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Tiki Symbols in Adobe Illustrator CS3

Pages: 1 6 replies

hala_kahiki posted on 01/24/2008

I was in graphic design class today, and my professor told us look around the "Symbol" library that they have, and there was a tiki section! they're some really cool images. Most of them aren't tiki at all though, like a poodle and a cat, they just look Shag-ish in style. There's a pretty cool tiki hut w/ tiki, and some cool looking people, a funky lamp...etc.

wondering if anyone who uses that program ever noticed them before! :)

Tiki Royale posted on 01/25/2008

Here's the symbol collection... Pretty cool little spot illustrations.


tastysp posted on 01/25/2008

cool gonna check it out now!

The Gnomon posted on 01/26/2008


ravenne posted on 01/29/2008

In all my time using Illustrator, I never ventured into the symbol section!

I'll definitely check it out!

Thanks for mentioning it!

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 01/29/2008

These look very much like "actual-Shag" to me -- did JA license them to Adobe?, and what are the CS3 user license/use issues, I wonder? Wonderful icons, but very curious...

VanTiki posted on 01/29/2008

Aloha folks -
all the symbols supplied with illustrator are royalty free. This tiki set came with CS2 (I believe) but was absent from CS3. Also, if you peek in the swatch libraries there is a "Tiki" color swatch set! Nice retro-feel colors. I never (asa a rule) use symbols included with illustrator myself, as I hate the thought of some other artist saying "hey! he just used the menu from the food and drink symbol set!" or something like that. I recall a thread a while ago on this forum where someone found a fellow selling t-shirts with the illustrator symbols printed on them. Talk about lazy! :)

Henrik "VanTiki"

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