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Tiki Central / General Tiki

New To Tiki

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Greetings and Salivations. I've been lurking just under the radar for a couple of months now, and posted the first time yesterday. Thought I'd pop round here and make myself fully known to all. First, to get it all out on the table, I am a Parrothead. I know, I know, Buffett is Satan or the like. Imagine how I feel in the heart of country music land. But I am also a new tiki recruit, and I love it. Why don't we forget trying to revive the 70's and focus on reviving tiki???? Anyway, I am me, and always glad to chat about whatever.


Well Mike, the first step is admitting you have a problem. Don't worry, we're all supportive here, and will help you overcome your little 'habit'.

BTW, what's wrong with the 70's? Form what I remember, I had a great time, eating Cream cheese and Grape Jelly sandwiches, watching CHiPs, and peeing my pants.

Parrothead, Welcome to our little group. Just keep the Cheeseburger in Paradise and nobody gets hurt! :)

Parrothead Mike,

Maybe we should explain our adversion to Jimmy B. It's not that what he produces isn't of a certain quality, it's just that we, as a group, relish the day when a tiki bar was dimly lit, served fine tropical (read rum-based) drinks, and exotica or hapa haole was the sound heard.

I know it probably seems like we're tiki snobs, and maybe to a degree we are, but we just cannot let go of the fantasy we envision of tiki.

You seem like a fine fellow, and I'm sure you'll be a hit and the next Tiki Central gathering, but as Poly Pop said "please keep the cheeseburger in paradise to yourself" (with all due respect).

No problem folks. Thanks for the warm welcome. And rest assured, I came here for the tiki, and not for any other reason. (Except maybe for a mai tai and a tan).


*I had a great time, eating Cream cheese and Grape Jelly sandwiches, watching CHiPs, and peeing my pants.

Sounds like my wedding night.

And the video is for sale,

Sounds much like high school.......and college........hey, that pretty much sums up a weekend for me..

On 2003-05-22 16:18, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Parrothead Mike,

You seem like a fine fellow, and I'm sure you'll be a hit and the next Tiki Central gathering, but as Poly Pop said "please keep the cheeseburger in paradise to yourself" (with all due respect).  

Bong, that was downright friendly. Sounds like that good mood is still hanging on :)


There are more parrotheads out here than some would like to admit and that's not a bad thing.



Ah Buffett...don't get me started...I've read far too many pro-Buffett posts and it's probably best just keep my mouth shut on this matter!

Welcome to T.C Parrothead M. I am sure you will find we are a great group of folks with many skills and much knowledge who are more than willing to share their resources. But dont try any of this crap either:


The natives can get restless around here when provoked with things other than Buffet

Did somebody say Chips?

Pages: 1 11 replies