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Extreme Homes on HVTV - Jetson House

Pages: 1 14 replies

Traderpup posted on 05/28/2003

If you haven't seen this place before, check out the Jetson House on HGTV Wednesday night. This place has the coolest vintage home Tiki bar I've ever seen!

Extreme Homes
Wednesday, May 28th, 10:30pm EST


midnite posted on 05/28/2003

check out the Jetson House on HGTV Wednesday night

Another cable channel us pikers in SF do not receive. I think it is available on digital cable, though. Whatever that means. Me and the cable companies have not gotten along since the early '80's when I was allegedly involved in a Playboy Channel descrambler box syndicate, damn RICO laws!

Nolo contendre is not a guilty verdict.

Would like to see that bar, c'est la vie!

Down with Comcast, free the people!


cynfulcynner posted on 05/28/2003

On 2003-05-27 23:26, midnite_tiki wrote:
Another cable channel us pikers in SF do not receive. I think it is available on digital cable, though.

You are correct! Those of us who cough of the extra dough for digital cable get HGTV and all kinds of other stupid shit. 8)


johntiki posted on 05/28/2003

Not to mention they've raised their rates again for the same friggin' service they've provided for 10 years! $50.00 a month for basic cable?? When will this insanity stop!!

Tiki_Bong posted on 05/28/2003

$50 a month! Jeez, why don't you all just buy a guitar and learn to play or do anything other than sit and watch TV.

Kill you Television!

martiki posted on 05/28/2003

On 2003-05-27 23:45, cynfulcynner wrote:

On 2003-05-27 23:26, midnite_tiki wrote:
Another cable channel us pikers in SF do not receive. I think it is available on digital cable, though.

You are correct! Those of us who cough of the extra dough for digital cable get HGTV and all kinds of other stupid shit. 8)


And I only live a couple of miles across town from Cindy, and dirty fucking Comcast doesn't even give me all the same channels they give Cindy. I pay for the same Digital Cable, and she gets Cartoon Network and I don't! (Plus MTV2 and VH1 Classic....mmmmm..crappy hair band videos all day long. I could watch forever.)

Me: "Hello, Comcast, why does the person across town get more channels than I do?"
Comcast: "Because we haven't updated the digital signal in your neighborhood yet."
Me: "When will you be doing that?"
Comcast: "I have no idea."
Me: "Why should I pay as much for less service?"
Comcast: "I need to speak to my manager about that."
Me: click

Fuck it. I only really got it for The Sopranos anyway, and god knows when that will be on again.

OK, this thread has gone so OT, it's in a coma and needs to have the plug pulled.


cynfulcynner posted on 05/28/2003

On 2003-05-28 11:15, martiki6 wrote:

And I only live a couple of miles across town from Cindy, and dirty fucking Comcast doesn't even give me all the same channels they give Cindy. I pay for the same Digital Cable, and she gets Cartoon Network and I don't!

Really? I need to stop by and see this for myself!

How come Bernal Heights always gets the upgrades and new channels first?


Trader Tiki posted on 05/28/2003

Strangely, Rohnert Park has pretty kick-ass basic cable. $12 a month for Comedy Central, Food Network, NickTV, Cartoon Network, and 52 other channels.

Of course, it's Rohnert Park. So, give and take.

johntiki posted on 05/29/2003

On 2003-05-28 09:01, Tiki_Bong wrote:
$50 a month! Jeez, why don't you all just buy a guitar and learn to play or do anything other than sit and watch TV.

Kill you Television!

I'm a little insulted that you would think I do nothing but watch television -"Notice I did not say "TV", as "TV" is a nickname, and nicknames are for friends, and television is no friend of mine" Besides, if I were the type to "bask in television's warm glowing warming glow" I'd plop down the $90.00 for cable with all the pay channels! As for me playing the guitar...now that would be a colossal waste of time! :)


Aloha from the enchanted Pi Yi Lanai in exotic Bel Air MD!

[ Edited by: johntiki on 2003-05-28 17:22 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 05/29/2003

I'm paying $59.95 a month for digital cable -- 185 of my favorite channels including 13 HBO channels AND high speed Internet!


sungod posted on 05/29/2003

Just caught the Jetson house on HGTV. 1500 sq. ft. of Polynesian style in the basement, but I did not see one single tiki.


JTD posted on 05/29/2003

On 2003-05-28 18:37, PolynesianPop wrote:
I'm paying $59.95 a month for digital cable -- 185 of my favorite channels including 13 HBO channels AND high speed Internet!

I think this is where Basement Kahuna comes in and says he found cable (200+ channels)for $2.18/mo. while thrifting. :)


tikifille posted on 05/29/2003

Well I do plop down the big dinero for Direct TV, but I rarely am home, so I missed this damn episode. And my beloved ex-in-laws said they would tape it for me. But they were with me and forgot to tape it. Let's hope for a rebroadcast or that someone taped this. Double damn.

MauiTiki posted on 05/30/2003

On 2003-05-28 21:05, sungod wrote:
Just caught the Jetson house on HGTV. 1500 sq. ft. of Polynesian style in the basement, but I did not see one single tiki.


I guess Sungod and I are the only ones who get HGTV. Those of you who don't are not missing much. I aggree with Sungod, A bamboo bar and some fishing floats does not a tiki bar make. I was a little dissapointed after watching through two other houses before they finally got to the house with the no tiki bar.

martiki posted on 05/30/2003

Yeah, the bar definitely needs some more clutter. But it's hard to beat that basement shell fountain and the very cool pool window to see the swimmers while you're having a drink. I still thought the house was very cool. So much wonderful stuff around ewvery corner. The circular bed is a little to trashy in my eyes. But the Pyramid House was the ultimate in tacky. So tacky in fact, that it was not cool. Just tacky. The modernist house I loved, but I got the feeling the children were beaten if they ever left a toy out or got a fingerprint on anything.


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