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Warren Barker - Far Away Places

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OnyaBirri posted on 01/19/2008

This LP on Warner Brothers is a terrific exotica album that doesn't get discussed too often. I suspect that if it had a babe or a tiki on the cover, rather than William Holden, it would attract more attention.

[ Edited by: OnyaBirri 2008-01-19 06:47 ]

vegasvic posted on 01/19/2008

Right on. Of course, all the magic here is Warren Barker (77 Sunset Strip, Hawaiian Eye, Tropicale w/Tommy Morgan). Several enchanting tracks on this LP. Of particular note I think are Malayan Nightbird, a Barker original composition, and Moonflowers. Also contains a very good version of Lotus Land.

Kaiwaza posted on 01/19/2008

I agree that the cover art was a bad choice, and a bit "out of synch" with what was going on at the time. However, it's a GREAT album. I especially LOVE the arrangement of Lotus Land and that it contains the only other version of Moonflower I've ever heard outside of the film where it was sung by Dorothy Lamor, "The Road To Bali."

Quiet Village Idiot posted on 01/19/2008

Has anybody heard his Music of Desire LP? How does that one measure up?

Vonratnick posted on 01/23/2008

For years I thought it finished with Lyman, Denny and Baxter.

Then I found TC!

Thanks all.

The William Holden ties in was from Suzie Wong, no? I'd rather have seen Nancy Kwan.

[ Edited by: Vonratnick 2008-01-22 19:12 ]

Bongo Bungalow posted on 01/23/2008

I have so much to learn... you mean I can't choose exotica based just on sexy girls on the jacket cover? Damn!

Seriously, I'd love to find this LP. But I try not to buy online, so the Goodwill stores and a couple of used record stores are my only sources and Mr. Holden hasn't shown up... yet.]

I, Zombie posted on 01/23/2008

On 2008-01-23 01:11, Bongo Bungalow wrote:

Seriously, I'd love to find this LP. But I try not to buy online, so the Goodwill stores and a couple of used record stores are my only sources and Mr. Holden hasn't shown up... yet.]


I found it in an old record shop in Biddeford Maine for 3 bucks last summer. Mono, but in good shape. I NEVER thought it would ever show up, but it did.

Keep hope alive. It will show up one of these days.

~glen leslie

Digitiki posted on 01/24/2008

This is one of my favorites. It isn't exotica in the classic sense. It is more of an orchestral exotica alubm. William Holden does the liner notes and yes, I also beleive that the "World of Suzy Wong" is a tie in. I have an absolutely sparkling transfer of a pristine stereo LP if anyone is interested. Let me know. I can always do a temporary post for anyone interested.

I, Zombie posted on 01/24/2008

On 2008-01-19 12:05, Quiet Village Idiot wrote:
Has anybody heard his Music of Desire LP? How does that one measure up?

Dear QVI,

Quince_at_Danny's and I scored that record in Chicago in November. It's in a big pile of LPs we picked up on a road trip from Minneapolis MN to Toledo OH. I'm not sure yet, which one of us will end up with it, but we've both listened to it.

To me, it sounds like Warner Bros.' response to Les Baxter on Capitol records. Like they said, "hey Warren, this guy Baxter is selling alot of LPs, what can you do for us." And the "stringier" side of Les I should add-- such as Space Escapades, but with more percussion and audio/stereo effects. It's not great, but it has it's moments. I could see the LP growing on me (I've only heard it once so far).


Jeff Central posted on 01/24/2008

On 2008-01-19 12:05, Quiet Village Idiot wrote:
Has anybody heard his Music of Desire LP? How does that one measure up?

I like this album. It's a crossbreed of exotic percussion, strings and brilliant arranging. It is similiar to Les Baxter's more orchestral Exotica but the sharp attacks of the string section give it a whole different vibe.

Another great Warren Barker album is "Warren Barker is "IN". This is very cool album of jazz beatnik music. Like walking into a coffeehouse in the 50's. Think classic Henry Mancini. You can listen to it over and over and it still sounds fresh!!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

bigbrotiki posted on 01/24/2008

Oooooh, sounds nice! Does it have a cool or silly Beatnik cover?

