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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Puerto Rican Pottery

Pages: 1 3 replies

artpot posted on 01/15/2008

Looking for this type of pottery (Puerto Rican Pottery).
Please email if you have piece or pieces like this.

mymotiki posted on 01/15/2008

Hmmmmm quiet as a mouse

bigbrotiki posted on 01/15/2008

This merely proves that some collectors of other genres of pottery are even MORE obsessed than Tiki mug collectors, scattering their search all over the place in hopes of getting that one holy grail. We sympathize, but can offer little hope for success here. :)

artpot posted on 01/15/2008

They also made human face mugs and cups, very reminiscent of Tiki. A friend of mine, who has a small Tiki collection, said I should give this forum a shot. How do you know you have a piece? It will be marked "Puerto Rican Pottery" on bottom. Thanks.

[ Edited by: artpot 2008-01-15 18:49 ]

Pages: 1 3 replies