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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food

Recipe: now for the Chicks

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Wildsville man posted on 12/13/2007

Dudes drink the "Gang of Four"
Chicks drink this mind ultering badboy!!!!!!!!!!!

Geisha Girl

3/4 oz Bacardi O (orange Rum)
3/4 oz Bacardi CoCo (coco Rum)
grenadine (cherry juice)
Pineapple Juice
Myers (Dark Rum)
and since it's for the lady's....a cherry and pineapple wedge and umbrella on top!!!!

Make this and your in,like Larry Flynnt

Let that Freaky Tiki Flag Fly,

Wildsville Man

[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2007-12-13 11:33 ]

Hakalugi posted on 12/13/2007

For some reason, these Wildsville Man drink recipes remind me of Sabu's "Hawaiian Instep" or "Poodle-Licker", just not as complex.

For a REAL drink check it out:

fez monkey posted on 12/13/2007

I'm thinking you may want to change the spelling to "Geisha Girl" unless that is, um, you want to establish some relationship between the words "Gash" and "Girl."

I know I wouldn't.


  • SV
Wildsville man posted on 12/13/2007

My peep's don't like it complex. If you wanna be a slave to the spirit's do so,but for my buddy Shag and I, we like to keep it nice and easy!!!!!! REAL EASY!!!!!!!

Melintur posted on 12/13/2007

The parenthesized Cherry Juice next to Grenadine is a gorgeous flourish to the jape.

Haole'akamai posted on 12/13/2007

This is hysterical - You're a HOOT!

Wildsville man posted on 12/13/2007

Hoot is my middle name,baby!!!! But "Wildsville Hoot Man" doesn't slide off your tongue as well,you dig?
Keep it real holms

[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2007-12-13 13:17 ]

[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2007-12-13 13:18 ]

jingleheimerschmidt posted on 12/13/2007

Is this a joke?

Wildsville man posted on 12/14/2007

No,this is a joke!!!!!!!!!!!

if you like it I will send you one for x-mas. Who should I sign it too?

[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2007-12-13 16:47 ]

hiltiki posted on 12/14/2007


Koolau posted on 12/14/2007

What are the odds that Shag had to get a restraining order?

DJ HawaiianShirt posted on 12/14/2007

Where is the line between a joke and a useless troll post?

Wildsville man posted on 12/14/2007

A troll would be on every section of tiki centrals pages,not just responding to others on his own section. Or a troll would be that Chick you picked up at that waterhole last night,you dig?

now keep it clean or I will send "BAD KITTY" for you!!!!!!!

pablus posted on 12/14/2007

Post away, daddy-o.

Ever get to the Tiki Ti to see kooche koo and slam a toro-toro?

Not a fan of Bacardi spirits, although I do infuse rums with citrus flavors on my own.
Something about the stuff makes me feel all McDonalds-y.

Plus I don't like bats.

jingleheimerschmidt posted on 12/14/2007

On 2007-12-14 08:02, Wildsville man wrote:
A troll would be on every section of tiki centrals pages,not just responding to others on his own section. Or a troll would be that Chick you picked up at that waterhole last night,you dig?

now keep it clean or I will send "BAD KITTY" for you!!!!!!!

Does your cat have painted nails?

Haole'akamai posted on 12/14/2007

On 2007-12-13 16:46, Wildsville man wrote:

if you like it I will send you one for x-mas. Who should I sign it too?

Does the list start here?

Wildsville man posted on 12/14/2007

Plastic covers my friend!! I got them from the cat clinic so she wouldn,t rip up the TIKI HUT.
I got the same for my women because those nails are sharp when I get home at the wrong 5 O'clock,DIG?


Let that Freaky Tiki Flag Fly,

Wildsville Man

[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2007-12-14 12:01 ]

The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 12/15/2007

He got this look from Johnny Johnny in the Casino episode!

Wildsville man posted on 12/15/2007

Wildsville Man got his looks from his Momma not Johnny Johnny!!!! Look at the resemblance? This is a picture of momma and her sister.She is a little hairy because of the hormones, Dig?

But we do love Lola,holms!!!!!!

