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Anyone Been To This Place?

Pages: 1 5 replies

Pacific Andy posted on 05/23/2003

Honolulu Harry's in Corona? Here is their website. Just wondering if it was worth the trip. http://www.honoluluharrys.com

Tiki_Bong posted on 05/23/2003

Well, I've never been there, but besides its biggest detraction - Corona -, I would have to say it will be belly up in about 2 years (yo scribe - mark my words!).

I base this forecast on the first 2 items the menu offers - Hawaiian BBQ Pork Quesadilla and North Shore Nachos. Right.

If you really want the closest thing to the amalgam known as 'Hawaiian Food', go to L&L or The Loft in HB.

(Oh waiter, I'd like a side of clean air with my North Shore Nachos!)

'A thing of Tiki is a joy forever'

Celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August - Hau'oli La Tiki!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2003-05-22 18:19 ]

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 05/23/2003
PolynesianPop posted on 05/23/2003

On 2003-05-22 17:45, Pacific Andy wrote:
Honolulu Harry's in Corona? Just wondering if it was worth the trip.

Sorry PA, can't say anything positive about them. Click on SugarCaddyDaddy's Link to see why!

You'd think that maybe they'd value our business being that we're their target audience and the "word of mouth" influence we literally have at our fingertips with TC. But no, as you'll notice from the previous post about this place, when we brought up the negative comments, they just politely brushed it off. And true to character, they simply ignored the issues I was complaining about. Look at the dates of the posts -- at the end of the day, they were done with us - again, without resolving anything - as usual, with no reply whatsoever! Unbelievable.

My 2 cents? - Don't give them your business. They don't deserve it. Spend your money in a place that actually cares about their customers.

Pacific Andy posted on 05/23/2003

Thanks for the update - Did not know it was already covered - It sounds like its not worth the trip, I am not sure why it is so hard to provide good service in a restaurant. I mean its the cheapest thing on the menu. A smile and a professional approach can make even fair or bad food good - In my neck of the woods we have a Mexican restaurant the food is awful but the service and Margaritas are great. The place is packed. Thank again

Pacific Andy posted on 05/23/2003

Thanks for the update - Did not know it was already covered - It sounds like its not worth the trip, I am not sure why it is so hard to provide good service in a restaurant. I mean its the cheapest thing on the menu. A smile and a professional approach can make even fair or bad food good - In my neck of the woods we have a Mexican restaurant the food is awful but the service and Margaritas are great. The place is packed. Thank again

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