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Witco Outrigger

Pages: 1 8 replies

vwtikigirl posted on 01/07/2008

We bought this from a collector who got it from the Daytona Inn. Much to our surprize no care was taken and the tip of the boat was a bit damaged in shipping. We talked to UPS and they said they would take it back and give us our money. When I asked what would happen to the boat, they said it would be destroyed. I took the hit so others would have a chance to enjoy it.

Now it is time for me to part with it. It is only the outrigger the frame and orange canvas was broken in shipping. Please make your best offer. I want this historic piece to go to the right collector. I paid far to much for it but couldn't let it be destroyed.

Bogielocks posted on 01/07/2008

Do you have any pictures?


vwtikigirl posted on 01/07/2008

I do just PM me your email and I will send them to you

vwtikigirl posted on 01/07/2008

I do just PM me your email and I will send them to you

TIKI DAVID posted on 01/07/2008

how much do you want for it? TD

vwtikigirl posted on 01/09/2008

We are open to fair offers. We want to make sure it goes to a good collector who will enjoy it as much we have.

TIKI DAVID posted on 01/09/2008

i am still not sure, what is the damage? could you post a pic? i have some spare parts for a witco outrigger canoe.i have one just the boat hull ,and another with a boat, mast, sail and frame,no outrigger and the the backing and fabric is water damaged. what is damaged on yours? DT

Tiki Diablo posted on 01/10/2008

I think I've seen this one in person, looks good and it's big. When did y'all move to Texas?

vwtikigirl posted on 01/15/2008

Last call if anyone is interested before we put it up ebay. I can send pictures if you would like to see it. Open to all reasonable offers.

Pages: 1 8 replies