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Not your father's Trader Vic's

Pages: 1 3 replies

GatorRob posted on 02/07/2008

They call it a Trader Vic's. It kinda sorta looks like a Trader Vic's. But it sure doesn't sound like a Polynesian Paradise.


Dan posted on 02/07/2008

While I freely admit the music is a bit pecuilar, I am glad to see a Trader Vic's doing well in Jordan, it looks pretty crowded.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 02/07/2008

I saw floats and tapa cloth. And sheilds or PNG masks.

The music just makes me hungry for....watch out.....tapas... and sangria. :)

cheekytiki posted on 02/08/2008

On 2008-02-07 09:04, GatorRob wrote:
They call it a Trader Vic's. It kinda sorta looks like a Trader Vic's. But it sure doesn't sound like a Polynesian Paradise.


Still looks a whole more like Trader Vics to me than the one in Vegas.

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