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Look What I Got For Christmas!

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irishf posted on 12/26/2007

My husband gave me this wonderful tiki from Hawaii - Kanaloa - god ocean, fishing and abundance. Anyone else?

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 12/26/2007

Here is what I got...

Thanks Hodadhank!!

bigbrotiki posted on 12/26/2007

I got this cool N.Z. tourist item!:

catmomma posted on 12/26/2007

the tiki swag I scored this holiday season

steel tiki made by my friend

And my birthday is less than a month away, who knows what else I will score :)

irishf posted on 12/27/2007

Cool stuff, thanks for sharing!

bigbrotiki posted on 12/27/2007

Cool metal Tiki! Put it OVER the light socket...with the bulb hidden between the top and the middle mask, to create glowing eyes and mouths.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 12/27/2007

On 2007-12-26 16:18, irishf wrote:
Cool stuff, thanks for sharing!

Forgot to mention, nice tiki Irish! Sorry for hijacking your thread. I wanted to post my Christmas prizes and there was your post, so I kinda tossed mine up there. :)

mymotiki posted on 12/27/2007

mymotiki on the left and beadtiki on the right

This is our first tiki christmas. Beadtiki made out like a pirate.

catmomma posted on 12/27/2007

On 2007-12-26 16:56, bigbrotiki wrote:
Cool metal Tiki! Put it OVER the light socket...with the bulb hidden between the top and the middle mask, to create glowing eyes and mouths.

yeah that is the plan, I just tossed it up there to take a picture today and that is where the nail happened to be :wink: I have to rig something up so I can hang it over the light.

UrlScheib posted on 12/27/2007

My cool girlfriend made this for me

UrlScheib posted on 12/27/2007

I got the guy on the right with the red hat from The Woman aka Moai_Mama

bigbrotiki posted on 12/27/2007

Do things that you gave to yourself count? It is kind of hard to find really original and unique Tiki presents for a hardcore Tikiphile like me, so much I have or have seen. So every now and then I spend a little more for an extra special piece that I cannot expect anyone else to go for, like this amazing vintage Louis Behan painting that I had always coveted and was glad to find still available. Now it is hanging in a place of honor in my home:

This piece is just so much the epitome of a Tiki lounge back bar painting (or it could be a mural), where you would sit nursing your Navy Grog and gaze at the exotic picture-scape that unfolds. It contains all the characters of story book Polynesia: Tikis, angry Kahunas and stately warriors, demure virgins to be sacrificed (in the nude, of course), and fiery volcanoes. Its naive style cannot be copied, it is authentic Polynesian pop, from a different time and a different place. :) (...happy sigh!)

Jeff Central posted on 12/27/2007

Damn, Bigbro that thing is sweeeeeeeeeet!!! :)

GROG posted on 12/27/2007

Bigbro, that would look great in GROG' tiki room.

8FT Tiki posted on 12/28/2007

I don't know who's luckier....you or the volcano!


Tiki A. Moaikingbird posted on 12/29/2007

i got these nifty little gifties:

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 12/29/2007

Nice Schirmans, T.A.M.

I didn't get anything outright tiki for xmas

"psuedo ivory" party forks

tiki faces in strange places?

I love this bottle opener

liberace punch-out fashion dolls

dig the leopard skin outfit and fez-wearing chimp.

irishf posted on 12/30/2007

Didn't hijack, NoNaMe! 8) Is the ceramic a puffer item? What is it?

Did Beadtiki get what's on the sofa, or all those mugs TOO?

Love the Liberace, Sweet Daddy T. And the faux ivory food picks.

Bigbrotiki, awesome digs you got there. Inspiring. The statue on the floor under your painting caught my eye. Love love love your space. Is that a lighted crystal on the floor under the painting?

Tiki Moaikingbird, not sure what I would do if I ever found black coral. Is it legal in BC? (I'm weirdly superstitious, too. I'd never take so much as a pebble off Hawaii. But I do have several conchs I found in the Carribbean. That does not even make sense! 8) )

The metal tiki will look tremendous lighted at night.

Thanks everyone for sharing your treasures.

