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Music from the Trader Vic's website

Pages: 1 5 replies

TropicalMaverick posted on 01/19/2008

Aloha everyone.
I have a question that I hope someone will have the answer to. The Trader Vic's website has music playing when you first get to it, but it doesn't say what song or artist it is. And there's no way to contact the company. Does anyone recognize it? I would like to find a copy of it. I really like the combination of bongo drums and flute. Thanks for your help.

Thunderlips posted on 01/24/2008

Available here for your listening pleasure.
Can't help you with the artist/title. No one seems to know.

[ Edited by: Thunderlips 2008-01-23 16:15 ]

jpmartdog posted on 01/24/2008

Hey thats cool - Thanks for posting that link Thunderlips! :wink:

Bogielocks posted on 01/24/2008

I've always wondered where Deep Purple got their riff for "Smoke on the Water" :o :roll:

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 01/24/2008

"Bongo Tomato...?"

This is pretty neat. "Smoke On The Water"* meets the Star Trek Orion Slave Girl Dance! ("Nice place ya' got here, Trader Pike...")

Sounds like it was recorded in Vic's garage, but dig that craaaazy flute, Daddy-O! Snap! Snap!

Mahalo for sharing this, TL. It'll make for an interesting interlude amongst the archives...

(* LOL, BL, a Deeply Purple perception!)

Tonga Tiki posted on 01/27/2008

I found it interesting also. I recorded it off of my sound card. I would be interested if there was a full version.

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