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The Hinky Dinks Frankenstein What Was It?

Pages: 1 26 replies

Bora Boris posted on 12/25/2007

In The Book of Tiki on page 82 there is an ad for Hinky Dinks that says “The Home of the Frankenstein” Does anyone know what this was? A drink? A six-foot sandwich? I gots to know. I’m guessing it was a Zombie knock off and if so does anyone have a recipe? I want to make one.

[ Edited by: Bora Boris 2007-12-24 19:47 ]

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 12/26/2007


I am in it for the sandwich!!!!!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 12/26/2007

This is the basic receipe:


Serves: 1

3/4 ounce vodka

3/4 ounce Midori

3/4 ounce çuracao

2 ounces orange juice

Splash of grenadine

Fill Collins glass with ice, mix ingredients in martini shaker, pour in Collins glass, garnish with an orange slice.


The Sperm Whale posted on 12/26/2007

On 2007-12-26 07:35, Psycho Tiki D wrote:
This is the basic receipe:

Fill Collins glass

You said "Fill Collins" isn't he in Genesis?

Bogielocks posted on 12/26/2007
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