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Gman vs Wild - Page 1; Kotiate Warrior 183; BoatMan 184; Gman Lizard Dance 190; Screamer 193

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GMAN posted on 01/19/2008

Oloha Seeks! How's the Thin Man? Is he getting closer and more dry? Hope so...

MBL was out doing some recon and came across a neato tree that was coming down - a rubber tree. He brought some over to me last night and it looked sweet. After getting the nod from Benzo on the wood, GwOman and I set out in the GMT with my saw to go and see what else we could score. After doing a little tree work for the owner, we were able to take all we wanted. We took 22 choice cuts and proceeded to debark them and get the ends painted. GwOman turned out to be quite the debarker :D :lol: She's gonna be hurting in the morning....

I hope these don't crack much. Benz said it should be relatively stable. We'll see. If they hold up, I'll have a buncha neat sizes and shapes to work with over the next year or two. Happy Happy!!!


artonsafari posted on 01/20/2008

Been a while since I checked in on your carvings. Holy cr@p you've taken your work to some new levels.

Rock on Gus!!

tikifreak1 posted on 01/20/2008

Damn, you guys went to town!!! You're killing me with the feetz!!

GMAN posted on 01/20/2008


I spent a few hours outside with the big figure using little chisels to clean up some little places, I did some 100 grit sanding were he was ugly, and I cut in his paua eye inlays. So now he is a little less "rough".....and he can see. Finally a little progress around here. I'm thinking about one or two sessions of tinkering and sanding and then I'm gonna get this feller in stain. Hell, if I get far enough tomorrow I might get his first two coats on him by dark. Maybe....

Here are a few pics from today:


tikifreak1 posted on 01/20/2008

Man, those eyes are perfect!!!

MBL posted on 01/21/2008

GMAN- dude, I am so glad that you got all those logs! I know they will be put to some good use. I have to get over again for another carving session. perhaps I can carve something for myself for a change. :)

The abalone inlay looks GREAT! Man you work fast!

Benzart posted on 01/21/2008

Ah, GMAN, Your guy is Looking Better and Better every day you touch him. Tomorrow I will shoot some pictures of the "Sanding Star/mop" I am using that REALLY makes Sanding Life Much Easier. You'll Love it.
I'm having After-thoughts about that "Rubber tree" wood you guys have. I'm thinking it nis Not all that great and will split WIDE Open very soon after starting to carve it. I feel bad about your having done all that work and all Especially since your "GwOman" seemed to do so much strenuous work, so I think it only Fair that I come over there and dispose of it properly for you, lest we cause GwOman any more unneeded muscle soreness and all.
Tomorrow evening sound OK?
Thanks,,,,er,, Sorry 'bout thet!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

GMAN posted on 01/21/2008

TikiFreak - Thanks man. That shell is from NZ via Mr. Paipo. Cutting in inlays like that gives me hives....

MBL - Thanks for the recon and the tip :D

Benzo - Oh man, GwOman says if this wood splits up she's gonna pinch you! Why don't you come and get this stuff out of my garage...and bring a 220 sanding mop with you. I'll make sure GwOman doesn't git you.



[ Edited by: GMAN 2008-01-20 19:55 ]

benella posted on 01/21/2008

Hey dude, super pix and nice cleaning for the big guy.
I' m very happy for you for the logs because that means 18 (yes I counted them !) new tikis to come...


Robin posted on 01/22/2008

Really nice tinkering G. What a great piece...the 'open eyes' really do bring them to life don't they. Have fun with those logs.

Benzart posted on 01/22/2008

Oh I don't Know now, I'm Afraid of the witch doctor after those words! You DO need a Mop though, Hmmm...

hewey posted on 01/22/2008

Nice score on the logs mate :D and that man room shelf is coming along sweetly too.

Oh yeh, nice tiki too :lol:

JohnnyP posted on 01/24/2008

I checked your thread right before you posted the update and I've missed it for a few days. The eyes really make it look complete, everything you do now is just icing on the cake, it is really good to see updates again (even if I didn't look for a couple days). I think I am going to have to come visit and see this one in person.

Nice pile of wood, a count of 18 logs was made, and at the rate you have been carving lately, that should take you until, ohh, just before, maybe, retirement to use them up.

harro posted on 01/25/2008

man, that man room is getting filled up nicely aint it...

i also hope to see plenty of progress pics as you work through the 18 logs - great score.

the big piece just keeps getting nicer as you go, keep it up!

Babalu posted on 01/29/2008

Word up G,

The man room is really coming along. That new mug you received is really sweet...I don't buy many mugs, but that is one I would love to get. You the bomb brother!

