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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Announcing the 7th Annual Hukilau June 12-15, 2008

Pages: 1 4 replies

tiki_kiliki posted on 01/09/2008
pablus posted on 01/09/2008


pablus posted on 01/09/2008

By the way, it seems that the name "Hot Lava" has been purloined by an exotic dancer from our very own Hot Lava of the Crazed Mugs. Let it be known that although the ORIGINAL Hot Lava does dance - it's an ugly, ugly thing that no one would ever pay money to see.

But if you like to dance - then the ORIGINAL Hot Lava has some swinging tunes to which you can gyrate and flop about.

Since he's getting married in a few weeks, I thought I'd clarify that to save him from trying to explain to the future Mrs. Lava.

Basement Kahuna posted on 01/10/2008

.."And the con-gregshun saaays "AAaaaaammmmeennnn!"

Swanky posted on 01/10/2008

Mai Kai: check
The Bum: check
Bosko: check
Jungle Jim's room reserved: check
Penthouse reserved: check
Pablus: check

All systems are go. I repeat, all systems are go.

Pages: 1 4 replies