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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Babalu posted on 01/08/2008

BuZZy!! That bunny tiki is one smokin' fine piece of work there!! You STUD you!! Let's work something out...that's the Master Buzz tiki I've been holding back waiting for. I want that one!

Give Kiva hugs, pat pats, and a couple of good doggies for me.

LOL Tiki posted on 01/08/2008

On 2008-01-07 18:28, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Babalu: Remember tiki #3, from early on in my career:

See, we both went in the same direction: made a couple intro tikis and then took it to the next level. Here's to Rabbitikis!!!!

Send that pic to Tiki Farm; Holden and Squid can start working on "Mugs Bunny".

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/08/2008

I took the leftover piece of wood I cut off the ring and I started another small guy last night:

I have a little more sanding to do, and then the very fine details and decorations

For size reference:

Babalu: That rabittiki is long, long gone by now. I think that was the first carving I did that actually left my possession. I was making a second one when the chainsaw slapped me in the face. After that, I considered the carving to be jinxed and I quickly discarded it. I foolishly carved that first one with a dremel tool (didn't have any chisels yet) and it took me about 4 days. Based upon the advancement of my skills and looking at the depth and quality of carving on the rabbittiki, I think I can make one now in about an hour, maybe less. However, I now pass the rabbitiki making torch on to you...(I think I was just borrowing it from you, anyway)
And Kiva sends her best to you and says she keeps hearing people talking about how cool the glaze is on the BOP's. She said it looks like a bird she once chased in Mexico, and it brings back happy memories of when she could walk in a straight line, and run without falling. Good times indeed!

LOL: Mugs Bunny! Yes! Babalu, are you still reading...
(hint, hint)

The weather is sunny and the forcast calls for some more kicking ass today!
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/09/2008

Today's sunset definitely did not kick ass:

Little tiki progress:

Detailed and almost sanded

Sanded and stained

It's 5/16" at its deepest point.


B-Ring it On!
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2008-01-08 19:46 ]

Tiki-Kate posted on 01/09/2008

Ooooo...pinky ring. Snazzy!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/09/2008

Been hangin out in Hillcrest

wit dat pinky ring???

( joking!silly!)

Babalu posted on 01/09/2008

LOL: Mugs Bunny! Yes! Babalu, are you still reading...
(hint, hint)

Bugs Bunny Mug? Hummmm...not tiki enough. Maybe with a grass skirt and a war club...maybe. Better yet, maybe I should stain that other palm one first huh...it's been ready.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/09/2008

On 2008-01-08 19:21, Tiki-Kate wrote:
Ooooo...pinky ring. Snazzy!

Pinky ring on me, but I have these fat carver hands now so this one was made chick sized. The hole has the same diameter as a dime.

BambiBen: Here is my new ring (under construction) that will eventually be placed upon my hand, which you will then be required to bow down and kiss when you enter my presence:

and while your at it, you can kiss my...luv ya Boo!

Babalu: Do you still have rabbit ears on your TV?

In the real world, TV means television, not Trader Vic's.
Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 01/09/2008

Now THATS what I'm talkin' About!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/10/2008

Today's sunset:

All I have left now on this guy is the sanding and staining

He's a chubby little fellow

It's about 3/8" deep, just under 2.5" tall...

Here it is on my meat claw, for scale:

You know what they say about big hands, right?

Hopefully one day a scuffle will break out, and this will be the last thing someone will see before knockout time!

Oh! That'll leave a mark!

Benzart: You espeaka my language!

With this Ring, I be King!
King Buzzy Out!

seeksurf posted on 01/10/2008

You are KING with that ring! and
there face will have the seal to prove it :)

RevBambooBen posted on 01/10/2008

On 2008-01-09 19:03, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

With this Ring, I be King!
King Buzzy Out!

You goota get one of these wigs to seal the deal!!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/10/2008

On 2008-01-09 19:03, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Here it is on my meat claw, for scale:

You know what they say about big hands, right?

