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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/15/2008

Last night's sunset:

Looks like we still have a bit of time to enter the contest

Finished the carving on this guy last night:

BillyCrud, Bambi, Robin, Seeksurf, and thomas,thanks for all the support guys!
GROG: Pick a date too...

I will have another contest rules update when the seven day deadline starts, and then it will all become clear.

Gotta get to work...
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/19/2008

The beauty of the new contest is the weather variable. Who knows when the sun could finally resurface? It could be months...


????? Inconclusive

That little patch of sunlight on the water way to the left was the closest we had to a sunset today:
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On to tiki related news...

I am in the process of marking up the second guy

Still a little more to do on the face
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back is done
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Since I took these photos, I finished the hands and shoulders

At the chop gathering on Saturday, MusubiMom made us some samples of slow curing concrete with special geologic goodies mixed in it. I brought a piece home and hacked this out with some chisels that I previously labeled as "useless."
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It's about 9 inches tall and 4 inches diameter.

I'm also making some stain color samples for reference:
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BuddyCat was a big help on this project
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Back to work...
Buzzy Out!

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RevBambooBen posted on 02/19/2008

Your living room is looking Most Excellent!!!

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Benzart posted on 02/19/2008

I think you can "Mark up my Face" now Anytime! Lookin' Great!

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RevBambooBen posted on 02/19/2008

On 2008-02-18 20:33, Benzart wrote:
I think you can "Mark up my Face" now Anytime! Lookin' Great!


You been hanging out with BigTikiDude??

BTC Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0c7cce106847f41db525f4a3ea132927?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Billy the Crud posted on 02/19/2008

On 2008-02-13 21:56, RevBambooBen wrote:

On 2008-02-13 14:12, Billy the Crud wrote:
Lots O' bunny magic going on there with Babs! Once again, buzzy has discovered a new style.......and I'm waiting to move before I carve anymore. Neighbors are freakin', so we're renting this place out and buying a house over by "Little Darlings" in La Mesa.......right by Babs! Titties, tikis, rabbits, and RUM!

That's some arrrrrsome dedication to carving Crud!

Moving just to carve!!!???


Ben, today I just said "FUCK IT!" I took my sawhorse into the common area in the middle of the condo-plex where it's all echoey and carved a tiki, starting with drawknife, CHAINSAW, chisels and GRINDER. Loud shit, man, but they can go to hell. I'm a short timer here and I'm going to rent this condo out to a freakin'OI band!!

This is the tiki I started today as a log WITH frawns.

It's name is "plagiarism". I think that's Fijian for "I ripped off your idea"

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Hope you don't mind me posting this here, Buzz. I wanted you to see my stolen shyte. Do you think I'll get any bitchy PMs?

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RevBambooBen posted on 02/19/2008

On 2008-02-19 00:35, Billy the Crud wrote:

On 2008-02-13 21:56, RevBambooBen wrote:

On 2008-02-13 14:12, Billy the Crud wrote:
Lots O' bunny magic going on there with Babs! Once again, buzzy has discovered a new style.......and I'm waiting to move before I carve anymore. Neighbors are freakin', so we're renting this place out and buying a house over by "Little Darlings" in La Mesa.......right by Babs! Titties, tikis, rabbits, and RUM!

That's some arrrrrsome dedication to carving Crud!

Moving just to carve!!!???


Ben, today I just said "FUCK IT!" I took my sawhorse into the common area in the middle of the condo-plex where it's all echoey and carved a tiki, starting with drawknife, CHAINSAW, chisels and GRINDER. Loud shit, man, but they can go to hell. I'm a short timer here and I'm going to rent this condo out to a freakin'OI band!!

    This is the tiki I started today as a log WITH frawns.  

   It's name is "plagiarism". I think that's Fijian for "I ripped off your idea"  

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Hope you don't mind me posting this here, Buzz. I wanted you to see my stolen shyte. Do you think I'll get any bitchy PMs?

Damn you Crud!

Another keyboard ruined by Spewing Coffee!!!

7 a.m. comedy hour!!!

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GROG posted on 02/19/2008

On 2008-02-15 12:25, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
GROG: Pick a date too...

Brook Burke.

