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Johnnyp Tut 2/19

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Robin posted on 02/03/2008

Did you get thawed out? All these interesting starts...don't keep us waiting to long.

JohnnyP posted on 02/05/2008

I can't focusssssss. Got to rough out.....more starts.

Seeksurf, I'll record some sound files of the drums and latest horns.

GMAN posted on 02/05/2008

good heavens.....

hodadhank posted on 02/05/2008


congatiki posted on 02/05/2008

Looks like you are focusing just fine, wow, what an arsenal. Look
out for Johnny!

Bowana posted on 02/05/2008

[i]On 2008-01-28 17:14, JohnnyP wrote:[/i

Too many irons in the fire, I have to finish something soon. I think I have ADD.

I hear ya, Johnny! You get so many started, how do you know which one deserves your valuable time the most? We need to start an ADD Anonymous special chapter for Tiki Carvers :)

Yer crocs, rock. Nice work!

Benzart posted on 02/05/2008

I'm Loving seeing all those Irons in the fired, Work, Work and then work some more. Lookin good. Come on down for some one on one lessons.Then Work work work some More! :lol: :lol::

Lake Surfer posted on 02/05/2008

Good stuff Johnny! Looks like my studio these days. I've got a million things all in different states of start and stop strewn everywhere. Always getting distracted by the latest new idea and setting everything else aside. Put my mind to it and cranked out the new pieces Monday so I can get back on track. Its terrible when you have an idea and it takes over everything else... everything else suffers! :wink:

These all look great and they are well on their way to the detail stage.

Looks like you'll have lots of time this week as we'll all be stranded in our homes after the next storm. We're expecting a foot or more by Thursday. Then we ship it off to you.
I don't see winter ending until at least June.

Robin posted on 02/05/2008

Hey there, that is quite the arsenal. I'm kinda jealous. What a basket of projects to pick from... If it's ADD, it's really working well for you. Nice nice beginnings.

JohnnyP posted on 02/10/2008

Hey, Gman, how warm is your pool now? O degrees here! Just relaxin' and chillin' out with a day by the pool. (needless to say I didn't really get much carving time in today)

T_birdman posted on 02/10/2008


GMAN posted on 02/10/2008

Hey JohnnyP-oolboy!

Howzitt? Itz warm here Bubba. The pool is in the mid-70s but the days have been in the 80s. I think we'll be able to tough it out here until spring :D

Looks like hard living at the P Ranch. Sux mang. I bet you are burning sick amounts of wood, aye? Save some wood for summer carving.... Enjoy that drink, and know that you'll heading to the beach soon. Lemme know when you touch down.


Benzart posted on 02/11/2008

Hey Johnny, You got the rioght idea but something's Wrong there. Your sand is a funny color and the ice isn't melting in your drink. :lol:

seeksurf posted on 02/11/2008

"chillin' out"

under statment!

harro posted on 02/11/2008

i reckon your suntans looking pretty good there JP - obviously all that time basking in the sunshine is paying off!! :D :D

Robin posted on 02/12/2008

Well...are you coming to Florida? You might find it nicer to cool your tush here...that looks way to cool, in fact it looks downright dangerous....possibly insane.

teaKEY posted on 02/12/2008

Hope that pic wasn't takin yesterday. It was below zero and wind that cut little daggers. I'm not following you in your footprints

JohnnyP posted on 02/13/2008

Robin- I can't get to Florida fast enough

TeaKey- The picture was taken on Sunday and it was just below zero.

But winter still suxx it just won't go away.

I did finish a club. Pictures soon.

Lake Surfer posted on 02/13/2008

At least you can still see your tikis... mine are buried under 4 foot drifts in the backyard.

There's more on the way Thursday... not like you need me to tell you, every 2-3 days we get more snow.

Letsee the club!

JohnnyP posted on 02/18/2008

Here is an update on a few the projects. Too many hours of sanding, and blisters to show for it. All done except for stain. One is walnut and the others a tropical oak I think.

CarvenImage posted on 02/18/2008

Hey! Isn't that cruelty to Tikis? They're not cold weather friendly...we could use some Tiki Snowbirds down here in the winter instead of the kinds we get.

Do your best to keep warm, man!

On 2008-02-12 19:04, JohnnyP wrote:
Robin- I can't get to Florida fast enough

TeaKey- The picture was taken on Sunday and it was just below zero.

But winter still suxx it just won't go away.

I did finish a club. Pictures soon.