Big hands, big nostrils? :lol:

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/10/2008

I sanded and stained the newest ring:

The size of the band and its placement makes a neat kickstand so it can be displayed when, and if, I ever find myself not wearing it.

On 2008-01-09 21:29, HOUSE OF KU wrote:

Big hands, big nostrils? :lol:

You know what they say about guys with big hands and big nostrils?
(Eventually I'll run out of big body parts and get the answer I'm looking for.)

On 2008-01-09 19:37, RevBambooBen wrote:
You gotta get one of these wigs to seal the deal!!

...and a pair of Buddy Holly glasses, and I'll have my Kinny Halloween costume! Double value!

On 2008-01-09 19:18, seeksurf wrote:
You are KING with that ring! and
their faces will have the seal to prove it :)

I'll yell out: "I dub thee Knight of thee Knocked Out!" as I drop the Bay Park forged hammer...

I will rule with an iron fist, adorned with a King's Ring!
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2008-01-10 14:32 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 01/11/2008

Not Kinny hair.

Don hair!!!


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/11/2008

Today's sunset:

On 2008-01-10 18:17, RevBambooBen wrote:
Not Kinny hair.
Don hair!!!

On 2008-01-10 14:30, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Double value!

You see, when I'm feeling regal, it's the Don King wig. When I want to go out and be represented as a loser artist, I don the kinny wig. Double value! It's analogous to the classic tale of The Prince and the Pauper.

Buy my tikis so I can get food and keep carving

Buzzy Out!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/11/2008

For an extra buck, you could always sell your sunset photos to the outer bank, east facing residents, towards the ocean. I'm guessing their pads are dark and dingy by the time you get a beautiful sunset.

Tahitiki posted on 01/11/2008

That's some serious bling you have here.
Very cool stuff, loves the tikis too. Gifted

Robin posted on 01/11/2008

Hi Buzzy...this ring thing has been really fun...as well as the body part discussion, and the videos. It doesn't get much better than talented AND funny. Glad your dog is o.k. also. Oh yeah...nice tikis too!

H2O Tiki posted on 01/12/2008

Hi all,
Just wanted to drop you guys and dolls a note to say all is well here in Aisa. In the last few weeks I have been to Japan, Korea, and China. And it's nearly cold as hell. I have a few sun set shots, but I use film and need to get it developed. I will be back in the USofA in a couple of weeks. Until then, "Keep it real and keep on keeping on".

H2O Tiki AKA Brian

RevBambooBen posted on 01/14/2008

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/15/2008

Few days worth of sunsets:


On 2008-01-10 19:16, RevBambooBen wrote:
For an extra buck, you could always sell your sunset photos to the outer bank, east facing residents, towards the ocean.

I was also thinking about planting some giant bamboo across the front property line and let it grow, grow, grow. Then, I would have the neighbors pay me to remove it. I would be selling them an ocean view. That would be worth million!

H20: Glad you're having a good time time out there, but don't drink the water!

Tahitiki: Hey, thanks for dropping by. The bling is for a Tiki Guy who feels the compulsion to represent his true tiki status. For serious players only!

On 2008-01-11 12:15, Robin wrote:
Hi Buzzy...this ring thing has been really fun...

Thanks Robin! More fun on the way...

My left hand was feeling a little naked without some Tiki Bling on it. last night I worked on that problem:

It's one of those four finger wide knuckle covering bling rings

Today, I finished carving it

Then i sanded it, and stained it

It's a little redder than the pictures show. It's about 4" wide, 1" tall, and about 1/2" deep.

Now I need more hands!
Buzzy Out!

hiltiki posted on 01/15/2008

Very nice Buzzy.

4WDtiki posted on 01/15/2008

Do a metalcasting of it, and you'll have something!

Babalu posted on 01/15/2008

Ring Master! I'm way digging on the way this here Bling Blang Bing Bouncers ring turned out! The carving is way cool...It looks like a Tiki flanked by a birdman on either side to me....SWEET BEANS BUZZ - your carving small relief panels dude! Think bigger - The Parthenon of BUZZ...

