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Hawaii Kai NYC In Movie-Suffering Bastards-Image Heavy

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bongofury posted on 01/06/2008

This gem from 1989 is no longer available and probably will not see a dvd release because it is a bad movie. It does have some redeeming value as it opens and closes in a Tiki bar (and Gina Gershon is not hard to look at). It does not appear to be a set as there is way too much detail (carved rail posts, etc). The AIP Home Video VHS quality is not great but I will try to post some of the interior shots. In the end credits they thank a couple of locations (there is another more modern 80s bar in a flashback sequence).....

Not sure where their drink recipe came from as it is not the same as the one in the Hawaii Kai Cookbook.

Maybe since the restaurant had recently closed the filmakers were able to get easy access as a set.

Here are some images. Not great quality.....VHS stills shot off my TV. Take a look and maybe someone out there knows for sure. I'll have to look at Goodfellows again to see how it compares.

I transferred the VHS to DVD but that did not help.....Hawaii Kai experts please chime in.

[ Edited by: bongofury 2008-01-06 10:58 ]

[ Edited by: bongofury 2008-01-06 14:59 ]

[ Edited by: bongofury 2008-01-06 15:14 ]

bongofury posted on 01/06/2008

One more, this is in a different bar

midnite posted on 01/07/2008

*Hawaii Kai experts please chime in.

I never got to visit Hawaii Kai, but is that well-known character actor John C. McGinley? "Platoon","Wall Street"...then"Suffering Bastards"? Whew, ya think that may have ended his career, but then again, he later survived "Point Break".

Oh, Hawaii Kai, yeah yeah. I think that's the Okole Maluna bar in many of the shots. The dates of pics I have and production of this cinematic gem are probably quite far apart, but I'm fairly certain I recognize the diarama behind the bar.

Make mine a Hawaii Kai Treasure!
el midnite

donhonyc posted on 01/07/2008

Once again...get out that ass kicking machine for me. I can't believe I lived here for almost 5 years before the place closed and never noticed it. What's worse, and I hate to admit this, and this is the TOTAL truth, my mom came to town once and wanted to see 'Cats' which was playing at the Winter Garden Theater right next door to the Hawaii Kai. I can't remember what year we saw it but it was at least 10-15 years ago. Maybe even in 1990, but I don't think any sooner than that. You'd think that I would have at least seen the remnants of the Hawaii Kai. What in the world was I thinking back then. If I saw it at that time I would have paused to check it out. I've always liked this kinda stuff. Needless to say 'Cats' sucked and was as corny as I thought it would be. Not even good on an interesting level, just full on sapped out cheese. Even my mom thought it was goofy and she likes that kinda stuff.

[ Edited by: donhonyc 2008-01-06 17:16 ]

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