OnyaBirri posted on 01/24/2008

...Like they said, "hey Warren, this guy Baxter is selling alot of LPs, what can you do for us."

I think it's safe to assume that nearly ALL the exotica one-offs that were made were in response to a label wanting a Baxter or Denny record.

Jeff Central posted on 01/24/2008

On 2008-01-24 10:48, bigbrotiki wrote:
Oooooh, sounds nice! Does it have a cool or silly Beatnik cover?

Nah, the cover is kind of boring. It does tell you what was "IN" though for 1959. Hopefully you can read it.

Music of Desire definitely has a better looking cover.

Cheers and Mahalo,

[ Edited by: Jeff Central 2008-01-24 15:01 ]

GatorRob posted on 01/25/2008

That is a very odd cover. "Subsidized athletes are IN if you go to an OUT school"?"Hi-fi recordings of bowling balls are OUT"?


I'll have whatever they're drinking. I think. Maybe.

OnyaBirri posted on 01/25/2008
  1. Burn the Warren Barker originals from "77 Sunset Strip" onto CD-RW. Omit the Cole Porter covers.

  2. Add the 3 or 4 Warren Barker originals from "Warren Barker is In" onto said CD-R.

  3. You end up with a KILLER crime-jazz disc!

[ Edited by: OnyaBirri 2008-01-24 17:14 ]

[ Edited by: OnyaBirri 2008-01-24 17:14 ]

Digitiki posted on 01/25/2008

OK, by request, "Far Away Places" is up for download for a limited time at: digitiki.com Enjoy.

pappythesailor posted on 01/25/2008

I'm enjoying it right now. Thanks, Digitiki!

I, Zombie posted on 01/25/2008

On 2008-01-24 11:01, OnyaBirri wrote:

...Like they said, "hey Warren, this guy Baxter is selling alot of LPs, what can you do for us."

I think it's safe to assume that nearly ALL the exotica one-offs that were made were in response to a label wanting a Baxter or Denny record.

True enough, but many of those "one-offs" end up sounding quite original and interesting, whereas this album seems a little more derivative to me. That's said, Jeff's description is better than mine. I'm looking forward to hearing it more after reading his report.

With regards to Warren Barker is In, Quince and I picked that up also on that same road trip to Toledo. What are the chances? As others have said, it's a great crime jazz/ beatnik kinda thing. The double burn with Sunset strip is a good idea. Hmmmmm....

I, Z

OnyaBirri posted on 01/25/2008

True enough, but many of those "one-offs" end up sounding quite original and interesting...

Agree 100%

Vonratnick posted on 01/28/2008

Thanks Digitiki, great stuff, much appreciated. Funny, a lot of the tracks remind me of the Suzy Wong soundtrack.

BTW, sparkling cut! What software/system do you use? I have an early 50's album of Hawaiian instrumental music for slide nights that is proving a challenge for my Audio Cleaning Lab.

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 01/29/2008

This is a wonderful thing you've done, DT! Many thanks for sharing your exquisite transfer, it's a real prize for the archives. As a longtime soundtrack collector, the cinematic feel of this "lost" exotica LP's splendid orchestrations is especially appreciated.

A mighty Mahalo Nui Nui!

Digitiki posted on 01/30/2008

I have a small project recording studio, so I use Digital Performer as the recording software and run it through Waves' Restoration Bundle software. That is THE best thing I've found for cleaning audio. And best of all, it doesn't color the sound, well at least very very little. Sometimes it doesn't remove all of the pops and clicks, so I go in and remove them by hand.

But I must say, this LP trasfer was pretty clean to begin with. The bells are amazingly crisp.

culturevirus posted on 02/01/2008

thank you for making this album available Digitiki, and for going the extra round to make some quick CD inserts for it. for those who are interested and are soulseek users, I have many exotica-related albums that I'm sharing. search for user name culturevirus

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