Benzart posted on 01/15/2008

BuZZy, BUZZY, Buzzy, What the hell are you DOING! These Bling Rings are getting WAY out of Hand, Awesome Detail, Just Incredible, Where are you getting these skills, Man you are growing by Leaps and Bounds. Slow down before you make us All look Bad!, Second thought, Pick it up a Little you are right on the verge of big things.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/16/2008

Yesterday, I spent my afternoon crafting some log drawings

I managed to get four done, all freehanded

Here is a couple of face logs that I drew out with my chaisaw. I put in dark stain to trick the eye into thinking there is a shadow there. It's easier to do this than to actually carve it out.

And here's a couple that almost have elements of tiki in them

My favorite effort is the Chainsaw KU

4WD: I'm sure there will resin casts in every color of the rainbow for that ring. Especially GOLD!

Hiltiki: *

On 2008-01-14 19:23, Babalu wrote:
Think bigger - The Parthenon of BUZZ...

I was actually thinking of making one of those Maori clock meeting house thingys, kinda like these

Benzart: keep watching and I'll keep making stuff. Some of it will even be of marginal quality. Thanks for your help!

The Devolution of Tiki has always been market driven.
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/17/2008

A little daily progress:
I put the first coat of stain on this guy:

And sealed up these guys

Always more work to do...
Buzzy Out!

Babalu posted on 01/17/2008

Cool...How about a Maori meeting house for Kiva...or maybe even one for your Barbies?

harro posted on 01/17/2008

thanks buzzy for the amusement over the last few pages - those rings are Serious Bling!! Love it! :D

and the last tiki with the stain job is killer!

Zaya posted on 01/18/2008

On 2008-01-17 12:00, Babalu wrote:
Cool...How about a Maori meeting house for Kiva...or maybe even one for your Barbies?

Hey, you could make one for your Homies!

MooneyTiki posted on 01/18/2008

Aloha Buzzy!!!
your Bling ring carvings are cool my friend and I really love the KU you just stained! keep slayin the wood and havin fun,lookin good,Aloha, your friend, Mooney

RevBambooBen posted on 01/19/2008

Screw the Pats!!!

T_birdman posted on 01/19/2008

LOL! Nice Ben!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/21/2008

Couple sunsets:

Here's this guy all stained up:

I like the way the natural part of the log transitions into the worked part:

He's a happy face log!

Project next is these two 5' support poles for a patio installation

Simple to carve designs, but there will be some engineering issues to deal as I work my way through it. These will be installed on pillars and will be attached to a prexisting roof structure, som I cannot alter the top and bottom portions. I'll have to make sure they can bear a load and be functional, as opposed to being just free standing statues.

On 2008-01-17 13:46, harro wrote:
thanks buzzy for the amusement over the last few pages

It's new thing I'm trying: to be entertaining! Glad you hopped on for the ride when I was bringing my A game. In a couple pages I'll run out of new material and have to go back to making fun of the mug guys and drunks again.

On 2008-01-17 12:00, Babalu wrote:
or maybe even one for your Barbies?

You know I will never take ANY of my Barbies out of the original packaging!

On 2008-01-17 17:20, MooneyTiki wrote:
Aloha Buzzy!!!
your Bling ring carvings are cool my friend and I really love the KU you just stained! keep slayin the wood and havin fun,lookin good,Aloha, your friend, Mooney

Thanks Mooney! Nice work on your end too! I'll keep having fun because that's all I time for these days.

BambooBen: Stupid Patriots! Now it's back to UFC season. Go Nate Diaz!

This rain is messing with my work timetable.
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/22/2008

Here is what I got done on the first one last night:

Sun's out, but i'm still working inside today.
Buzzy Out!

