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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Lookie what I got last night!

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On 2008-01-11 05:55, Psycho Tiki D wrote:
"Don't Tase Me, Big Bro"

LOL! That's hilarious! Obviously, you're not German. :)

I think that deserves to be on a t-shirt.

[ Edited by: GatorRob 2008-01-11 06:41 ]

On 2008-01-11 06:39, GatorRob wrote:

On 2008-01-11 05:55, Psycho Tiki D wrote:
"Don't Tase Me, Big Bro"

LOL! That's hilarious! Obviously, you're not German. :)

I think that deserves to be on a t-shirt.

[ Edited by: GatorRob 2008-01-11 06:41 ]


If you notice at the end of the "Don't Tase Me Bro" clip there is a T-shirt. Someone should modify it and make one with a genuine, bonified tiki (Big Bro approved, of course) and sell em. Judging by what has gone on in this thread, this could be the next big thing!

And nope, not German~PSYCHO! :)

[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2008-01-11 08:30 ]


On 2008-01-10 19:52, RevBambooBen wrote:
Aloha Janet,



Try coating them with Waterbase Varathane.
Availiable at Home Despot.


Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy Page....


On 2008-01-10 17:22, GatorRob wrote:

On 2008-01-10 16:16, Mai Tai wrote:
Just one person, Rob? Sadly, I think there are at least a couple of trolls on this site, whether they are intentionally or unintentionally acting that way.

Yes, Bill. True. Maybe I was being too kind.

I thought this person who I think we are thinking about was refreshing for their alternative views, cause all aspects in life have two if not more different views, but lately this person has just been plain mean. Going from saying what one may be thinking on an object or topic or just popping in everywhere to personal attack members and the general values on this site.

In my own defense I DO have a number of authentic tiki items. But most are packed away pending our move. Guess I'll post pictures when they come back out of boxes at the ranch.

As for starting a new thread, I really didn't see the point in adding to a thread that is already 214 PAGES long. Besides, the heading is "tiki finds" so the flame war might have been the same.


On 2008-01-11 08:58, JanetMermaid wrote:
Besides, the heading is "tiki finds" so the flame war might have been the same.

Bah, this wasn't a flame war. If you want to see some REAL flame wars, just do a search on "Tiki Bong" from a few years back. :)

On 2008-01-11 08:58, JanetMermaid wrote:
In my own defense I DO have a number of authentic tiki items. But most are packed away pending our move. Guess I'll post pictures when they come back out of boxes at the ranch.

As for starting a new thread, I really didn't see the point in adding to a thread that is already 214 PAGES long. Besides, the heading is "tiki finds" so the flame war might have been the same.


What you want to do is run your Tiki items by couple of Tiki Central finest ...GatorRob and TeaKEY, these cats will let you know if it's worthy to be posted !!!!!

...now you're really trying too hard. Singling out members is simply the lowest form of trolling, give it up already.


I will say that painting old tikis with brite colors
just sucks, Mr. Taso did this at the Kahiki.
If this thread can stop that it's worth it.

I would not buy those tikis.
But to each his own I guess.
The Kahiki got a lot of their suff in Mexico.
Some of that I would not buy either.

I'm gonna finish brightly painting my Mexican Tikis as soon as I figure out how to turn down this Jimmy Buffet.
Keerist, I thought the Goof was back.


See there I like Jimmy buffet, OHHH and Thin Lizzy!
To each his own I guess.


On 2008-01-12 19:26, tikiskip wrote:
I will say that painting old tikis with brite colors
just sucks, Mr. Taso did this at the Kahiki.
If this thread can stop that it's worth it.

I would not buy those tikis.
But to each his own I guess.
The Kahiki got a lot of their suff in Mexico.
Some of that I would not buy either.

I agree, when I suggested we should have a paint stripping party for the painted Tiki at Sam's Seafood I was slammed by some TCers who thought I was out of line. They thought it was OK for them to look like Mexican wrestlers. Those Tiki were originally unpainted when installed in the sixties until someone "Decorated" them in the eighties.

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2008-01-13 07:34 ]

Hey SpamBooBen, remember Wick Diesel? I swear it was Jimmy Buffet here on TC. Son of a son of a Sailor, Changes in Latitudes. C'mon back Jimmy. Be happy to sell you my 12 ft. Maori.
uh, that would be WickDiesel. Dick Weasel?

