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Who Made These Ku Mugs??

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LOL Tiki posted on 12/01/2007

Hi All,
Another mug mystery I'm trying to sort out. Neither of the following two mugs have any identifying marks. The first looks like a Dynasty DW114 while the second looks like a copy of the Orchids R-74 Ku. Any insights or guesses?


Dynasty DW114 ??

Orchids R-74 Copy ??

LOL Tiki posted on 12/07/2007


TikiJosh posted on 12/15/2007

Can't recall off the top of my head, but I seem to think that Dynasty doesn't stamp the bottom of their small mugs (or maybe they didn't always). I know they do on the volcano bowls, but I think I've got a blue mermaid mug at home that doesn't have anything on the bottom. I'd have to check to make sure, though.
Anyone know? Anyway, that might take care of the top mug. Looks like a Dynasty's to me, but the bottom one with the smudgy detail might be an Orchids copy, or possibly a mug from an old/deteriorating mold. I've got some older Orchids mugs where the marks on the bottom are almost impossible to see. Not sure if the mold was going bad or what, but the guy on the bottom of your post could be an old Orchids.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 12/15/2007

From my collection:

Orchids of Hawaii R-74, made in Taiwan

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1186/47632e77.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=79b1a95b80bd7c8e18839148bdbe3f38

DW114, made in China (stamped on bottom)

The Orchids is a good deal crisper and slightly smaller than the Dynasty. Note the different noses. I'd say you have two Dynasty mugs, LOL.

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