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I Want a Head Like the Head You See on Easter Island

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ikitnrev posted on 01/14/2008

Sometimes you discover something that turns the day from ordinary into something completely delightful.

The following clip is a performance piece by the Melbourne High School Singers, from their 2007 Winter concert. It starts out with what appears to be a bland group of blazer-and-tie clad young men in a typical glee club concert setting. But soon you hear some Denny-ish bird calls, the group starts singing, and things get rather interesting from there.

The song is very enjoyable, and sounds like something I would want to hear King Kukulele or Waitiki perform. And yes, how can you complain about a song whose main refrain is "I Want a Head like the Head you See on Easter Island"


The song, 'Easter Island Head' was originally recorded by an acapella group named Throat Culture.


p.s. The same Melbourne Choir above also does a pretty entertaining version of the song 'Personality'

[ Edited by: ikitnrev 2008-01-14 10:02 ]

virani posted on 01/14/2008

Yeah, I'm sure I've heard that song on the Kahiki last day DVD someone sent me.

Jeff Central posted on 01/14/2008

That was very good!!

Thanks for posting that Vern!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

54 house of bamboo posted on 01/14/2008

Loved it! Thanks for posting.

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