Hiphipahula posted on 12/30/2007

insanetikiers posted on 12/30/2007

On 2007-12-30 00:07, Hiphipahula wrote:

Ohhhhh!......I love those Tiki mugs in the scene;Did they
come like that?....Those are SWEET !

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 12/30/2007

On 2007-12-29 22:20, irishf wrote:
Tiki Moaikingbird, not sure what I would do if I ever found black coral. Is it legal in BC? (I'm weirdly superstitious, too. I'd never take so much as a pebble off Hawaii. But I do have several conchs I found in the Carribbean. That does not even make sense! 8) )

What do you mean legal? Is it illegal to import black coral the way it is with ivory? I always thought Frank Schirman pieces were "coral" the way Coco Joe's are "lava."

mymotiki posted on 12/30/2007

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:34 ]

Tiki A. Moaikingbird posted on 12/31/2007

On 2007-12-30 00:07, Hiphipahula wrote:

is that a blender, or some sort of Flux Capacitor?

tikicar posted on 12/31/2007

[ Edited by: tikicar 2009-03-30 14:50 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 12/31/2007

On 2007-12-30 17:33, Tiki A. Moaikingbird wrote:

On 2007-12-30 00:07, Hiphipahula wrote:

is that a blender, or some sort of Flux Capacitor?

Makes The best "Blue Hawaiians" ever or makes any frozens fast & in a mass quantity. Mr. Hip bought it for my new Tiki Bar to be.

I am guessing this is the "Tiki Mugs in the scene" someone commented about?
it is The Coveted "Pizz Outrigger Da Big Kahuna" Made by Tiki Farm designed by The Pizz, Sculpted by Squid. Edition of 100 made they are tough to come by.

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2007-12-30 18:02 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 12/31/2007

On 2007-12-29 01:12, Tiki A. Moaikingbird wrote:
i got these nifty little gifties:

Amazing, tell us more.

ms pleasant posted on 12/31/2007

Picked this great painting up from Seattle based artist Dawn Frasier for Ken(keigs20) for X-mas. Thanks to the Seattle tiki girls for helping me pull off the surprise.

bigbrotiki posted on 12/31/2007

Damn Dawn dats nice! Congrats Ken, to the painting, and to the wife with such good taste!

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 12/31/2007

Some of my score-
Mugs galore!

Essential reading. The Masque book is a must for any old punk rock fans.

And the finale...

That's right, bacon chocolate!

UrlScheib posted on 01/01/2008

Dr Ruth painted this lovely picture for me:

dogbytes posted on 01/01/2008

i was naughty and did not give this Keigs carving away as i had planned. ~ well technically i did gift it, to myself

in situ. perfect.

ms pleasant posted on 01/02/2008

On 2007-12-30 20:30, bigbrotiki wrote:
Damn Dawn dats nice! Congrats Ken, to the painting, and to the wife with such good taste!

Thanks Sven, that's sweet.

Dogbytes, that carving by Keigs is great, but the painted portion of the piece is out of this world!!! Happy New Year.

Bora Boris posted on 01/07/2008

I didn't get too much Tiki stuff but I did get this postcard. A friend of mine said they'd had it for a while and they had gotten it somewhere in El Centro, Ca.

The image has a 1987 Copyright which doesn’t seem that long ago until you think about it and realize that was 21 Years ago!! The website of the company that made it is dead. I don’t think there were very many websites in 1987 so obviously it’s a not that old but it appears to be a reprinted vintage post card.

So where was the Bali Bar? It looks Pre-Tiki until you see the Drink Umbrellas.

The address on the back – Ave. Torondino No 5 doesn’t show up in a Google search.

It seems like it was a nice place or at least it was the day the picture was taken.

bigbrotiki posted on 01/07/2008

An enduring mystery, one of the first tropical bar images that re-entered pop culture. The Bartender looks South-American, or maybe, judging by the name of the street, Italian.