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2008-01-13 09:22 ]


No need to call on the teacher if you have a problem with me.. I'll answer all !!!

Good Day
Go Giants !!!

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:41 ]


On 2008-01-13 09:23, TikiLaLe wrote:
No need to call on the teacher if you have a problem with me.. I'll answer all !!!

Good Day
Go Giants !!!

If you got in trouble, it probably wasn't due to your troll like remarks here. My guess is it was due to your troll like remarks on Cheeky Girl's birthday thread.

On 2008-01-13 11:53, mymotiki wrote:
Hi Janet, well you certainly are getting an earful aren't you? I am still new here myself. I am going to go out on a limb here. I admit I was surprised at some of the sniping in here. It is easy to get pulled into it. But what I was most surprised about is the fact that there are business owners in here. They want your business, yet some of them feel the need to be outright mean in their comments. Now, instead of getting upset about what is said I look up info on them in the member list area. I find out the name of their business and I just don't buy from them. When they have said enough mean stuff and lose business they will move on. That is the power that you have. I think people forget it's all about customer service. Opinions are like assholes everyone has got one. It takes awhile to figure out where to post.

Excellent advice. Thanks.


I too have received numerous tongue lashings for my "crappy" finds over the years. Take it with a grain of salt. Many in the tiki community are very passionate about what is /isn't tasteful tiki (tasteful??) and don't convey the right attitude in what they type. There's a nice way to say you "don't like it," no matter how crappy you think it is. I've noticed many of the newer TC'ers are immediately turned off by one person's negative comments and decide the whole community is that way and then disappear completely. I can tell you that's definitely not the case. Others will badmouth the person that badmouthed them. I say choose your battles and know that some people will just type whatever pops into their head.

Having said all that, I just painted all my brown tikis yellow, red and green, I'm drinking a pink mai tai while listening to Jimmy Buffett. Anyone got a problem with that??


Trader Vic's Overstock Sale!

[ Edited by: Kenike 2008-01-13 17:31 ]



[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:42 ]


Is it really necessary to tell somone you don't like what they bought? Just because you are sitting behind a computer screen doesn't mean it's a free for all. We all eventually will find out who you are.

Nope, not necessary at all. In fact I almost never do.

I've noticed that the color / quality of ones tikis, poorly made mai tais and Jimmy Buffett are 3 of the sorest subjects 'round here and usually get people in a tizzy...which is why I mentioned all 3.


[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:42 ]


Thank you Mr.Taso.
Does ANYONE here like that?


Ooooh I like all the colors on that statue. Ya know some people say I have taste, but I think it's mostly in my mouth. LOL


"WoW they should be called tiki jugs. Tasteless Tiki"
{Quote} mymotiki.

See we all have our take on things.
Put whatever you want in your house.
I'll bet the guy who made that mug was very hurt by your words.
What about those people who got that mug for xmas?

I was not as harsh as you were.

Anyone wanna place bets on how long this goes on for???


[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:43 ]

On 2008-01-13 20:49, mymotiki wrote:
I was not insulting your statue. I like it. I was making fun of my taste. I like the colorful stuff. I have no problem with most of the stuff. Yes, that big boobed mug bothered me. Yes, the spam bothers me, yes talking about the uke bothered me. Yes, I to can be sarcastic. Yes, I have gotten angry about something else and let it spill into the forum. My name is Laura and I don't hide behind no skirt.

I buy from TC artists
I support the sunshine coming out in Washington

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-01-13 22:43 ]

mymotiki and JanetMermaid,

Here is a post I started last year regarding tiki "snobs". You will find there are quite a few of us who take tiki to an extreme, in some cases. No harm or offense intended, at least from me!


Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and I just can't help it, still)!

LOL, you have a list?


I much agree that it is important in this ever slipping forum that we make sure to note what is NOT Tiki. If it was up to me, we'd say so and lock the post. Keep things on track.

In the creating forum, there is a bit more latitude as you hope they will eventually create something appropriate.

Those masks aren't Tiki. Hardly even tiki. Certainly should not be part of this forum in any positive way.

If you like them, fine. I would just not want anyone to come here and see that as an example of what we're about.

Snob is such an ugly word for discriminating taste.

I think a TC group intervention is in order here. The problem as I see it is, those things that started this?
(Sorry can't refer to them as Tiki cause they arn't) IMNSHO look like the reason that most people dislike Tiki.
The whole idea of Tiki Central is to celebrate good Tiki.

