on 11/25/2007

On 2007-11-24 17:06, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

On 2007-11-24 16:31, LOL Tiki wrote:
maybe Buzzy can check his boxes for a manufacturer id.

It says the following on the bottom of the box:

4 Piece set 12 oz
Ceramic Mug Assortment
7 88677 05699 4

Distributed by
Party City Corporation
Rockaway, NJ 07866
Made in China"

I think party city cleared them out about 9 months ago. They showed up all over the place along with some bamboo table runner, plastic trash can coversers, hula skirts, and a couple other shitty items that I cannot recall, all with the same matching packaging. I don't think they're much more than 3 years old. I've also been informed by a few reliable sources that these were available at Spencers as well.
Yeah LOL, these things are real rare and you better stock up. How many you want?

Buzzy Out!


I'll take a set; I'm in the San Diego area so I may be able to pick them up. PM me and we can sort out the details.

I did a search on Pony Express Creations and found that they did sell the mugs through Party City and Spencer's Gifts. I also found that they had a larger, 20oz. set, single shots and shot sets.

mymotiki posted on 12/07/2007

Hi, yes I bought a set of 4. Party City. I won't be drinking out of them because they came from china and who knows what kind of lead based glazes they used. I like them because they look weird.

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