Quantity Postcards was a great company, sort of the TASCHEN of postcard companies. Not only did they re-issue vintage 50s postcards unaltered in the front (no "funny" or "cute" one-liners printed across the original images), but they also printed the original captions on the back, which are often funnier than any made-up slogans.

in the early 80s, I used to live one block up the street from their store in North Beach, S.F. which was just across from the Savoy-Tivoli. What a great store, wall to wall postcards. Wayne, the owner, bought up cool old-stock cards and re-sold them, and he even travelled as far as Germany (Italy?) to dig in the archives of old postcard companies for weird images and then get the rights to reprint them. Wish I had kept the coolest ones...some are still in circulation.

The OTHER perennial tropical bar postcard from Quantity is the glass-balancing Stanley The Great. But this one never had the original caption, it was first revealed in Tiki Modern that the photo hailed from Miami's Castaway Hotel Tahitian Bar. :)

Bora Boris posted on 01/07/2008

On 2008-01-06 22:36, bigbrotiki wrote:
Not only did they re-issue vintage 50s postcards unaltered in the front (no "funny" or "cute" one-liners printed across the original images), but they also printed the original captions on the back, which are often funnier than any made-up slogans.

That's good to hear. Besides ruining the images "Funny" or "Cute" captions are never as clever as the writer thinks they are and the jokes are often outdated before they're even printed.

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bigbrotiki posted on 01/07/2008

Come to think of it- Here is that other postcard I am talking about above:

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Everybody has seen it, it must have been a Quantity Postcard bestseller. I finally got to put it in its historical context on page 257 of TIKI MODERN. What I have yet to see though is an example of the Stanley The Great cocktail glasses:

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Note the typical "Big Head" caricature of the master on the left (with balancing glass tray). Apparently it was put on glasses, with his moniker in red underneath. Does anyone here have one and can they please post a picture of it? Does anyone have extras and can they please send me one :) ? (...or did they all break? :D )

(Other noteworthy details in that photo are the Tiki Ti-like cards plastered on the wall and ceiling, and on the back wall, where we also can make out his name, "STAN".)

Oh, and here's an added bonus scan: The BACK of the "GO GO 'til 5 a.m./Wreck Bar" postcard on page 258 of Tiki Mod.
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Pretty funny...

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Bora Boris posted on 01/07/2008

That is funny and of course now I also want a Stanley the Great glass. I also want someone to find Stanley and if he's alive bring him to This years Hukilau.

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Bogielocks posted on 01/07/2008

He looks like Alec Baldwin...

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Sophista-tiki posted on 01/07/2008

I'm just getting back on line after a couple of weeks of camping at the beach. this year it was the cook Islands. thanks to everyone who came to hang out with me at the camp site! It wasn't my most delux campsite ever, but still had a great ambiance. here's the prizes I got for Christmas.

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total surprise. Ken and I received each others art for Christmas. I got a great keigs from Dogbytes! and Heather purchased one of my paintings for Ken.

I also got the cutest hand bag EVER!!!!!! this tiny Fijian Tapa bag came all the way from Puamana"s recent vacation to Fiji. Dawn

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Hiphipahula posted on 01/08/2008

On 2008-01-07 10:47, Bogielocks wrote:
He looks like Alec Baldwin...

I think a mix between Dick Clark & Dick Van dyke... is a Dick a Dick by any other name? :D

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LOL Tiki posted on 01/14/2008

I got this guy. He's living in the garage right now because he smells, like fish. Santa picked him up on eBay and he came straight from Thailand, so I'm guessing his career as a lamp is only a few weeks old. If anyone knows how to get rid of Fugu Funk I'd really like to hear about it.

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I also got these three monkeys. Monkeys are cool, you can't ever have too many monkeys.

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Not Tiki, but amusing...

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And maybe the best gift ever - Overnighted from Honolulu, 6 pints of Lappert's Ice Cream!

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JanetMermaid posted on 01/17/2008


I'd KILL for some Lappert's Kauai Pie ice cream.

You're right! That's the BEST gift!

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LOL Tiki posted on 01/17/2008

On 2008-01-16 17:10, JanetMermaid wrote:

I'd KILL for some Lappert's Kauai Pie ice cream.

You're right! That's the BEST gift!

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Kauai Pie! Got some of that; and Chocolate, Mango Sorbet, White Chocolate and a couple of Coconut/Fruit Sorbet mixes. Mmmmmmmm! :D :P

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