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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

New To Tiki Carving

Pages: 1 9 replies


Hi, I've always been interested and love the art of tikis, but I've recently realized that I want to create them! Ok, Questions!

  1. What's The Best wood for Carving That's easily found?
  2. What Stain Is Best?
    3 What Tools Are Best For Tiki-Making?
    Any of these things would be great to know, or any other tips! Thanx!

Welcome aboard. The bug will get you

Check here
http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=21241&forum=7&hilite=wood for carving


http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=11708&forum=7&hilite=wood for carving

I'm particullarly fond of this type of finish, but depending on where you are going to put your tiki should give you direction on what you finish it with.


http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=10451&forum=7&hilite=tools carvers use

Read all of Benzart's and Basement Kahuna's old threads



Can anyone offer some advice on where to track down wood for doing larger tiki carvings (3-8 ft tall for example). Are there companies that ship? Any help is appreciated. By the way I live in Colorado.

Love the name Hammock. Is there a sawmill in your neck of the woods?
They might take the time to sell you a log or two, that's how I get my
big pieces of basswood.

Thanks for the idea. I'll start the research tomorrow. What's your favorite wood to work with?

I like basswood cuz I'm lazy and it's like carving cheese. Oh, and
there's a lot of it up here.

hewey posted on Thu, Feb 14, 2008 6:41 AM

On 2008-02-13 19:28, Hammock Bound wrote:
Can anyone offer some advice on where to track down wood for doing larger tiki carvings (3-8 ft tall for example). Are there companies that ship? Any help is appreciated. By the way I live in Colorado.

I got my 4 footer from a friend, who's friends with a guy who owns a saw mill :D Apparently I'm welcome to more free wood, as long as I give the saw mill a good plug when I publicly display my work! I haven't been back for more, the big guy is hardwood and hasn't been touched for a while :lol: Im guessing shipping would be prohibitively pricey, given the size/weight. Many people on here get their logs through tree lopping companies, call around and see what you get - worst case scenario they say no! :wink:

Colorado? arn't there a lot of trees in colorado? Search the woods for fallen lumber (that's not decomposing), or listen for the wonderful sounds of chainsaws...that's always the best way to find cheap wood.

Like hewey said too - find a saw mill. I'm sure you got a few up in colorado.

good luck!


What about wood in Kentucky?

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