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my b-day present Moai Kava Kava

Pages: 1 4 replies

keigs20 posted on 02/18/2008

got this for my b-day today I have wanted a Moai Kava Kava for a long time. Heather found this one for me at a local antique shop. The shop said the people who brought this in along with some other items had traveled to Easter Island and brought this back with them. I dont know how old it is but it seems to be very well made. It is 18 inches tall.


[ Edited by: keigs20 2008-02-17 21:28 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 02/18/2008

It kinda looks like you.

Hippy B-day!


GatorRob posted on 02/18/2008

I found a gorgeous Kava Kava last year in an antique shop on Oahu. It was around 2 ft tall and beautifully carved. Unfortunately, the seller wanted about $400 for it so I passed. He told me it was carved years ago by a well known carver who has since passed away, but I can't recall the name. Should have taken a picture of it.

hala bullhiki posted on 02/18/2008

that is friggin awsome

tikitony posted on 02/25/2008

Awesome Gift... Happy Birthday!

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