P.S. Johnny Johnny doesn't have arm's like that,Body by climbing Palm Tree's for Coconut's!!

[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2007-12-15 13:21 ]

Mai Tai posted on 12/15/2007

On 2007-12-13 16:46, Wildsville man wrote:

if you like it I will send you one for x-mas. Who should I sign it too?

Make it out to "Mai Tai", please! Seriously. I want one.

By the way, welcome to Tiki Central. :D

bigbrotiki posted on 12/15/2007

W.M., I appreciate your enthusiasm and sense of humor. I don't know why nobody has been more expressive about it so far here, but you kinda got off on the wrong foot on this forum with two drinks in a row that use BACARDI as the main rum. That stuff has been the ruin of rum drink culture all over the world, simply put.

I know I know, Tiki is all about fun, it's not supposed to be a science. Fun it is, but not just mindless fun, but rather mindful fun. And thus, Tiki mixology is not just about getting plastered, but also about quality and tradition, and that excludes Bacardi (and flavored rums) in 98% of the cases.

Ojaitimo posted on 12/16/2007

Wildsville man, could you please sign a picture for Andy? He is about 10 now and loves Tiki. Just send it care of Barbara to Tiki Central.
Thanks Daddy O

Wildsville man posted on 12/16/2007

Dear bigbrotiki,
I am sorry for the use of Bacardi in my drinks. I did not mean to make my peep's unhappy but this is the truth of it all. I have a drinking problem,and that problem Is I drink VODKA and Lot's of It!!!!!! The Tiki Peeps love Rum,but behind closed doors I Drink "the nectar of the God's" VODKA!!!! It's healthier and less of a hangover. But please don't tell the others or they will send me to TIKI JAIL!!!!!!!

The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 12/16/2007

I think simple use of Bacardi does not show your lack of Tiki skilz as much as equating grenadine with cherry juice. Just about everyone else here knows the difference.

The other thing, which I think is more an annoyance than a problem, is the misuse of the hipster lingo. We don't use that, it never was part of the Tiki culture, and the only people I have met who talk like that are people that are trying too hard to look cool.

Just be yourself, man! we're all just folks here.

Wildsville man posted on 12/16/2007

I can't help Speaking this way,I was born on a Nite of passion between a drag queen and a voodoo priest only to be left in the woods to be raised by jackals,so this I all I know. P.S. being raised by jackals SUCKS!!! I typed this short letter and the spell check found 52 mistakes in 55 words!!! That includes the I's!!!!!!!! But Major I am ready to be adopted by you if you have the homsted and the scratch to afford me.

Have a great holiday,Dig!!!!!

Coco Loco posted on 12/16/2007


I agree with BigBroTiki and Mayor of Exotica. Thank you both for saying it.

[ Edited by: coco loco 2007-12-16 12:03 ]

bb moondog posted on 12/17/2007


Wildsville man posted on 12/17/2007

Why is everyone hating? I am trying to entertain and school my peep's only. If you don't like what I'm selling,turn the channel!!!!I said to keep it clean,BAD KITTYS STILL WATCH'IN,DIG!!!!!

HO,HO,HO, Don't Ya Know!!!!!!!!Happy X-MAS

Mai Tai posted on 12/17/2007

Wildsville man, I'm still waiting for your Christmas card. No lie, Daddio! I want one! Seriously.

"It's Mai Tai. It's out of this world." - Victor Jules Bergeron Jr.

[ Edited by: Mai Tai 2007-12-17 07:26 ]

Wildsville man posted on 12/17/2007

Mai Tai,
I will be Craola'in something to Ya soon!!!!I am trying to master the scanner.
Right now it's scanner 1 Wildsville 0!!!!!!!!Good to see some friends out at the Central.

DJ HawaiianShirt posted on 12/17/2007

For anyone who doesn't realize it yet, WM is a "troll". He may not be offensive, and I daresay he's even humorous, but he's still a troll, inasmuch that he's posting the way he is specifically to irritate us (use of Bacardi, cherry grenadine, "madori", etc). He's not "for real". I'm sure he's lurked on Tiki Central for a while so that he could expertly craft his troll posts.