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Robin posted on 02/19/2008

Those Maori's are really looking good. Nice.

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Billy the Crud posted on 02/20/2008

On 2008-02-19 12:47, GROG wrote:

On 2008-02-15 12:25, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
GROG: Pick a date too...

Brook Burke.

Brooke Burke? Too "nice". I'm taking Rachel Rotten!

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closettiki posted on 02/20/2008

HEY BILLY........i hope you left all the wood chips in the common...

damn the HOA
hope they all get splinters


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Billy the Crud posted on 02/20/2008

On 2008-02-19 21:55, closettiki wrote:
HEY BILLY........i hope you left all the wood chips in the common...

damn the HOA
hope they all get splinters


Funny you should mention that.......I took a garden rake and mixed all of the chips into the new mulch that they just spent my $290 HOA fees to put in. It looks TERRIBLE, like dandruff on a black shirt, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!

The one-eyed, unoriginal tiki has actually taken a turn for the more original. I'll post the fucker(literally) when it's all stained and good to go. Im posting it on Craigslist when it's done. All my cash is tied up in Escrows and re-fi and crap and I need some money for rum and Rockstar!

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Flat Black posted on 02/20/2008

Okay, 110 pages into this thread and I should get back to work.

I'll pick up later this afternoon.

You seem like one hell of a character buzzy, I love your work as well.

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Flat Black posted on 02/20/2008

Alright, knocked out the rest before quitting time today.

You are a freakin' riot Buzzy.

I was extremely entertained by your work and your attitude.

Keep on keepin on.

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/bbe3f6b58b245d0670cc5c037c4ec37c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Cammo posted on 02/21/2008

Hey Buzz -

Deft seems to come in two basic varieties, "Defthane" and "Deft Clear Wood Finish", the first is polyurethane and the second is a laquer. Both are great, the laquer is more for interior and pendant-type stuff.

Both go on super-smooth like water. The poly makes a clear glassy top if you do like 3 or 4 coats, and is great for indoor/outdoor stuff. I've got some and you can have the can.

And a big thanks for hosting the "Danger Mask". I'll get it quick.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/21/2008

Back to our regularily scheduled programming:

We should be well in the middle of contest season, however...
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the sun didn't cooperate on Tuesday.

It looked for a moment like yesterday's sunset was going to qualify...
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but then those clouds on the horizon ruined it.
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It's cloudy today, supposedly rainy today, tomorrow, and through the weekend.
Someday we'll see the sun set on the water north of the Catamaran and the contest season will begin.

Tiki Stuff:
Stained these Tuesday night and yesterday. Today's project is to varnish them.
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We were planning on installing them this weekend, but the rain may change the plans.

I sealed this guy with some rub on poly. Last update pictures:
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He was named "The Tongue Biter."
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The Tongue Biter is functional art. He is a business card holder too. Here he is demonstrating his new occupation:
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I forgot to take a picture of him functioning as a pendant before I shipped him off. Oh well.

When everyone at the chop last weekend saw him, they were all surprised how small he really was. They couldn't get a sense of scale on him from the pictures. I also showed Mieko the concrete Easter Island guy, and she was surprised that it was bigger than she thought. So, to clarify how large these two pieces are, I have taken this picture of them with a can and ruler, for scale:
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More work: Finally sealed all these guys:
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Yesterday was another very special day: Visiting Artist Day at The House of Buzz!
This week's guest was Cammo, working on his 1930's/Tiki Modern piece
Like a surgeon, he works
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He takes out pieces on the molecular level:
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So inspired by my stain samples, Cammo couldn't help but stain his work.
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Oh that English Chestnut!
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Another great Visiting Artist Day!
Look for more visiting artist days soon!

Flat Black: Welcome! you get special merits for reading this whole thread. In fact, I think you qualify for a prize. Give me a couple days to wrangle up something cool for you.

Billy: Here's what I do when I'm afraid someone will call me out for ripping off their design: just find someone else who ripped that artist off first and say you actually ripped his ripoff off. Like this: Cyclops copy
If the orignal artist were to contact me, I would say that I never heard of him, and that I copied "this", and send him the picture of the copy from the other guy. Or, I think you just have to say "it's a tribute to..." or say it was "inspired by..." said artist and you are completely off the hook. Good luck!

