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The Luau, Beverly Hills - Inspired carving by Lake Tiki

Pages: 1 5 replies

Lake Surfer posted on 01/24/2008

I've had my eye on the logo tiki from The Luau for some time now and wanted to do a piece based on it. I loved the colors in it and the time weathered look that it had. I did two wall hangings based on this logo. They are just about the same except for the minor differences that come with hand made work.


15 inches high x 6 inches wide, hand carved and hand painted. Sawtooth hanger on the back for easy and quick installation in the room of your choice.

$50 includes shipping to the continental U.S.

PM me with your interest or questions and I'll get you Pay Pal details.

Thanks for looking!

teaKEY posted on 01/24/2008

This tiki always reminds me of lion qualities and like its wearing sunglasses. A male face/head and could pass for a female from the neck down. I like the 2D ishness and how you framed it with rounding the lower portion keeping a condensed look.

Jeff Central posted on 01/24/2008

Damn Lake, that thing is sweeeeet!!! :)

Keep up the good work.

Cheers and Mahalo,

TIKI DAVID posted on 01/24/2008

how many are you going to make?

Basement Kahuna posted on 01/25/2008

Damn! Nice, really different piece, man. Cool!

Lake Surfer posted on 01/25/2008

teaKEY, Jeff, Tiki David and BK thanks for your replies. :)

Tiki David, I have two of these right now that are finished. I may make more this summer. I'm kind of going in 5 different directions with masks, tikis and idols since I have time in-between major custom work for tiki bars.

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