I'm not being bitter, though. Although I'm not completely sure these sorts of threads belong on this board, I do think he's funny and enjoy it every time he says "DIG?"


Wildsville man posted on 12/17/2007

Troll? You are an angry,angry Dude!!! I am a professional mix-ol'o'gist in Sunny California. Serving the peep's and even the celeb's for over 8 years. I said it before Rubberneck,If you don't like it,don't read it!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I KNOW YOU WILL!!!!

want some? come get some!!!!!!!

I don't wanna be rude dude, so let me make you a little make-up gift,DIG?

Scottes posted on 12/17/2007

Good lord man, dial it down a notch or 5 will ya? I have never seen someone trying so hard to be cool and hip, and failing so miserably just because you're trying.

Just be yourself. You may actually be cool enough as it is, since cool is not really a requirement around here.

The Sperm Whale posted on 12/17/2007

You are doing big things here Wildsville Man. Keep on posting, I'm sure the haters will learn to like you. I really like the way you have the Tiki scene nailed down. Where do you bartend?? I'd like to try a drink the way it was ment to taste. Bacardi and Roses Grenadine all the way bro!!!

P.S. I love your work!!

Haole'akamai posted on 12/17/2007

Why are the peep's[sic] hatin'? Hate da game, not da playa, chillins.

Brr, it's cold outside. No need to leave a window open. Let's warm it up in here and keep the love alive.

Although, I would suggest moving this (and the other) thread outta Drinks and into Beyond Tiki. This is so outta this world, Daddio, it's definitely BEYOND...

...and Mai Tai, the Xmas card line starts behind me, man!

bb moondog posted on 12/17/2007

is this your persona 24-7? cuz that must take a LOT of energy and a LOT of memory on that digital camera you use to KEEP taking PICTURES of YOURSELF

reeepin it REAL

Wildsville man posted on 12/17/2007

Thanks for all the Love my brothers from another mother. I have my own business were I mix the spirits, mostly private party's in O.C. and Palm Springs. I just worked a party at Frank Sinatra's old home on Saturday with myself and 3 of my henchmen for about 85 peep's. If your ever on the sunny side of life give me a ring.

No,I am not always Wildsville Man,I have 1 drink and the next thing I know is.......(BAM) I have a fezz and elvis sunglasses on....then 2 drinks....(BAM) I wake up on a lawn somewhere.

No, I don't take my own pictures,that's my evil sidekick Smokey. He's the Sammy Davis Jr to my RAT PACK ways..................

Keep on the lookout for a new holiday drink!!!!!!

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Scottes posted on 12/17/2007

Although, I would suggest moving this (and the other) thread outta Drinks and into Beyond Tiki.

Excellent idea. And all of you reading this can help. At the bottom of the page, on the left, is a little drop-down box titled "U-Moderate." Simply choose "Move to Beyond Tiki" and click on the "vote" button.

bb moondog posted on 12/17/2007

WOW I think Wildsville just TURNED on me and I think hes actually ALRIGHT

he like suffers from TIKI TOURETTES

Coco Loco posted on 12/17/2007

Ya know Spermie, you're right...he DOES have the tiki scene down! And wow, he really understands this site! He must have read a lot of it. Oh and yes, what a mixologist...great understanding of liquors and mixology. Wow, I guess I'm a convert too. My eyes are now open. I wish I could be like WM. Although I think I'd die of exhaustion from trying so hard. Oh well. I like pie too!

On 2007-12-17 09:38, The Sperm Whale wrote:
You are doing big things here Wildsville Man. Keep on posting, I'm sure the haters will learn to like you. I really like the way you have the Tiki scene nailed down. Where do you bartend?? I'd like to try a drink the way it was ment to taste. Bacardi and Roses Grenadine all the way bro!!!

P.S. I love your work!!

Coco Loco posted on 12/17/2007

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2007-12-17 12:51 ]

Wildsville man posted on 12/17/2007

Dear BB Moondog,
I wish you a very Tiki X-Mas. May the TIKI GOD'S (or your God of choice) look down on you with favor.
May all your sick and Probably illegal wishes come true you sick little monkey.

