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Kauai Trippin' 08 -Camera Found! New Images Added 5-30-08

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bongofury posted on 02/13/2008

We took my Mom to Kauai for her 75th (!) birthday for 9 days (Jan 30-Feb 7). A bunch of the family went along so we rented a house. It was pretty stormy but who cares. The worst part was loosing one of our cameras and all the photos in it. We had another camera, but did not take as many photos with it. I will try to post some pix later.

Hawaiian Airlines still serves the small bottles of Trader Vic's Mai Tai for the same price as a beer (all cocktails $5.00....credit card only) so we were feeling pretty good both directions. A bottle will fill the small plastic cups they give you twice (with ice). They also showed Sven's In Flight Magazine Tiki Archeology tour on the ride to L.A.

We did all the tourist stuff since some had never been there. Surf was up and the water turbulent so the snorkeling was lame. Saw a good surf band (the Take-Offs) in Poipu. Mixed cocktails, barbequed, and talked story one night with Chongolio. He is in a happy place.

The weather did make for some fine sunrises, rainbows, and flotsom hunting.....more to come.....


[ Edited by: bongofury 2008-02-15 21:48 ]

[ Edited by: bongofury 2008-05-30 20:03 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 02/13/2008

Wow, they STILL show that? Cool! Gettin' a lot of mileage out of it, that thing must be ten years old.

Polynesiac posted on 02/15/2008

hey bongo! Sounds like a lot of fun...especially the flotsam, hunting! The wife and I are planning a trip to the big island in april...the price is right this time of year on hawaiian!
sorry about your camera, but I look forward to the pics that you do post.

bongofury posted on 02/16/2008

We had a drink at a bar in the Honolulu Airport with this Tiki out front

I want these wall tiles

The house we stayed at

Front porch Tiki

First guest

Beach out front

Hawaiian Monk Seal

Keoki's in Poipu.....raining....Hula Pie!

Their fern Tiki

Chongolio explains the fine art of Island living after barbeque and Reverb Crash


From the top of the canyon to the sea

The rainy weather did make for some good sunrise and sunset shots......midday too

Cool Oceanic art store in Hanalei though on the pricey side...my brother's favorite place, interior shots were on the other camera

Hanalei pier

Na Pali coast from the end of the road

The Takeoffs at the Sheraton....for some reason the place cleared out after they started playing, not sure why as they played well with traditional and new (The Bambi Molestors) covers. We played a few games of pool overlooking the ocean during the first set. A guest guitarist from a surf band in Seattle joined them for the second set. Normally they play outside but rain was threatening


Clockwise...Mrs. Fury, Sister-in-law, Brother, Mother....Mrs Fury's sister was ? By the time our lunch came it was pouring and we were the only ones that braved the weather....everyone else was smart enough to run inside

After that we spent a few hours in Tahiti Nui...the best (pineapple tourist) and potent and cheapest Mai Tais on the Island. It rained for hours and they closed 2 of the bridges in town and one down in Waimea

Reminded me of a tourist souvenier coconut I have from the 70s....."Just another shitty day in Paradise"
Beats workin

pablus posted on 02/16/2008

Awesome shots, bongofury.

Mahalo for the quick taste.

Sigh - gotta get in the garden today and talk to the ferns and cycads and show them these pics.

dogbytes posted on 02/16/2008

you brightened up my gray, dreary, seattle day with those beautiful pics.

puamana posted on 02/16/2008

Hey, I know that house ! Bongofury, we travel in similar vacation-rental paths... A few years ago, Selector Lopaka and I rented the little cottage behind that house. Thanks for posting pics ! Glad to see the Tahiti Nui is still there.

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/16/2008

aaahhhh takes me back I went to some of those same places on my last trip which seems forever ago! dogbytes is right its super gloomy here in Seattle today! good pics nice share, Dawn

bigtikidude posted on 02/17/2008

Thanks for Sharing Ron,
I was there in 96 and 97 My parents go every year, they have a time share at Poipou.
I need to get back.
would be cool to see Chongolio in his new settings.


Chongolio posted on 02/18/2008

Just saw this thread today. Great pics Bongo! So very cool to see you and the family again. Sorry bout all the rain but glad to know you still had a great time over here.

Y'all come back now ya hear!

bongofury posted on 05/31/2008

Well we are sooooo happy that we found our other camera.....not so expensive, but the images! The media card was corrupted but a friend managed to save all but 20-25 images. Here are a few for your dancing and dining pleasure...

Can someone identify this eel/snake? It was in about 18" of water at Salt Pond Beach.....

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/506/4840b999.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=a1b1457f2b4e8a3823367882f8238a66

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We miss you Chongo! Aloha

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Alii Tiki posted on 05/31/2008

Aloha BongoFury - the Eel is a Snowflake Eel - it's a moray - ooowao

cannot resist the urge to say that !

Looks like you had a blast, thanks for sharing the photos.

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