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Sabu has a birthday!

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Some of us went out to Sam's tonight for Sabu's __th birthday and it was a blast! Sam's treated us great as always. I just got home about an hour ago and after alot of booze and four tacos, I'm ready for some sleep. It was good seeing everyone again so soon.

A very special thanks to Bax and Sarah for the ride home. You are truely great Americans.

Hopefully some pictures will surface from this event. Happy birthday Tim!


[ Edited by: Luckydesigns on 2003-05-18 02:17 ]

Oh Yeah!

Woohoo! Just got home 10 minutes ago! It's 3:30 a.m., and we closed Sam's Seafood down, and then headed over to The Harbor House Cafe across the street. Great fun, good times, good drinks, good food.

Good Night!



Hey ya SCD,
Sounds like a good time was had by all:

The Harbor House Cafe across the street

I'm telling you, the people here sure do bring back some memories for me with their posts. A few days ago it was Cocoa Beach/Cape Canaveral and now the Harbor House. That place was my home away from home for many years, even after I moved out of HB for college and my folks headed to AZ.

Seafood combo and lemonade, please

Misty water-colored memories,

Here's some photos from the Sam's Seafood get together.


happy B-day brah! and plenny tanks fo da offer on da ride from da airport!!! I owe you a drink.


Is that "Little Bunny Fu-Fu"?
No, that's just Doctor Z's fingers above Sabu's head...

Sabu inspecting the hind-quarters of the custom carved Oceanic Arts Suffering Bastard autographed by Leroy himself. Notice the 'evil-eye' on Spike.

How about another drink ladies?

No explanation needed...

Thankyou Everybody for coming out to Sam's and surprising me on my birthday. I was completely clueless and dumbfounded to see so many of my Tiki Central friends firmly ensconced with drinks in hands as Tikibelle and I arrived at nine. And then more and more of you kept arriving. And to think that a year ago I didn't know any of you, (except for Doctor Z and Z-Girl)

Which brings me to saying thanks to Doctor Z and Z-Girl and my darling Tikibelle for arranging this great surprise party for me at one of my favorite tiki bars. Thanks to Crazy Al for dj-ing and playing all the great surf music. Thanks to Trader Pup for bringing his postcards along, and thanks to everybody for the nice gifts! (I'll try not to drink them all this week).

Sorry I couldn't stay for breakfast at the Harbor House, but your plans for my best birthday present of all, (getting my girlfriend drunk), backfired somewhat and I needed to get my overly-sedated Tikibelle home and tucked into bed. But thanks again for making this one of the best birthdays ever. I had an absolutely fantastic time.


P.S. - And I can't believe that Crazy Al never mentioned that Turc's across the street was an old-school tiki bar in its own right. He's known for years, and I would have never guessed it from the outside.

[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy on 2003-05-19 16:53 ]

Sabu, happy belated birthday. Sorry we missed this celebration. You know you are my boy!You old fart.

Happy Post B-Day Sabu. The outside of Turks is Bamboo, you can't miss it. (under all the ivy!) LeRoy pounded the nails himself.

I just wanted to thank all of you for making Sabu's birthday such a blast. I appreciate all the effort all of you put in to make it great, even if I was worshiping the tolit god later that evening. Poor Sabu! he didn't get the ride home he was expecting. See you all next tiki!


Happy Birthday, Sabu.
Happy Birthday, Sabu.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Coconut Boy.
Happy Birthday, Sabuuuuuu! :music:
(sing in your best Marilyn Monroe voice)

Sorry we missed your party. Got drunk at a grad party the same night and passed out a 9:00. Damn, we're gettin' old!



Show Me The Moai!

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2003-05-22 19:46 ]

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2003-05-22 20:02 ]

Turc's . sorry for the (sp?) Drove by today and went, DOH!

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