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Need Help with ID of possible Witco

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Melintur posted on 01/17/2008

When Tikimama and I were in Seattle last weekend, she spotted a quite-witco-like looking wall hanging of a ship at thrift store and we grabbed it with all haste. We didn't have any way to get it home so we prancingly called dogbytes to ask her if she would hold if for us until we could figure it out. We put it in the back of Hansel (our cabrio) with the top down and prayed to the tiki gods that they would hold back the rain. They did. Here is a pic looking down on it - can anyone ID it? It's currently the only pic I have. You can click on the picture to go to my flickr site to see it larger.

Thanks in advance!!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 01/17/2008
Turbogod posted on 01/17/2008

I am fairly certain yours is. The other one on Ebay....not so sure.

GROG posted on 01/17/2008

That's Tikimama's car, not yours, right?

Ya'll were in that because you left yours at home.

[ Edited by: GROG 2008-01-17 13:38 ]

Melintur posted on 01/17/2008

Off-content aside,

I have no personal shame in owning or loving HANSEL (He's so hot right now), our Cabrio. On the contrary, he is a personal point of pride. :D

Isn't he cute with his little top down like that? Look at him! My cute little baby. :wink:

TIKI DAVID posted on 01/18/2008

my opinion ,both are witco. just differt styles.

dogbytes posted on 01/18/2008

i HaVE Ur WitCO. wILL TraDE foR ThE SmALl DoG.

that was a hilarious phone call. TikiMama looking for a place to stash a 5 foot long Witco~ i was MILES away at a dogshow. so they ditched the painting at my house with a note. of course my husband, was confused by a giant ship on our porch...

mrtikibar posted on 01/24/2008

I bought a viking ship carving at a thrift store a few years ago thinking it might be a Witco and found out it was made by The Woodcarver. Here's a link to an old discussion.

bigbrotiki posted on 01/24/2008

Oh, I love Witco fakes, can you post a pic? The Woodcarver's Madonna copy in TIKI MODERN is from Puamana's collection, she also has a menu from the Woodcarver Cafe. I wonder if any of these copy cat folks ever would have guessed that 40 years after, their deeds would end up in a book. :)

bigbrotiki posted on 01/26/2008

Speak of the devil! On e-bay right now, some works by ....The Woodcarver!:

Not quite as elegant, actually quite different from the Witco originals (of which unfortunately I have no image), but very interesting because for the first time I got a date: 1963

That guy was at it pretty early in the game. Wonder how long he lasted!

bigbrotiki posted on 01/27/2008

Actually, all these dates, with Silverline's Moai mold in Tiki Finds dated 1963 also, again confirm my theory that the core years of Tiki Modern style, the real explosion of creativity, came out of the Zeitgeist of a very brief period in the late 50s to early 60s. To hone it down to the nucleus years, I would say 1959 to 1964. This was the peak period, where the epitome of the style was formed, the years before being the build up, and the years after being the continuation and implementation of the models of the style.

GROG posted on 01/27/2008

GROG posted on 01/27/2008

P.S. Love ya Sven. :)


TIKI DAVID posted on 01/27/2008

ok, is this a witco stool? i got 4 of these with a witco bar today.

"just my opinion,i could be wrong"

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2008-01-27 13:57 ]

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