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West Winds Motel Witco

Pages: 1 7 replies

puamana posted on 05/25/2003

About a month or so ago, Keigs told me about a motel in Mt. Vernon, WA, that had a few Witco tikis in front of it. I took some photos, and am just getting around to posting them now. Thanks for the great info, Keigs.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 05/25/2003

G R E E N ?

Puh-leeeeeze! Does anyone have a picture or postcard of what this place originally looked like?

puamana posted on 05/25/2003

It is unfortunate that they were painted green, and it seems like they may been fountains at one point ( they have the slots where the troughs would go ). It brings to mind the photo of the tiki bar or restaurant (was it somewhere on the east coast ?) that had a moai out front that was painted to look like a fisherman ( ugh! ) It would be good to see what this place may have originally looked like.

tiki_kiliki posted on 05/25/2003

At least they're still there and haven't been ripped from the property like the rest of our now destroyed treasures.

Great pics!

puamana posted on 05/26/2003

That's a great point . Having something there is definitely better than nothing at all. Thanks.

Atomic Cocktail posted on 05/26/2003

At least the have clean rooms

tikibars posted on 05/26/2003

On 2003-05-25 16:43, puamana wrote:
It brings to mind the photo of the tiki bar or restaurant (was it somewhere on the east coast ?) that had a moai out front that was painted to look like a fisherman ( ugh! ) It would be good to see what this place may have originally looked like.

That's the Aku Aku in Cambridge, MA.

There are two big pics of it on the TBRP.

Kailuageoff posted on 05/28/2003

The tikis holding up the roof look like they were carved for fountains. Check out the grooves beneath their faces. That's where the catch basins go. Witco in green. damn.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2003-05-28 09:46 ]

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