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/18/2008

Nice looking clubs, Johnny. Smooth work. Love the Kotiate...interesting club-designed to disarm an opponent.

harro posted on 02/18/2008

some smooth looking clubs there JP - been a while since we have seen some clubs on here.

what are you going to finish them with?

seeksurf posted on 02/18/2008

Nice JohnnyP I'm digging the guys coming out of the wood.

GMAN posted on 02/19/2008

Nice work Johnny. Those are some of your best for sure. I love the little guys. Where do the teeth come in?


Robin posted on 02/20/2008

Hi Johnny, I'm pretty jealous of all those clubs. Really nice renderings. Have you ever swung them around to see how they'd be to fight with?

JohnnyP posted on 02/25/2008


Robin, It is fun swinging them around, but it is rather sobering knowing what these were used for. The Pacific islanders designed some formidable weapons. The shark tooth ones especially.

Harro, the dark wooded clubs will be sanded smooth and left natural, the lighter ones will be stained a little darker.

Here is an update on the gable figure and a finished shark tooth club.

congatiki posted on 02/26/2008

How did I miss this update? I've been waiting for an update on the roof
finial, I love what's happening so far. Of course, you know me and
"birdie" sorta things.
And the latest weapons, well they kick ass too.

tikifreak1 posted on 02/26/2008

Looking really good JohnnyP!!!! The club is sweet.

seeksurf posted on 02/26/2008

Outstanding Johnny, this guy has allot going on.
Its looking like a very in-depth carve also.
Love the height and scope of this carve.

Dam that club could put the hurt on! NICE!

tok-tok posted on 03/01/2008

Man, you´ve got a lot of irons in the fire. It all looks very nice. I love the shark-teeth-club.

Benzart posted on 03/01/2008

Really EXCELLENT Stuff John, the clubs are Kick ass or where ever they they hit you with, Beuatiful.
The gable figure is Great too, Lots of excellent detail, Man you just Don't quit!

JohnnyP posted on 03/09/2008

Here is my latest club.

Look close,

It is a pendant.

I appreciate all the responses from a great group of carvers.

Howland posted on 03/09/2008

Effing WOW, man!--you've got the 'teeth fastened to the wood' deal down! That's definitely one of you many niches. Are those real teeth on the pendant?

Robin posted on 03/09/2008

This one is small enough to be and earring! Wow! What a delight. Looks like you have some pretty steady hands yourself. I'm wondering about those teeth too. Real?

finkdaddy posted on 03/09/2008

Where did you ever find a quarter that huge?!?! :o

Nice work Johnny, your latest work is very impressive. You are one of the few carvers I know with a very clear style. I'm jealous!

AlohaStation posted on 03/10/2008

Thats excellent!!!!

Paipo posted on 03/10/2008

Add another name to the "blown away" list - what's the story with the tiny teeth? You got a little tank full of miniature sharks in your Tiki room?

seeksurf posted on 03/10/2008

Nice! Its looks so clean. That is just the size to hack Ken or Barbie
up but good.

benella posted on 03/11/2008


GMAN posted on 03/12/2008

Nice micro-club Johnny. I bet that bastard bites the first wearer! Are you gonna show us pics of Mrs. MaiKai soon or what? Please?

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Benzart posted on 03/12/2008

WOW, Johnny, you think you can get Any Smaller?? Lookin' Great as usual, where ya' been?
Ha :lol:

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MooneyTiki posted on 03/14/2008

Aloha Johnny!!! Excellent carvings my friend!!! Aloha , Mooney

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GMAN posted on 03/15/2008

Mr. P.,

Please show us pics of your Mrs. MaiKai?

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JohnnyP posted on 03/17/2008


Sorry guys, those are fake shark teeth in the pendant, I carved them out of bone to look like shark teeth.

I might try to make a couple of these to sell, do you think there might be any interest?

Finkdaddy- Thanks for the complement, I really didn't think I had a style, I jumped around to so many thing, I didn't think I could have developed one.

Gman- Here is the Mrs Mai Kai updates as well as a Vanuatu slit gong I finally finished.

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[ Edited by: JohnnyP 2008-03-16 17:38 ] to change picture.

[ Edited by: JohnnyP 2008-03-17 17:22 ]

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Robin posted on 03/17/2008

Your work always makes a strong statement. Skill and style.

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surfintiki posted on 03/17/2008

Looks like relics right out of the old days! Real nice.

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tikifreak1 posted on 03/17/2008

Every piece you do Johnny is AWESOME!!!

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