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Valentines Tiki Drink?

Pages: 1 6 replies

countritiki posted on 02/14/2008

Perhaps this question is redundant in that any good tiki drink can conjure the spirit of special valentines eve.....but I'll ask anway....
Is there a drink your would recommend for such a night? you know, maybe to kick the eve off before the fondue melts :)


The Granite Tiki posted on 02/14/2008

From Tiki Bar TV:

Love In The South Pacific

  • 1 oz White Rum
  • 1 oz Southern Comfort
  • 1/2 oz Crème de Bananes
  • 1/2 oz Triple Sec
  • 1/2 oz Sloe Gin
  • 1/2 oz Vodka
  • 4 oz Orange Juice
  • Shake & Pour over Ice
  • Fill Rest with Soda
  • Garnish with Love
suzanne posted on 02/14/2008

I haven't made this drink, but that's one heck of an episode! George, make sure your girlfriend isn't secretly a robot or you could be in trouble!



aloha.taboo posted on 02/14/2008

You could always mix up a "Vicious Virgin"!

Chip and Andy posted on 02/14/2008

A Missionary's Downfall. (get it? Missionary? get it? Nudge nudge...)

A Scorpion Bowl for Two.

A Castaway ... "I wouldn't want to be a castaway on any island with out you." (Begin romantic montage here)

Or if you want to go the more traditional route with Red....

Red Tide.

Port Light (red glass).

You can splash in some cheap grenadine (Rosie's) into any drink to make it pink (er). Only add enough to bring the color, too much and your drink will get too sweet.

Trader Tiki posted on 02/14/2008

Anything with Lemon "HART"

or Black Heart or Red Heart rum

I pretty much love 'em all.

UtopianDreem posted on 02/14/2008

Haven't tried it, but woofmutt created The Pink Wink a few years back.

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