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Polynesian Isles

Pages: 1 6 replies

Rain posted on 05/21/2003

I was driving on west 192 in Kissimmee today (FL) and I passed "Polynesian Isle Drive" (or something close to that) and it went into a place with signs reading "Polynesian Isles." Anybody know if this is a resort, a subdivision, or what? (I didn't have time to explore.)

Kailuageoff posted on 05/21/2003

Yes, I think it is a timeshare. I tried to get in, but the guard scared me away. I've seen a few photos of the grounds and rooms on the Internet, but it looks kind of bland. No tikis in the pics.

Rain posted on 05/21/2003

bah - faked out again.
oh well.
thanks kg

ZuluMagoo posted on 05/22/2003

My wife and I were down there last week on vacation and I stopped by to check out the place. The guard at the shack was a real jerk and wouldn't let me in even to just take a few pictures. So I just parked at his shack and took them anyway from the entrance. I couldn't see any tikis and the guard had no idea what I was talking about. At least the resort tried (timeshare condos) to look polynesian with the generic A-frame buildings, as opposed to just calling themselves Polynesian Isles. They do have a nice waterfall and lagoon around the backside of the wall along the main entrance.

[ Edited by: ZuluMagoo 2006-07-22 08:32 ]

Rain posted on 05/22/2003

wow, an intrepid explorer. cool!

Mambo posted on 05/23/2003

If you braz want to check it out permanently
there is a unit on ebay.


Yea Mon.

Tikitackett posted on 05/27/2003

I used to live RIGHT BEHIND that complex...it's a timeshare...and yes...the security guards are real *ssholes.

The buildings went under a refurbishment about three years ago...before that, they were a cocoa brown with medium brown accents...kinda like the Polynesian Resort at Disney. Now it's kinda "Brady Bunch"-ish, and they removed most of the thatched-top umbrellas that kinda gave the place a slight "tiki" edge. When they repainted, so did my complex, which went light brown and white...kinda to match.

From what I hear, the place is not all that hot...it's fakey-tiki.


Tiki Tackett

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