Robin and Benz: Once again, thanks for your continued moral support.

GROG: As if...

Buzzy Out!

FB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/de519446cabf2c593cc776d66da08256?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Flat Black posted on 02/21/2008

A prise! WOOT!

I'm just anxious to see what you come up with. I found this forum like a week ago and spend every minute of my free time at work looking around.

My name is Kevin and I'm addicted to online forums.

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JenTiki posted on 02/21/2008

On 2008-02-21 12:04, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
The Tongue Biter is functional art. He is a business card holder too. Here he is demonstrating his new occupation:
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:D Anxiously awaiting The Tongue Biter's arrival and his first day on the job! :D
Can't wait to see the little guy in person!
Thanks, Buzzy!!!

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Billy the Crud posted on 02/21/2008

On 2008-02-21 12:33, JenTiki wrote:

On 2008-02-21 12:04, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
The Tongue Biter is functional art. He is a business card holder too. Here he is demonstrating his new occupation:
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:D Anxiously awaiting The Tongue Biter's arrival and his first day on the job! :D
Can't wait to see the little guy in person!
Thanks, Buzzy!!!

Buzzy, when you brought this guy yo the chop, I thought it was a real Hawaiian swap-meet find. I had no idea that you had carved this one yourself, or I'd have basked in the presence of it's greatness. GREAT little guy, man!
As far as ripping motherfuckers off for their ideas, I say they can lick my junk.......unless they're into that and in that case, I'll say nothing to them.

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TheBigT posted on 02/21/2008

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I am rather behind on everyone's recent posts. This one you did is delicious! It's got so much "old" character. How did you do it?! No, really! :)

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seeksurf posted on 02/21/2008

Buzzy, love the detail on the 2 tall guys they are looking great.
The biter is cool he looks old as hell.
And the pimp rings man they go with a beer.
Clean your living room 2:)

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/bbe3f6b58b245d0670cc5c037c4ec37c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Cammo posted on 02/22/2008

That leetle guy with the cards sticking into his head is amazing up close!

Hey Buzz, thanks for having me in as Carver of the Weaklings, I don't deserve the honor.

Buzzy has this killer set of 1/4 round test stained palm chunks, two stains per chunk. It was like going into a candy store with a pocket full o'change.

Have you posted pics of the testers?


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CheekyGirl posted on 02/22/2008

Jen....the card holder is awesome.

And Buzz...love the new tikis.

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Babalu posted on 02/22/2008

Cammo's got game....see ya in a few days boys...it's freakin' cold here...burrrr!

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RevBambooBen posted on 02/23/2008

Cammo could double for Sven if ever needed.

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Cammo posted on 02/23/2008

re. Sven look-a-like; I'm part German, it's in the blue jeans.

And just got me some of that English Chestnut stain, WOW it's killer stuff. Looks more like aged mahogany, but lets the grain show through. Just did 2 coats and I'm not wiping it off, just letting it sit for a few days and will sand off areas for an aged look...

I vote 'gunstock' and 'english chestnut' the Tiki stains of the year.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/25/2008

All we need is one clear day of the sun hitting the horizon
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Aww Crap! It's supposed to be clear this week. Stay tuned!

I started a new little stand up ring last Friday. Here are some in progress shots:

Gathering the tools and materials phase:
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Drawing phase:
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Rough out carving and removing it from stock piece phase:
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Initial sanding and detail preparation phase:
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I made some mold boxes and am preparing to do some resin castings of some of my recent smaller pieces
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I had to make these type of boxes for two rings. I'll seal them off with next and will have molds without the rings.
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On 2008-02-21 14:46, TheBigT wrote:
It's got so much "old" character. How did you do it?! No, really! :)

A combination of sanding and wiping away the stain to create the high and lowlights. I used red oak stain.

On 2008-02-21 14:52, seeksurf wrote:
Buzzy, love the detail on the 2 tall guys they are looking great.
Clean your living room 2:)

Thanks. those guys are done now, I just have to wait until it stops raining so I can drag them out and photo them.
It's not my livingroom, it's my workingroom!

