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New York City TC ohana hang? Mr. Ho visiting and wants to !

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Mr. Ho posted on 12/22/2007


Mr. Ho coming down to see his lady in NYC on Monday and will be in town for the week - how about a TC ohana hang between xmas and nys? And i need to meet some NYC folks. We've been meaning to get up to Flushing to...king yum's is it? That old place that supposedly serves goog grog in Approved Containers. But, I'd be up to anything. Whats up NYC ohana? How about

Thursday, 12/27 ?


[ Edited by: Mr. Ho 2007-12-23 10:47 ]

Urban Tiki posted on 12/22/2007

Lets plan something for the 27th. We have found a place in midtown, Shun Lee's that has excellent Mai Tais, but I'm up for whatever most people want to do.

paranoid123 posted on 12/22/2007

I should be able to make Thursday.

Mr. Ho posted on 12/22/2007

nice - how is the food? and what about other drinks ? Approved Containers? (disclaimer: i do like the highball glass for my mai tai and generally receive waivers from the Village Elders of Okonkuluku for not using an Approved device for this libation)


Martiki-bird posted on 12/22/2007

We'll be wandering around on the 27th and are definitely up Shun Lee's (or whatever. We certainly don't want to go into rum-and-great-ohana withdrawl.

Mai tais are usually served in old-fashioneds or sometimes fancy cocktails at Shun Lee, but they are mighty tasty . Food is fabulous, a tad pricy, but you certainly get what you pay for.

King Yum is in Queens, and is a fairly short trip (if I'm remembering correctly) from Manhattan. There's also Jade Island on Staten Island. A bit of an adventure, but plenty of great food, fun decor and tasty libations in approved containers.

tikiyaki posted on 12/23/2007

Oh, man, how I'd really LOVE some NY Chinese food. The stuff here in LA is SOOOO Bad.

Seeing you guys discuss this is making me jealous, but then again, it's probably 10 degrees there :)

KikiTiki posted on 12/23/2007

We're free Thursday evening 12/27 for mai tai's at Shun Lee!

Also, on Friday, Dec. 28 we're meeting our friend
Dan aka Dankophonic from California at Otto's Shrunken
Head about 9pm for his first visit there.
He runs the Tiki Paradise Users Group on Myspace.

It would be great if anyone else wants to join us there too.

Looie Kalua posted on 12/23/2007

The NYC Ohana have been hard at work lately, performing fun-readiness drills and let's-get-together maneuvers. We are approaching peak performance!

Yes, you shall come hang out, Mr. Ho, and yes, the NYC Greater Metro Area Ohana will represent. I'm hip for Shun Lee's, assuming they're hip to have us (they were doing a private party during our last attempt). We'll hammer out some approved options that hopefully will include approved containers.

Mr. Ho posted on 12/23/2007

this sounds great everyone! I will defer to you all on the best place; we can go to either joint.

mr ho

tabuzak posted on 12/23/2007

We can do it at my place, if you like.


sneakyjack posted on 12/23/2007

Might be down for a meet up...

Keep postin with time and location and well go from there..

Shun lees (if we go we should call first - 212-595-8895) , apt hang, ottos - maybe all of them?

King Yum is an option but a bit of hike - I know the subway gets close to it though.

Looie Kalua posted on 12/23/2007

There's also Zombie Hut in Cobble Hill (Brooklyn). Several of us made it out there once, and it's pretty cool. Definitely approved containers. And don't forget Waikiki Wally's (or Wally's Pacific Catch, or whatever it's called)... they have food and the drinks are good.

KikiTiki posted on 12/24/2007

I'm sad to say to report that we went to Wally's with visiting friends last Monday and the drinks were not good, the place was freezing and it was kind of a bummer. It's a shame because they designed such a cute place originally....

On 2007-12-23 15:27, Looie Kalua wrote:
TAnd don't forget Waikiki Wally's (or Wally's Pacific Catch, or whatever it's called)... they have food and the drinks are good.

sneakyjack posted on 12/24/2007

Wally is changing - lets put it that way.

While it was sorta cool - and worth a stop in to LOOK - or take a photo outside by the Moai its on its way to "changing" - SO stop by, look, take a picture or two and then walk a few blocks down to Ottos. I'm told good things are to come - but thats all I know.

leisure master posted on 12/24/2007

Damn! We will not be around for the next meet up. I know the NY/NJ ohana will show Mr Ho a good time. We spent so much time together over the past few weeks that we are actually starting to have TC withdrawal. We will have to settle for tequila drinks and field mai tais while in Mexico.

As another option, if you want to try a great mai tai or zombie (and if you like well made cocktails in general) try the Flatiron Lounge (19th btw 5 and 6) or the Pegu Club (Houston and W Broadway I think). Neither of these places are tiki, but they both take cocktail mixology VERY seriously. You may have to ask for the tiki drinks, but they sure know how to make them.

