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New CD for the Moon-Rays, swing it baby!

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skullisland posted on 01/25/2008

Little early to be thinking about halloween music, but the word is the Moon-Rays have a new CD coming out in a few months and it's going to be covers of swing era Halloween songs from the 20's through the 40's. No Tiki music on this one I'm afraid. The title is "Skeletons In the Closet" named after the old Louis Armstrong song?

leisure master posted on 01/25/2008

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 01/25/2008

On the one hand, Skull, your CD is, by your own admission (cue chanting):

"Non-Tiki, NON-Tiki, NON-TIKI...!"

On the other hand (from a Moon Rays fan*):

Oooo, yeah.

(* via the inimitable Java, at JBP)

skullisland posted on 01/26/2008

Poor puppy, everybody want to shoot that guy...
So whos all making their way down to beautiful Franklin Indiana in sept to witness live and in person the truely Tiki-esque Will the Thrill's Thrillville revue at the Indy Film Co-Op Drive in beach party? The Moon-rays will be there too, somewhat live but in person and PLAYING TIKI MUSIC!!!!

leisure master posted on 01/26/2008

On 2008-01-25 18:29, skullisland wrote:
...the truely Tiki-esque Will the Thrill's Thrillville revue at the Indy Film Co-Op Drive in beach party? The Moon-rays will be there too, somewhat live but in person and PLAYING TIKI MUSIC!!!!

There, that's better. The pup lives on.

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 01/27/2008

Gee, LM, I really think you were gonna do it... Whew...

Ol' Fido probably thought he'd edged by without Nat'l Lampoon dropping the hammer on him, until Skull's post.

Just remember, Skull, once you cave in to Tiki Terrorism, you'll never hear the end (nor will Fido) of it. Never, that is, until the Moon Rays do their own terrifyingly-terrific EXOTICA ALBUM, eh?


skullisland posted on 01/27/2008

On 2008-01-26 19:51, Son-of-Kelbo wrote:
Just remember, Skull, once you cave in to Tiki Terrorism, you'll never hear the end (nor will Fido) of it. Never, that is, until the Moon Rays do their own terrifyingly-terrific EXOTICA ALBUM, eh?

You know at one time the Moon-Rays were talking with the band Clouseaux about doing a combined album of songs, both giving their own interpretation of of exotica classics. I don't know why but that kind of fell by the wayside. I still think it's a pretty cool idea though.

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