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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace

Tiki Mugs for Sale

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Tikinomad posted on 02/06/2008

I've started to restore my 1965 VNB Vespa and it's going to cost me a lot to do it right so I've listed several more mugs for sale on Ooga-Mooga so check 'em out....

I've also got more stuff on ebay this week....

Ma halo,

Tikinomad posted on 02/10/2008

Still got tons of mugs, menus, etc. for sale on Ooga-Mooga and ebay.
Please note that the 4ft. Tonga pole from the Kona Kai is sold but the lamp for $200.00 and the PNG style bird for $2,500.00 are still available. (
Please see Kona Kai Post)
Shipping on the lamp is $65.00 and buyer must pick up or arrange shipping for the bird.
Ma halo,

Also have a large collection of postcards, matchbooks, coco joes, smaller tiki wood carvings, etc. if anyone is interested!

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