On 2008-02-21 18:04, CheekyGirl wrote:
And Buzz...love the new tikis.

Thanks Cheeky! The guy whon ordered them said they exceeded his expectations. I can't wait to see them mounted. Probably going to do it in the next couple of days.

On 2008-02-22 07:22, Babalu wrote:
Cammo's got game....see ya in a few days boys...it's freakin' cold here...burrrr!

can I borrow your lawnmower for a couple hours after you get back? You have a weedwacker?

On 2008-02-22 20:33, RevBambooBen wrote:
Cammo could double for Sven if ever needed.

I scripting the the film: "Buzzy: The Movie" featuring Cammo as Bigbro as we speak...

On 2008-02-21 12:33, JenTiki wrote:
:D Anxiously awaiting The Tongue Biter's arrival and his first day on the job! :D
Can't wait to see the little guy in person!
Thanks, Buzzy!!!

Quite welcome, and thank you. This was a fun piece for me to do. Damn post office! you should have got it on Friday!

On 2008-02-21 14:00, Billy the Crud wrote:
Buzzy, when you brought this guy yo the chop, I thought it was a real Hawaiian swap-meet find.

That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my work! Thanks Billy! Someday I actually hope to see one of my pieces at the swap meet. After I'd inquire about the price, I'd yell at the seller about it being too high, and say it looks like it was carved by some haole kook! Then I'd go have lunch at the snack bar...Ummmm! Chili fries!

Ug! this post took forever! I need to go back to doing hourly updates...
Buzzy Out!

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JenTiki posted on 02/25/2008

On 2008-02-24 23:03, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

On 2008-02-21 12:33, JenTiki wrote:
:D Anxiously awaiting The Tongue Biter's arrival and his first day on the job! :D
Can't wait to see the little guy in person!
Thanks, Buzzy!!!

Quite welcome, and thank you. This was a fun piece for me to do. Damn post office! you should have got it on Friday!

It very well may have arrived on Friday, but I took the day off so I wasn't at the office to get it. I'm sure it'll be there tomorrow morning. It'll be a great way to start the week! :D

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HOUSE OF KU posted on 02/25/2008

Hola Buzzy! Those mold boxes look good. What are you using for the release agent? Are the rings gonna be a two pc mold? Can't wait :lol: Freddie

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Flat Black posted on 02/25/2008

Resin castings! Cool.

I'm interested to see how they turn out.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/25/2008

So these guys are finally done:

Tiki done+ Tiki done+ details= lots of pictures on this post
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hidden face
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These next two are the requisite Jentiki tikibutt shots
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On 2008-02-25 11:33, Flat Black wrote:
Resin castings! Cool.I'm interested to see how they turn out.

I'd say you have a vested interest... :wink:

On 2008-02-25 01:50, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
#1 What are you using for the release agent?
#2 Are the rings gonna be a two pc mold?
#3 :lol:

Hola Freddie
#1 Tilex Mildew, MOLD, and stain remover? Dont know yet-I have to get something though...
#2 No. I'm going to try and seal off the upper chamber with clay and cast them as flat pendant pieces.
#3 What are you :lol: at?

On 2008-02-24 23:57, JenTiki wrote:
It'll be a great way to start the week! :D

Hope you got it... :)

Sunny day, time to eat...

Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/26/2008

Today's sunset comes with a very special announcement:

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Contest time!

Today starts day #1. You have until Monday morning to get your entry in
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Contest ends when the sun sets for the first time on the horizon north of that big building on the right of the photo. :down:
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Two chances to win: Number of days, including today, it will take for the sun to clear the building
The day(month and #) it will clear the building
(pick different days to incease your odds!)

After a person picks a day or number, that day and number are eliminated from the pool.

Enter before next Monday, when I drag myself out of bed and log on to TC.

Contest starts....NOW!

On 2008-02-21 17:14, Cammo wrote:
Buzzy has this killer set of 1/4 round test stained palm chunks, two stains per chunk. It was like going into a candy store with a pocket full o'change.
Have you posted pics of the testers?

Just finished them with three layers of spar
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Sedona Red, Gunstock - Red Oak, Red Chestnut
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Special walnut, English Chesnut - Colonial maple, Golden oak
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Buzzy Out!