GMAN posted on 01/30/2008


Sorry. I pasted in a fun link but then decided to remove it.


[ Edited by: GMAN 2008-01-29 18:24 ]

[ Edited by: gman 2008-01-30 06:27 ]

GMAN posted on 02/02/2008

Benella - Yes sir! Many more carvings to come! Thanks for stopping by.

Robin - Howdie Hey! Thanks! I'm glad you like the eyes. These shells came from Mr. Paipo. Thanks Paipo!

Benzo - Yeah mon, diggit, I needs the mops..... You gotz the mops????

Hewey - Howwzit? Glad you like the carving :D

JohnnyP - I'm all done carving on him now. I'll be putting on his oil coats over the next month or so. Yeah, those logs should last me a little while. No need to carve fast if they are just for me. Savy?

Harro - Glad you likee the Manroon. Itz a wild joint. Thanks for the kind words about the big guy. Progress pics are below....

Babs - You need to getcha one of the Pops mugs. I bet if you ask him, he can make more.

Hey All,

Its been a while eh? So here are some pics as I finished sanding the big guy and put on his first coat of finish. I'll put on another coat of stain and then proceed with the oil coats. He'll get more red and then he'll pick up a silky glow. In all, I imagine it will take another month or so to get him all finished up. Here's some pics for you termites. The light was bad, so the shotz inside don't show his true colors.


tikifreak1 posted on 02/02/2008

ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!! I love it!!!

Robin posted on 02/03/2008

OH MY GOD!!!!!! He is spectacular...WOW! WOW! WOW! Yay GMan!

Babalu posted on 02/03/2008

Gman, Gman, Gman....your tossing out some of the best stuff around boss! This piece is soooo over the top! He is going to have to sit right up there at the head of the class in the ole man room there.

Rabbit fish rule!

MooneyTiki posted on 02/03/2008

Aloha Gman!!!
That is one incredable carve that you have there my friend!!! I am in awe.BIG comps to the artist,Aloha, Mooney

Meheadhunter posted on 02/03/2008

That is one of the best I've seen on TC....not that I'm some sort of tiki critic or anything, but this is awesome.....Love the added touch to the eyes....Keep up the great work!!!

The Sperm Whale posted on 02/03/2008


JohnnyP posted on 02/04/2008

This is bitter sweet, the end of an era. Watching this guy evolve and chew his way out of the log has been fun, but the journey is coming to an end. It is exciting to see the stain being added, it's kinda like breathing life into it. Fantasticly done.

Tamapoutini posted on 02/04/2008

AWESOME GMan!! That dark stain is killer! Top Chop!

Im so glad he's going to be finished in time for the Maori-Swap too - a very generous offering.. Tell you what, if my name happens to be drawn Ill pay for the shipping myself. OK? :wink:

Tama :)

congatiki posted on 02/04/2008

The GMan "rocks!" Beautiful work.

seeksurf posted on 02/05/2008

Sweetness G, He is a masterpiece! The the dirty messy stain shots
are great. NICE JOB!

Benzart posted on 02/05/2008

Mr GMAN, your guy looks TOP notch, you have outdone yourself with this guy. I am HAPPY to see you finishing him up now!

I promised a few links for your sanding endeavors and here they are:
Here get mac Mops with 1/4" shaft from Klingspor's Woodworking Shop, these links
Here get your gold sanding stars and mops tho the Mac-Mop is Best.
here you can get Mandrels
THERE, You ALL Know my Power sanding Secrets, I Wasn't gonna share those with you but....NOT. Gotta do it. Using these are up to you. IF you want your sanding time to go down Dramatically and if you want your Sanding Quality to GO UP Dramatically, then try these and be prepared to use them a Lot, IF Not. The Old Slow way still works but just not quite as good. Or AS Fast. :lol: :lol::

AlohaStation posted on 02/05/2008

I have been looking for those the past 2 weeks. Thanks for posting those!! The sanding mops are excellent!!

benella posted on 02/05/2008

Wonderful work !


Bowana posted on 02/06/2008

That's a heckuva carving, GMAN. The stain has put it over the top for sure! Like it!

GROG posted on 02/06/2008

Some fancy-shnancy carving there mister. Good stuff.

Paipo posted on 02/06/2008

Man that colour is perfect, and I guess it'll just get better with more coats. Seems like it's been a long time coming with this guy, but it was so worth the wait. The investment of time, skill and patience really shows through in the finished piece.
Oh, and those eyes look pretty good too - so precisely cut :lol:

harro posted on 02/07/2008

looks like it was a sloppy messy job covering the big guy with the stain but the results are worth it - can't wait to see more pics!! How many coats of stain and oil did/will you use?