I will pray for you and your misguided ways
(May the power of Christ compel you!!!!!!!!)

Your Friend on the other end,

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bigbrotiki posted on 12/17/2007

I was considering the Troll possibility, but I equally felt a responsibility to all the newbies that sign up here daily, so I wanted to clarify some things about Bacardi as a non-Tiki liquor.

W.M., it makes sense that if you like vodka you like Bacardi, because Bacardi is closer to vodka than to real rum. And I ain't hatin', I never judge people that have an urge for self expression just because I myself am such an introverted middle-brow intellectual (Hell, I consider King Kukulele a dear friend of mine!).

AND I am a great fan of beatnik/hipster lingo. My first present I got from my dad when I moved to America was an American slang dictionary, what a great read! I love listening to vintage Beatnik records, and Martin McIntosh/Domenic Priore's "Beatsville" book should have started a whole beatnik revival, in my opinion!

So I view your performance art as trying to keep a great tradition alive, even if it does seem a little forced. Because: Better trying than crying (that it's gone)! It was just those joy juice basics that gave me indigestion. :D

I myself might sometimes hit the wrong note in my writings, but the good folks at Tiki Central seem to cut me the slack as one of those "wild and crazy guys from Germany".

TG Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f472a80f8164d9086c73ea2d2bbe46b5?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
The Gnomon posted on 12/17/2007

I'm with the White'Smartasschic,... the Blanched'Savant,... the Pale'Eruditeress even.

As for Wildsville man, you're kinda like a hot chili pepper. Some people like 'em boiled, fried, roasted, and raw; while others have a hard time palating anything containing one. Those who get burned have to decide if they want to try to develop a taste or just say, "no thanks."

I like the police mug shots. You got lucky with your prisoner number. You also got lucky with pink Everlasts. She's hot! Vodka is a good excuse, 'cause Bacardi pretty much sucks and takes the credibility out of a run drink recipe.

Gotta go. Catch you on the flipside.

Haole'akamai posted on 12/17/2007

On 2007-12-17 12:44, Scottes wrote:

Although, I would suggest moving this (and the other) thread outta Drinks and into Beyond Tiki.

Excellent idea. And all of you reading this can help. At the bottom of the page, on the left, is a little drop-down box titled "U-Moderate." Simply choose "Move to Beyond Tiki" and click on the "vote" button.

Kudos, Scottes, mahalo for the remind. I musta got caught in a blinding light and forgot I had my superpowers.

Wildsville man posted on 12/17/2007

Bigbrotiki I like your style!!! I am a Mutt on Tiki!!! I love Tiki,I love the vibe,I love the lack of testosterone around the party's of the tiki fan's. It's all about fun and family. So I don't claim to be the TIKI KING. Hell,I am listening to a Queen Cd right now and watching CNBC. But I love the art of Tiki and what it represents. So thanks for excepting me and thanks for the heads up on Bacardi....I never knew it was so hated.

keep it loose and free,Dig

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TG Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f472a80f8164d9086c73ea2d2bbe46b5?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
The Gnomon posted on 12/17/2007

On 2007-12-17 12:44, Scottes wrote:

Although, I would suggest moving this (and the other) thread outta Drinks and into Beyond Tiki.

Excellent idea. And all of you reading this can help. At the bottom of the page, on the left, is a little drop-down box titled "U-Moderate." Simply choose "Move to Beyond Tiki" and click on the "vote" button.

Yeah, but...

While your solution is always a viable option, this particular thread started as a drink recipe (as did the "Gang of Four").

Everything else has been a comment, rant, or defense; in both threads. IMO, neither recipe was interesting, but I just took them as welcome gifts to new found friends. :roll:

We should chalk up the inflammation to Global Warming and at the price of oil approaching $100 a barrel, and let it go.

spelling did me in again

[ Edited by: The Gnomon 2007-12-17 13:36 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d05d519ae49268b51344bcce14ed6ab9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikiskip posted on 12/17/2007

Pocky? Is that you?

Pages: 1 2 3 139 replies