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buzzard posted on 02/26/2008

the little guy and the big guys came out great!
what color stain is on the big guys?
contest 78 days

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JenTiki posted on 02/26/2008

Can we see a picture with both buildings in it? Or two pics, one of each building with the sun where it currently sets, at the same zoom level?

p.s. - Tongue Biter must be on a little adventure 'cause he hasn't made it to my office yet. I'll give him another day or two to sow his oats.

p.p.s. - Thanks for the booty shots! :D

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cdd6d79aa3e8e980ff88963f3c90bb24?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
closettiki posted on 02/26/2008

ok buzzy....heres my contest entry

29 days from now the sun will set past the building.....

day and month i choose........march 25th

the new tiki posts look fantastic.......

big belly tiki says hi

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RevBambooBen posted on 02/26/2008

What about Day Light Savings Time?

That might screw with the sun?!?

Jacobean stain is pretty cool!

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Babalu posted on 02/26/2008

Buzzy asked - "Can I borrow you lawn mower...do you have a weed wacker?"

Sure cuz...lawn mower no problemo...my weed wacker is on the blink though. You want to borrow my machete too? I must say, I have to side with the Reverend on keeping it long...very artsy man...maybe some cool crop circles dude?

Can I borrow your burner again?

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RevBambooBen posted on 02/26/2008

Yes! Let the grass grow!!!

A short story by Bamboo Ben.

" Real Tall Grass"

When I was a wee one moons ago, Eli used to grow his grass real tall in the back of the Island Trade Store. When they had parties he'd sneak back there and pat down the grass in trails. Then he'd grab all the young cousins and bring us back to try to find the Gila Monster. Freaked us all out every time!

Your grass always takes me back when it's long.

Thank you for the re-memories Mr. Buzz.

HOK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a089b598b6aea50e5cdb3d38de4dec55?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
HOUSE OF KU posted on 02/26/2008

[i]On 2008-02-25 12:21, Bay Park Buzzy wrote
#3 What are you :lol: at?

I got this at the Swapmeet on Sunday for $10 from a Storage locker auction seller who doesn't know his tools. :lol: Freddie

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Flat Black posted on 02/26/2008

The buzz man - "I'd say you have a vested interest..."

WOOT!!!!!! :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/26/2008

I finished the ring last night. I still have to wait a couple hours to seal it:
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I made it normal handed person sized, so it only goes up to the first pinky knuckle on my left hand.

On 2008-02-25 19:05, buzzard wrote:
what color stain is on the big guys?
contest 78 days

Thanks Bob. The stain I used on those guys was Cherry. Your entry has been registered in the official contest log...

On 2008-02-25 19:11, JenTiki wrote:
#1 Can we see a picture with both buildings in it? Or two pics, one of each building with the sun where it currently sets, at the same zoom level?
#2 p.s. - Tongue Biter must be on a little adventure 'cause he hasn't made it to my office yet. I'll give him another day or two to sow his oats.
#3 p.p.s. - Thanks for the booty shots! :D

#1 they will not fit on the same frame and the judging panel said that since the contest started, we cannot add any more data
#2 Did he get there yet?
#3 Quite welcome

On 2008-02-25 19:46, closettiki wrote:
ok buzzy....heres my contest entry
29 days from now the sun will set past the building.....
day and month i choose........march 25th

You are officially entered! Good luck!

On 2008-02-25 20:00, RevBambooBen wrote:
What about Day Light Savings Time?
That might screw with the sun?!?
Jacobean stain is pretty cool!

It just means we'll have to wait an extra hour for the results. :)
My next`stain samples will be: Red mahogahny, Jacobean, cherry, dark walnut

On 2008-02-25 21:57, Babalu wrote: I must say, I have to side with the Reverend on keeping it long...very artsy man...maybe some cool crop circles dude?
Can I borrow your burner again?

I could cut in some meandering trails...Great idea!
Mieko has the burner right now...

On 2008-02-25 22:52, RevBambooBen wrote:
Yes! Let the grass grow!!!
A short story by Bamboo Ben.
" Real Tall Grass"

Your grass always takes me back when it's long.
Thank you for the re-memories Mr. Buzz.

