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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Tiki 805 (La Conchita Swap Meet)

Pages: 1 2 replies

Kreaky Tiki posted on 05/20/2003

Did anyone get by, and score at the La Conchita swap meet. I saw it on Sunday and say a few carved monkeypod items that were of minimal interest to me. I thought that Saturday should have had a few good buys. La Conchita is one of the more tikified towns around.


Kreaky Tiki

[ Edited by: Kreaky Tiki on 2003-05-19 22:41 ]

Tiki Diablo posted on 05/22/2003

Kreaky , I was meening to ask you if this is a regular event? I'm heading up to SB fri night.

tikitony posted on 05/23/2003

I kNow ZZ sells TiKis tHere eVery once in a while? Chikitiki in 805? Are yOu sEtting uP sHop aNyWhere... I'm in Ventura tHis wEEkeNd tOO.

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