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Maikai Gents on National TV Nov. 18 & 19

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weirduncletiki posted on 11/17/2006

Aloha, Ohana. If you need a fix of Hapa Haole goodness and are near a TV set, tune us in! You'll see a surprise cameo by a couple central Tiki Centralites, too. Here are the details:

NBC'S IN WINE COUNTRY will be airing the show "Tiki Time in Wine Country" with a segment on the The Maikai Gents Featuring The Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa. The show airs locally in San Francisco this Saturday, November 18 at 6:30 p.m. on NBC11 -- channel 11 or cable 3. There's an encore airing Monday morning at 12:30 a.m.

IN WINE COUNTRY airs in San Francisco Bay Area, San Diego, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Dallas, Washington DC, Miami, Philadelphia and Hartford, CT. so check your local listings.

Details on the show can be found here: http://www.nbc11.com/inwinecountry/10327750/detail.html

IN WINE COUNTRY is also available "on demand" via the Comcast Digital Cable system in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The segment will be posted as a video clip on the show website, and you'll be able to view it as a podcast on iTunes. Please visit the website to find out how to view podcasts: http://www.inwinecountry.com

kick_the_reverb posted on 11/17/2006

I'll check my local listings, but I have a feeling it's not going to get showed here.

Haole'akamai posted on 11/17/2006

Shall I tape it for you?

weirduncletiki posted on 11/17/2006

Aloha, Kick! The show promises to be aired in San Diego on KNSD/NBC at 5:00PM. It'll most likely be on NBC stations in the different markets. The crew came and taped our rehearsal amongst the barrels (shown below) and then came back to record our White Barn Luau -clip can be seen here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=0qwIaaiO4bc
Who knows what'll make it to air and what ended up on the cutting room floor. It'll probably be a short segment, so don't blink! Mahalo.

-Weird Unc

*Edited to add image

[ Edited by: weirduncletiki 2006-11-17 13:04 ]

tiki mick posted on 11/17/2006

You guys rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 11/18/2006

Yea Baby!

I got my TiVo all set to record....wonder if we'll see Danny G and Dr.TikiMojo on that one? :o

Am I famous yet? :wink:

Congrats guys! Hope it makes the gigs roll in so heavy ya hafta beat them back with a Hawaiian War Club! :D

UtopianDreem posted on 01/27/2008

Los Angeles' KNBC Channel 4 is scheduled to show the "Tiki Time in Wine Country" episode of "In Wine Country" Saturday 2nd February at 4:00am PST. Set your timers!

tikiyaki posted on 01/27/2008

Go MKG's....

Congratz ! national TV....awesome !

bigbrotiki posted on 01/27/2008

Judd, that is sooo cool! Holding up the Tiki torch in Napa and so throughout the country! Congrats.

weirduncletiki posted on 02/05/2008

Heya! Thanks, gang. I'm happy to know that they found us interesting enough to play it again. Here's some nifty news: This segment actually won an Emmy for editing! Not too shabby. Anyhooo... I've put the clip up on our new myspace page. The page is still a work in progress and because I'm such a tech-dope, it may be in progress for some time. There are some photos and couple video clips. All of our current show info will always be available there, too. Search out maikaigents and have a look. I wish that I was skilled enough to maintain and update a proper website, but these strummin' fingers ain't programmed for programming. Oh, well. Enjoy the myspace page.

-Weird Unc

GatorRob posted on 02/05/2008

My DVR happened to pick up the show just the other day and we watched it last night. They really did a great job with it! Most times the tiki culture is profiled on TV, they go for the over-the-top kitsch factor. But this was a classy affair, probably due to the Napa Valley/wine angle, but whatever. It was refreshing to see one of our own taken seriously.

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