The Tiki that Tiki Central focuses on is a mid-century American invention that is Polynesia-inspired. We’re here to discuss classic Tiki, what made it great, how to celebrate it and preserve it today, and how to create and influence new Tiki that isn’t generic, watered down, or misguided. The definitive guide is The Book Of Tiki, and we highly recommend that everyone on Tiki Central get the book and read up.
What Tiki Central Isn't

Everyone here at Tiki Central is passionate about the Polynesian Pop movement. While the exact edges are blurry, we can give you a bit of insight into what Tiki Central is not about:

  • It’s not about Jimmy Buffett and Parrotheads
  • It’s not modern plastic, brightly-colored tiki party decorations
  • It’s not about the Caribbean/Key west design aesthetic
  • It’s not about Reggae
  • It’s not about African-art inspired masks/carvings/design
  • It’s not about Margaritas and tequila-based drinks
  • It's not about simply anything that has a tiki on it or in it

LOL, i get the picture.

I'm glad. Maybe Tim is right: By printing this out rather than just mentioning the "What Tiki Central is about" link, things become clearer (And I want to ad that I had no direct influence on Hanford formulating these tenets of Tiki Central!).

I want to ad though that his recommendation to read my "Book of Tiki" was written by him when the book was still in print (in its 3rd printing), and now that it is out of print and costs +/- a hundred bucks on Amazon, he should ad that the small version of the BOT in Taschen's Icon format titled "Tiki Style" would make an inexpensive substitute. (It is no BOT though!)

I can only hesitantly recommend my new work "Tiki Modern" to the casually Tiki-interested, because it seems that only hardcore Tiki initiates are willing to boldly go where I am leading them with it: The art history of pop primitivism and modernist world of Witco.

Well, now that I am writing here again after I had thought I had said my piece, I cannot refrain to ad some information to this following post:

...but what I was most surprised about is the fact that there are business owners in here. They want your business, yet some of them feel the need to be outright mean in their comments. Now, instead of getting upset about what is said I look up info on them in the member list area. I find out the name of their business and I just don't buy from them. When they have said enough mean stuff and lose business they will move on. That is the power that you have. I think people forget it's all about customer service...

Tiki is not "all about customer service" (!?) While this might be true for sites dealing with doll collectibles or such things, I believe there are very few members here that are actually making a living of their Tiki activities (I know I am not). Most Tiki carvers and artists here are in it for the passion for the art form, which makes them kind of invincible to this sort of "justice". They rather share their work with people who appreciate style. It is not them being judged, but it is the buyer who with his choice decides "do I want classic Tiki" or "do I contribute to the new Tiki devolution".

Again, I really do not understand the defensiveness of people who insist on their "right" to declare things that are not Tiki as Tiki. Everyone can insist that a Renaissence vase is Art Deco, but that still does not make it so.

On 2008-01-10 21:13, GROG wrote:
GROG believe that was probably his attempt at humor, but Germans aren't very funny, so you'll have to excuse him.

At risk if digressing from topic...

European Heaven:
British humor, French cooking, and German technology.

European Hell:
German humor, British cooking, and French technology.


[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:44 ]

Oh good, you can vouch for the fact that even in Germany, Heino is an anomaly :)
Regarding that family, you were lucky they were wearing underwear. I remember running around nekkid with my girlfriend at home, my mom did not mind. Germany is the birthplace of nudism after all.. During my research for the BOT, Oceanic Arts told me about a customer of theirs known as Herman The German who had an elaborate Tiki Bar in his backyard (called the Bar-I-Hai). He and his wife were professional ice skaters, and the whole family was also into nudism, and sent out Christmas cards like that. :D

Regarding Tiki culture, it is really not a rigid doctrine, its earmark actually is that it has an incredibly wide bandwidth for individual interpretation, that is what got me so fascinated with it in the first place. But if it looses all relation to its roots, it becomes sort of pointless, and is not funny anymore. It's humor depends on its cultural context. -Hmmm...Germans are nude intellectuals, I guess. :)


[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:44 ]


There is a very small hand of 'snobs' here.. if the rest of us left, WTF would they bitch about !!!!

Go Giants !!!

Another stellar example of a constructive post! The gift of observation and insight, the depth of analysis... simply impressive, truly a gift for the community, and Tiki culture as a whole! :D


On 2008-01-15 07:39, TikiLaLe wrote:
There is a very small hand of 'snobs' here.. if the rest of us left, WTF would they bitch about !!!!

