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Hi there from Tiki Acres ranch

Pages: 1 6 replies

JanetMermaid posted on 01/02/2008

Hi from a Newbie.

Although I currently live in Austin, Texas we just bought a 100 acre ranch in Lockhart (25 miles south of Austin) and are preparing to move there. I've collected tikis and mermaids for years (I know, I know... they're an anachronism -- but I love both).

My whole house is decorated in a mermaid & Polynesian theme. Soon I'll have a place to REALLY cut loose with the decor. We've named our ranch Tiki Acres. We are closing this week, so there's no decor anywhere yet, but here's a web site I set up: http://www.TikiAcres.com. Besides some cool buildings, Tiki Acres includes a 6 acre lake (Mermaid Lake). I can't afford all authentic tiki stuff (I'd kill for a couple of 12' tikis to put by the gate and a giant tiki bar near the lake) but I plan to do my best. (At least I have one of those somewhat cheesy Target tikis to start with outside, since most of my decor is indoor stuff.)

I'm thrilled to find this site, where I can ask for suggestions, seek sources for tikis, and just hang out.

If I had the money I'd be living in Hanalei right now, but since that doesn't look too likely I'm creating my own Polynesian paradise in south central Texas.


Unkle John posted on 01/02/2008

That entrance gate would look cool with two Tikis where the poles are.
The places has A LOT of potential. Please keep us informed and check out the creating tiki section for inspiration.

Hmmm I think I know where we can have out first annual Texas Tikiphile camp out!

Texas Tikiphiles Unite!

[ Edited by: Unkle John 2008-01-02 06:47 ]

Ojaitimo posted on 01/02/2008

Hi Janet.

Welcome to Tiki Central. Quite a few of us are into mermaids too. (There are a few into mermen too) I'd post my favorite here if she wasn't topless. Looking forward to seeing more pics of Tiki Acres.

RevBambooBen posted on 01/02/2008

Looks Fun !!!

JanetMermaid posted on 01/02/2008

On 2008-01-02 07:02, Ojaitimo wrote:
Hi Janet.

Welcome to Tiki Central. Quite a few of us are into mermaids too. (There are a few into mermen too) I'd post my favorite here if she wasn't topless. Looking forward to seeing more pics of Tiki Acres.

Thanks everyone! Tiki Acres might be just the place for a tikiphile campout.
(BTW, is there a way to upload an avatar?)

Here's one of my mermaids -- she's on my right ankle.

JanetMermaid posted on 02/01/2008

It's official! We closed on Tiki Acres ranch yesterday. Here's the first tiki picture -- one of my collection sitting on the windowsill overlooking the lake:

tikigreg posted on 02/01/2008

Congratulations! You guys have quite a spread there! We're all sending the Ohana Spirit down your way! (Hey, isn't Texas where it all started anyway? The steel lap guitar, cowboy in paradise hapa haole thing?)

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