GMAN posted on 01/23/2008

I see you have your rake inside so you can clean the carpet :lol:

Buzzy for President!

seeksurf posted on 01/23/2008

Buzzy Nice job on the Ku style tiki, I like him allot.

Must be nice to carve in the house i haven't got the
balls anymore to try.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/23/2008



On 2008-01-22 21:41, seeksurf wrote:
Must be nice to carve in the house i haven't got the
balls anymore to try.

I love house carving! In addition to big balls of steel, I also have splinter resistent skin on the bottom of my feet.

The ocean view over here is kind of distracting, so I never really notice this:

If your work area is clean, you do not spend enough time on your work!

On 2008-01-22 16:39, GMAN wrote:
I see you have your rake inside so you can clean the carpet :lol:

It's all about having the right tool for the job!

Kiva guards the mess!

If my floor was clean, I'd probably get the couch back from the dog. She doesn't go on the floor anymore.

Buzzy Out!

Cammo posted on 01/23/2008

Hey Buzz Boy -

How about a debate? Seems like the 'in' thing these days.

U pick the time, place, and subjects.

U pick your opponent. Or opponents.

I can moderate, but I'll need a few slugs of rum & lime.

Who would go up against Buzzy the Wonder Kid in a no-holds barred faceoff on a national live cyber-cast? With a smash-ola'd moderator?

Or is this getting too political? Maybe the only debate rule is that NONE of the subjects can be politics!

harro posted on 01/24/2008

On 2008-01-23 14:52, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

Kiva guards the mess!

:lol: :lol: this pic almost made me choke / spit my mouthful of chips over the monitor, you know those reflex laughs but kinda half thru the nose type of laugh, y'know... ah well, anyway, classic pic!!! a true sign that you're really living the tiki carver lifestyle - wood chips on the living room floor...awesome.

harro out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/25/2008


I did most of the roughing out on this guy. Now I just have to do the final adjustments, sanding, decorating, sanding again, staining, sealing, and installing to do.

After or in between all that, I'll be doing another one!

Cammo: I think a debate would be a great idea. I love to fling rhetoric around, along with my woodchips ,that is!

Harro: Here's some riveting action from the life of Kiva

If we all yell LOUD, maybe we can stop the rain!
Buzzy Out!

Cammo posted on 01/26/2008

Howabout a Chop Debate. While one person addresses the question, the other carves their Tiki. Then back. You get votes by answering questions AND producing a Tiki.

Do it live with write-in Shout questions.

Vote for the winner via Shout.

The debate topics are totally open. Questions about ANY subject are allowed.

Again, who will go up against the Buzz from Tikiland?

seeksurf posted on 01/26/2008

Looking good Buzzy.

I hear your in for more strange weather?

Babalu posted on 01/26/2008

On 2008-01-23 15:29, Cammo wrote:
Hey Buzz Boy -

How about a debate? Seems like the 'in' thing these days.

U pick the time, place, and subjects.

U pick your opponent. Or opponents.

I can moderate, but I'll need a few slugs of rum & lime.

Who would go up against Buzzy the Wonder Kid in a no-holds barred faceoff on a national live cyber-cast? With a smash-ola'd moderator?

Or is this getting too political? Maybe the only debate rule is that NONE of the subjects can be politics!

I think Hilary is one HOT babe! In fact, I think she could even smoke Buffy in a slap down by round 3...

[ Edited by: Babalu 2008-01-25 18:57 ]

Cammo posted on 01/26/2008

"Put the dog dish on the ground, Bill. No, really, on the GROUND!"

J Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4990/6231348a13576.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=d90fc5362c20994193340f7880a3d571
JenTiki posted on 01/26/2008

"Put the dog dish on the ground, Bill. No, really, on the GROUND!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/27/2008

I swear I smell a cocktail weiner....Is it coming from here...or there?? :lol:

Glad to meet you Buddy, thats a pretty unusual secret handshake...you from around here?? :)

You know the rules Buddy, you gotta stay there for at least a minute...pace yourself :blush:

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