And Ben those links to sanding mops and such - I've never seen those before, are they for dremels? to sand deep into hard-to-reach crevasses?


Benzart posted on 02/07/2008

GMAN Loves to Wallow in the Stain, it's his Favorite part I think. Where's he at G? You must have him at least 2/3's done by now.
Harro, I think those use a 1/4" shaft for a flexshaft, dremel or plain old drill.
(sorry GMAN)

GMAN posted on 02/10/2008

Tikifreak, Robin, Babalu, Mooney, Meheadhunter, Spermy, JohnnyP, Tama, Conga, Seeks, Benzo, Benella, Bowana, Grog, Paipo, and Harro:

Thanks for the nice comments folks. Your support means a lot.

He's still not done yet. I am done with the stain now and I have begun putting on the oil finish. These pics were taken during the first application of the oil. In the first shots he is all glossy with the oil on his surface. After the oil soaks in some, he gets a darker, older look. This deep old look will get better as I do more coats. After few more coats of oil I will set his eyes in and take some final shots.


JohnnyP posted on 02/10/2008

On 2008-02-10 10:12, GMAN wrote:

This shot shows what terrific talent you have, the detail is tremendous!

benella posted on 02/10/2008

WOW, you've showed your genious side with this piece. I can't believe my eyes when I look at the pix ! The color is fantastic with the oil ... WOW
And the details of the piece are very refined: a masterpiece, really.

AMazing piece for the swap 2008 :wink:
I'll pay the postage for sure :lol:


Robin posted on 02/10/2008

Boy that stain and oiling is tremendous...so rich, it's perfect. Shows how much refinement went into the surface of the carving. He is fabulous.....uhhhhh I can come and pick him up if I win him in the swap! :D

congatiki posted on 02/10/2008

Yea GMan you poked this one outta the park. GMan gets an "A+" and
moves to the head of the class.

T_birdman posted on 02/10/2008

Lord have mercy! The grain jumps out at you and the detail is Superb! Extremely fine piece bro, one of the finest! Be proud, be very proud!

seeksurf posted on 02/10/2008

He is looking vantastic with that oil sheen.
Not only is that carve outstanding you have mastered the
stain and finsh.
Truly a masterpice for all of us to remember.

Benzart posted on 02/11/2008

Just SPECTACULAR! I'm Speechless. I'm trying to figure out the best place to sit him in my office and it's hard because he will look great Everywhere. :lol: :lol:

GMAN posted on 02/16/2008

JohnnyP - Thanks man, you made me blush..... :D

Benella - Thanks Benjamin. I can't wait to see you take your big guys to geat levels. Your current piece is killer and a perfect candidate for the "full treatment." I'm glad you're keeping at it.

Robin - Yeah, I spent a lotta time getting him cleaned up and ready for the finish. Hopefully it all works out and I will like him. Thanks for looking....

Conga - Thanks dude. Is it spring up there yet? Any new work on "The Spy"?

T-bird - Howdie! I'm glad you likee. Hopefully he'll keep getting better.

Seeks - Thanks for checking him out. I'm still applying his finish coats, but soon I can get his eye inlays in and call him "done." Your newest work is to die for! Serious stuff you are doing man! I'm loving it!

Benzo - I'll deliver him personally :lol: . Thanks for the wordz.

All - Here are some pics I took after the next coats of finish. A few more to go and then I'll call him done.

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MooneyTiki posted on 02/17/2008

Aloha GMAN!!!!
that is one flat out INCREDABLE piece of art that you have carved. From the lines to the beautiful finish really Amazing,aloha your friend, Mooney

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CarvenImage posted on 02/18/2008

I am amazed at how quickly you have matured your art! I just browsed through this thread and enjoyed watching the progress! Thanks for posting this documentary from 2005-07-16 to present and beyond! It really gives us all confidence that no matter what our work looks like now, with work and time we can make progressively more beautiful art!

Some people think being called a hack is a put down...I take it as a compliment.

[ Edited by: CarvenImage 2008-02-17 19:10 ]

GMAN posted on 02/18/2008

Mooney - Thanks for taking a look and for leaving the note. I'm glad you like him. I've been working on him on and off since May of 2006. I started him back on page 51 of this thread. Yikes! Anyway, he should be completed in the next few weeks. I won't post pics of him again until I take his final shots.

The Daytona race was beyond boring.....so I went out and worked on a new piece. Say hello to Mr. Lono.....

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tikifreak1 posted on 02/18/2008

YEAHHH BOYYYY!!! new one is looking sweet and the Maori is incredible. I can't wait till you put the eyes in!!

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