Here's to the "Good Ole' Days!"
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Sorry you can't come down this week-we could have had a Budweiser picnic on my lawn!

On 2008-02-26 02:52, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
:lol: Freddie

I'm doing this :lol: now because you have another tool to start a bunch more projects around there. :lol: Nice price!

On 2008-02-26 08:07, Flat Black wrote:
The buzz man - "I'd say you have a vested interest..."
WOOT!!!!!! :)

I hope that doesn't ruin the surprise. :wink:

It's Taco Tuesday (3 x $1.09, after 3pm) at Del Taco and yet another beautiful day in paradise!
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/26/2008

As a warm up for Taco Tuesday, I helped install the two tikis today.

Yesterday the concrete stands were poured.
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The tikis will sit on top of these pillars. Concrete will be poured to seal in the base. The slot in it was left to slide the tiki in and will eventually form a 1" ring around it.

They were set to fit the tikis between them and the new overhang.
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It took a little lifting, sliding, and gentle nudging to finally get them into place.
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There will be wooden deck behind them, and it will have a lot more polynesian decor and bamboo on the back wall. In front of them, is a large slab that leads to a interior dance studio. The area in front of these guys will be used as a practice place for a polynesian dance review
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This is what it looks like walking up from the street towards the front door. the blue tarp is covering the doors to the dance studio.
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And another view looking towards the street. There will be a walkway behind the guys with a gate that will be the main entrance to the house. You'll have to walk behind the tikis to get to the fromt door.
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Wouldn't this be a nice view to come to everyday?
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The facts that it's sunny and Taco Tuesday, makes this one of the best days ever!
Buzzy Out!

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seeksurf posted on 02/26/2008

Wow that looks fantastic! Very Nice.

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cdd6d79aa3e8e980ff88963f3c90bb24?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
closettiki posted on 02/27/2008


the support tikis are incredible.......

im overhang envy...makes me want to revamp my patio supports

now that buzzy is into structural support design.....theres no end to the tiki that he can spread

cooooollllllllllll !!!!!!!!!!!

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JenTiki posted on 02/27/2008

On 2008-02-26 11:03, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

On 2008-02-25 19:11, JenTiki wrote:
#1 Can we see a picture with both buildings in it? Or two pics, one of each building with the sun where it currently sets, at the same zoom level?
#2 p.s. - Tongue Biter must be on a little adventure 'cause he hasn't made it to my office yet. I'll give him another day or two to sow his oats.
#3 p.p.s. - Thanks for the booty shots! :D

#1 they will not fit on the same frame and the judging panel said that since the contest started, we cannot add any more data
#2 Did he get there yet?

#1 Monday, March 17th, 23 days
#2 He's here! And he's even cooler than expected! Perfect!

[ Edited by: JenTiki 2008-02-26 21:33 ]

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Robin posted on 02/27/2008

Whoa! Buzzy they look GREAT!!!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/27/2008

Yesterday's sunset:

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On 2008-02-26 21:33, JenTiki wrote:
#2 He's here! And he's even cooler than expected! Perfect!

Right on! Now you'll have to update that Tikiworkplace thread... :D

On 2008-02-26 14:37, seeksurf wrote:
Wow that looks fantastic! Very Nice.

On 2008-02-26 21:40, Robin wrote:
Whoa! Buzzy they look GREAT!!!

They look so nice up there I could cry... Wait until the rest of the place is built up around them. More pictures as it happens...

On 2008-02-26 19:43, closettiki wrote:
buzzy....the support tikis are incredible...im overhang envy...makes me want to revamp my patio supports
now that buzzy is into structural support design.....theres no end to the tiki that he can spread
cooooollllllllllll !!!!!!!!!!!

I like these so much, I'm thinking about getting a job so that I could have enough money to hire myself to do this over at my house. I can probably cut myself a pretty good deal too, save some money on taxes.

Global warming is back!
Buzzy Out!

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6619863b667ab66b429a39569f4eb8b1?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Bowana posted on 02/27/2008

Resin castings from silicone molds, eh Buzzy? That's a good idea. I'm going to do that too! Can you post some more pictures so I can see how you do it? Thanks.

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