Go Giants !!!

Nothing! :wink:

But I think there is a large band of folks here that have a pretty rigid definition of Tiki. There are just a small few who express it. A lot of the ones that used to be active left because of their lack of ability to deal with these changes of attitude. Not that they had trouble dealing, they just had little recourse outside of standing out as a "bad guy."

If I read one more person post "Why don't we all just make ourselves a Mai Tai and forget about it" I'll gag... Because for too many people that Mai Tai they pour will be Lime Kool-Aid and Bacardi with a splash of pineapple juice served in a Party City mug, sipped next to an inflatable punching "tiki"!

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:44 ]

On 2008-01-08 16:36, Sneakytiki wrote:
I have to agree with the last two posts... those are hideous Indonesian interpretations of Tiki...

They would look considerably better if you sanded the loud Indonesian paint jobs off of them.

I'm sorry my use of the word hideous was interpreted as an insult. I meant no insult to you as a person.

Its hard to remember that people don't get your attitude when reading posts like they do in person.
I was simply trying to say that those objects were garish and inappropriate as far as "tiki style" is concerned.

I really was trying to be helpful with the sanding comment. I looked at them and thought "The shape isn't half bad." and thought it would improve them by removing the loud paint and giving them an aged appearance.

I'm sorry if my comment offended, it was meant in a light hearted way.
I would use the words "not very tiki" rather than hideous if I had the chance to respond again.



[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2008-01-15 15:41 ]

Boy, this ain't a bad track record -- this was only my SECOND thread on this forum.

In any case, I appreciate purists. I really do. I'm active on a Japanese koi forum and there are those who truly recognize, promote, and appreciate grand-champion quality koi. Most also respect and accept those who want to "play" in the game of koi but will never have the money it takes to buy the best. The difference is that the purists refer to those "lesser" koi as "pond quality" and the snobs refer to them as "pond mutts" (or worse).

The difference really is in semantics and attitude. Word choice is everything.

So for those who consider themselves tiki "purists" at least be courteous with your clarifications and responses.

Thanks to hemorrhaging money due to buying the ranch, I'll be firmly in the buying of "tiki mutts" category for a while. :roll:

Edited to clarify for mymotiki that I'm in the "buying of tiki mutts" camp and not that I consider myself to be a tiki mutt.... :D

[ Edited by: JanetMermaid 2008-01-15 16:13 ]


[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:45 ]

GROG posted on Tue, Jan 15, 2008 4:54 PM

Just to clear things up.....

If anybody is not sure whether their stuff is "tiki" enough or not, just come to one of GROG's annual LUAU PARTIES. GROG is the PURIST of tiki purists to the point of being a so-called "TIKI SNOB". GROG has included a photo of last years Luau so everyone can see an example of what is true Polynesian Pop, just like the old days during the heyday of the tiki in America. The most fun GROG have at the Luau is busting open the Tiki piñata just like they traditionally did back in Hawaii and Tajiti. All your tiki needs can be found on the internet under "party supplies" and most everything is under $40, so you CAN decorate your home tiki bar pretty frugally. Party City is an execllent source for most tiki stuff as well. :lol:

Is that Donn Beach in the blue shirt?......... no wait it's just Butch Patrick..Damn.

[ Edited by: uncle trav 2008-01-15 17:16 ]


[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:45 ]


Ha! Funny stuff. Grog, you've got hidden skills! Maybe you should consider getting a job drawing cartoons for a living? :D

But, Grog's post does remind me of an excellent post from Sabu (not that Grog's wasn't excellent too) last year illustrating why the Buffetization of tiki is a BAD thing. And why when some people insist that it's all tiki and it's all good, they will get a strong (and unfortunately sometimes rude) reaction from people who believe that tiki has a real definition and that there are boundaries that define it. His post can be found here.

From his post, I love the term "Sophisticated Savage". That nails what good tiki is for me. Sophisticated, yet primal at the same time. Modern knockoff "tiki" stuff throws out both of those terms and goes straight for fun or goofy. And in my mind, that completely misses the point.


On 2008-01-15 17:16, mymotiki wrote:
ummm, those are certainly cheerful colors aren't they? a tiki pinata? oh lordy ...quiet as a mouse...LOL

Umm, he was kidding. :)

Pages: 1 2 3 128 replies