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Mystery Tiki Restaurant in Chula Vista, CA?

Pages: 1 6 replies

tikipedia posted on 02/06/2008

The San Diego Union-Tribune ran a story today about the owner of the Butcher Shop restaurant, in Chula Vista (just south of San Diego), selling his business after running it for 40 years.

At the end of the story, it states:
"[Roberto] De Philippis recalled the day, April 18, 1968, that he bought the Chula Vista restaurant, which then served Hawaiian food."

Could it be that this restaurant that 'served Hawaiian food' could be a lost Tiki establishment?

Unga Bunga posted on 02/06/2008
TIKIBOSKO posted on 02/06/2008

The Butcher Shop is a classic and it is sad to see it go. I have never heard of any Tiki place in it's location, but it is quite possible, that area was thick with mid century style, The road (Broadway) used to be hwy 1 and or 101 before the 5 bypassed it, there is a Polynesian style apartment building a few blocks down and there used to be a Tiki/Chinese place in the same area.


arriano posted on 02/06/2008

That's amazing. I read that same story about an hour ago and my first thought was, "Hey, was it a tiki bar/restaurant?" And before I can even post the question, not only has someone else done so but another has posted a matchbook cover for the former place. Man, is TC a great resource or what?

tikipedia posted on 02/06/2008

I don't think the Flores Tiki House is the same place as the restaurant replaced by the Butcher Shop.

The address on the matchbook is 4th and C Street. The Butcher Shop is 556 Broadway (H Street). 4th and C is north of the Butcher Shop.

So the identity of the mysterious 'Hawaiian' restaurant still does not seem to be resolved.

The Tikipedia

[ Edited by: tikipedia 2008-02-06 15:33 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 02/07/2008

On 2008-02-06 15:32, tikipedia wrote:
I don't think the Flores Tiki House is the same place as the restaurant replaced by the Butcher Shop.

Yes , it is not.
I found this by accident looking for your Tiki place.
So now we have two.
I could find nothing about the Flores place.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 09/19/2009

I was digging thru some of my old matches that I have had for over a year and a spark lit up,...... in my head....

Hawaiian Village has the same address as The Butcher Shop.

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