Looie Kalua posted on 12/25/2007

On 2007-12-24 11:12, leisure master wrote:
We will have to settle for tequila drinks and field mai tais while in Mexico.

Yeah, I hate that when I have to settle for stuff while in Mexico.

Urban Tiki posted on 12/26/2007

I think it's time to make a firm location for Thursday, the 27th- Shun Lee's at Columbus and 65th at 6:30. I think we should also plan on Otto's for Friday.

sneakyjack posted on 12/26/2007

I would plan to attend..

Mr. Ho posted on 12/26/2007

Jen and I will be there! We're going to test out these other zombie establishments - she knows owners at both places. when you say zombie, do you mean the real 1934 bum-discovered zombie? i plan to post photos of my quest for the nyc zombie on TC :wink:

Urban Tiki posted on 12/26/2007

On 2007-12-26 12:01, Mr. Ho wrote:
Jen and I will be there! We're going to test out these other zombie establishments - she knows owners at both places. when you say zombie, do you mean the real 1934 bum-discovered zombie? i plan to post photos of my quest for the nyc zombie on TC :wink:

Maybe we can hop in cabs at Shun Lees and give one or both of these other places a try later in the evening.

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velveteenlounge posted on 12/26/2007

Dang, we're still, for the most part, out of the city this week. Sorry we'll miss everyone--we'll plan to make it to Otto's on January 7.

KikiTiki posted on 12/27/2007

David and I will be at Shun Lee Thursday around 6:30.
I just phoned and verified that they will not be closed for a private party.

We plan on attending Otto's too on Friday. Now I don't have to work Fri as
originally scheduled. What time were people thinking of going?

Aloha! Kiki

[ Edited by: KikiTiki 2007-12-26 19:19 ]

[ Edited by: KikiTiki 2007-12-26 19:30 ]

[ Edited by: KikiTiki 2007-12-27 14:08 ]

tabuzak posted on 12/27/2007

Happy holidays, everybody!

I just got back from a family Christmas celebration and plan to join you at Shun Lee's, but may be there later than 6:30 - maybe more like 7:30.

See you then!


Mr. Ho posted on 12/27/2007

Hey everyone

Not to toot my own too loudly but , if anyone is interested - i can bring some WAITIKI CDs along with me (both are $10/each). I also have a few copies of our vinyl pressing of RIO available (limited edition release!) Those are 20$. probably wont bring those unless somebody asks for one. brian@waitiki.com or reply here if you are interested and I'll save you a copy! Support your local exotica artists! :wink:

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TikiDeke posted on 12/27/2007

Hey everyone,

Would love to be there tonight, but sadly we are locked into a long-planned excursion to western NJ to attend another annual holiday gathering.

Best regards to Mr. Ho, and to all the NYC ohana with whom I enjoyed raising Trader Vic's glassware at UrbanTiki's gathering a couple of weeks ago - and belated thanks to Ray for hosting the event! It was a great pleasure to meet everyone, and I hope that I'll be able to join you all soon, this time with wife Margie too.

Happy holidays all!


Urban Tiki posted on 12/27/2007

On 2007-12-27 09:14, Mr. Ho wrote:
Hey everyone

Not to toot my own too loudly but , if anyone is interested - i can bring some WAITIKI CDs along with me (both are $10/each). I also have a few copies of our vinyl pressing of RIO available (limited edition release!) Those are 20$. probably wont bring those unless somebody asks for one. brian@waitiki.com or reply here if you are interested and I'll save you a copy! Support your local exotica artists! :wink:

Excellent! If you can bring the vinyl I'll buy that, too.

Urban Tiki posted on 12/27/2007

On 2007-12-27 10:04, TikiDeke wrote:
Hey everyone,

Would love to be there tonight, but sadly we are locked into a long-planned excursion to western NJ to attend another annual holiday gathering.

Best regards to Mr. Ho, and to all the NYC ohana with whom I enjoyed raising Trader Vic's glassware at UrbanTiki's gathering a couple of weeks ago - and belated thanks to Ray for hosting the event! It was a great pleasure to meet everyone, and I hope that I'll be able to join you all soon, this time with wife Margie too.

Happy holidays all!


It was great meeting you, and we're sorry you can't make it. We look forward to meeting Margie soon.


[ Edited by: Urban Tiki 2007-12-27 12:30 ]

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velveteenlounge posted on 12/27/2007

The Velveteen Lounge highly recommends the vinyl WAITIKI offering!

tabuzak posted on 12/27/2007

On 2007-12-27 10:56, velveteenlounge wrote:
The Velveteen Lounge highly recommends the vinyl WAITIKI offering!

As do I, but you should have the CD also! There are additional tracks.


sneakyjack posted on 12/27/2007

its 3:30 p NY time - I'll be there tonight - if Brian sees this I'll grab a cd from him for the askin price - no vinyl though thanks

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velveteenlounge posted on 12/27/2007

On 2007-12-27 11:28, tabuzak wrote:

On 2007-12-27 10:56, velveteenlounge wrote:
The Velveteen Lounge highly recommends the vinyl WAITIKI offering!

As do I, but you should have the CD also! There are additional tracks.


Oh, we do, never fear!

KikiTiki posted on 12/27/2007

We'll go for a CD too!!!
See you all later!

Mr. Ho posted on 12/27/2007

mahalo for all the kind words folks! I'll bring a stash. cya soon.

tabuzak posted on 12/27/2007

Mr. Ho is away from his computer and texting me to find out what name the reservation at Shun Lee's is under. Kiki did you make a reservation?

Will you guys be out in full regalia so he cannot miss you?


KikiTiki posted on 12/27/2007

No reservation. We meet by the bar.

Running late, but we're on our way!

Mr. Ho posted on 12/28/2007

NY Ohana!

What a pain! Apparently, tabuzak says the address was posted in one of the messages here; I guess i shoulda looked more closely ;-( i am REALLY sorry i missed the hang on your end although it sounds like you all had a bash worthy of any TC hang anyways :wink: I am down in NYC often and since I cannot most likely make Ottos tonight, we'll have to strive for something else. Perhaps King Yums - the scene at 155. e. 55th was weak - a Mai Tai there is OJ, bacardi gold, castillo white, some odd mix (pineapple and lime juice?), and amaretto - yuck! In my opinion, most of the best tiki drinks are served in house parties anyways and if you cant get a great drink, then at least make sure the decor is great and the vessels are Approved as we say. I hear king yums is up there in that department. Tabuzak's house is also well equipped on the music and cocktail front :wink:

I also dug deeper on flatiron etc; they arent making the real zombie - in fact, i probably wouldnt even ask based on the response i got word of via Sasha Petrask of Milk and Honey who knows the pegu/flatiron owners - NYC bartenders are still apparently on the down about the tiki cocktail beyond say, the Mai Tai (last night's was pretty good - they used brugal anejo...not bad). "it was the sex on the beach of it's era" - was the response and "i probably wouldn't ask for it if its not on the menu" type of comments were received.

sneakyjack posted on 12/28/2007

Before I start this post please know that even though we missed Mr Ho it was certainly not a wasted night. Any excuse to get together with the crew is a good one! That said there are 2 Shun Lees on the island that is New York City and Mr Ho was not at the one we often hang at which is near Lincoln Center on 65th and Broadway.

that said injoy...

one dumpling - No Mr. Ho
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one shrimp roll or is that a vegetable roll? - No Mr. Ho
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some sauces - no Mr. Ho
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one zombie - we drank them out of Mai Tais and still No MR. Ho
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Is that Mr Ho?
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nope its a monkey you fool!

Next White Dragon drinks
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made of this
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toastin Mr. Ho (still not there)
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close up
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things are getting fuzzy
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Hey we have these portable communication devices lets call Jack to find Mr. Ho..
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Word is Mr. Ho is spotted at the Jazz Place on St Marks Jules
Let's finish up our drinks and go!
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No Mr. Ho here at Jules - more communication and even some texting.
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MR. Ho is off to a crowded land in another part of the city..
well we are here so lets go for some PTD drinks and of course Hot dogs!
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Like I said it was still fun and too bad we missed each other but we'll try again!
even Crazy Als necklace made an appearance at PTD
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is that you Mr ho?
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nope a stupid monkey again!
Well now you all have my cell # and obviously the cell shots were shot in post for effect!

cu all again - next time we meet out of towners lets PM some cell numbers around and try to make the hook up happen!
all in good fun!
Mahalo -

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FrikiTiki posted on 12/28/2007

Is that a monkey??

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rugbymatt posted on 12/28/2007

No, it's a "stupid monkey".

Mr. Ho posted on 12/28/2007

Lol, this is awesome jack! thanks! Glad you all had a photo journey. What no mai tai photos? and why is the zombie red? no grenadine in that sucker!

sneakyjack posted on 12/28/2007

We drank all the mai tais they could make - the zombie creation was there choice - it was not bad but could have use less grenadine - like none!

C ya next time!

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rugbymatt posted on 12/28/2007

Sorry I missed this mis-adventure, it looks like fun was had by all. I wish I could make it on the 7th too but alas I am stuck working. Some of us had previously discussed a King Yum adventure after the holidays so look for that post soon.

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velveteenlounge posted on 12/29/2007

On 2007-12-28 14:31, rugbymatt wrote:
Some of us had previously discussed a King Yum adventure after the holidays so look for that post soon.

We're definitely still in for King Yum--mid to later in the month is better.

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The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 12/29/2007

If I weren't so far north of the proceedings, I probably would have been there too. I wonder if I would have been mistaken for a monkey too?

Thanks for the full report. Just the kind of report I like to see on my desk first thing Monday morning.

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TikiLaLe posted on 12/30/2007

Mr. Ho. was spotted at the VIP room at Scores !!!!

Pages: 1 44 replies