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Brady Bunch Tiki

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Kreaky Tiki posted on 05/29/2003

The Brady Bunch Tiki episode is on now! Got to go!


sungod posted on 05/29/2003

Saw it earlier today on TV Land. Totally forgot about Vincent Price being in it.


Kreaky Tiki posted on 05/29/2003

Does anyone know who carved the nice tikis on the show? Where are those artifacts now........?

I need to get those three island episodes on tape or DVD so I can run them in the house, during my summer luaus!

Kreaky Tiki

tiki-riviera posted on 05/29/2003

Speaking of Brady tiki, I was watching KTLA this morning and Greg and Cindy Brady were being interviewed about "retro stuff" and on the table in front of them was a tiki mug!

suzywong posted on 05/30/2003


[ Edited by: suzywong on 2003-05-29 18:24 ]

suzywong posted on 05/30/2003


Above is a link I have been having with some limited info on those episodes.

Tiki Diablo posted on 05/30/2003

"One night of love" perfume. Now that's what I'm talkin' about.

Tiki King posted on 05/30/2003

Here is a dissertation on the brady tiki I found years ago while surfing the net. I do not know who wrote it, but it cracks me up!.....

"Why Does the "Hawaiian" Episode of The Brady Bunch So Haunt Us?
No sooner does the child of the seventies hear the word "taboo" than rings in his ear a five note palindrome, tapped out on a Bontempi organ ("recorder" setting), and best approximated verbally by the phrase "diddle-iddle-oo". The music passes, often unnoted, and the young person resumes his discourse on the kinship traditions of southern Africa's !Kung society, shaking off an inexplicable chill. This phenomenon is no accident. It is my task to show how the creators of The Brady Bunch exposed their society's psychosexual norms as fragile make-shift seawalls, unfit to protect us from even the slightest of the universe's self-assertive tidal waves.

The episode-proper begins when an idol is found on a Hawaiian construction site. A young laborer scoffs at a wizened crone's talk of "taboo" (diddle-iddle-oo) and "bad luck"; he tosses the artifact into the grass. It is here, where men are excavating--hollowing out an artificial womb in the great mother to erect a phallic monument to male intellect, science, and capitalism--that Bobby finds the talisman, calling it "neat". Mother nature has given birth to a tiny charm (admired by Bobby for its outward, aesthetic form), which is actually a radioactive source of blind Dionysian amorality.

When Jan puts the idol in her bag, a hideous island spider follows, contaminating Jan's pristine womb and breaking the sanctity of her virginity. Jan--an everygirl archetype--becomes an unknowing carrier of uterine filth. Jan's defilement is heinous because she is the protected middle child, nestled safely between Cindy (the Magic Child) and Marsha (the Femme Fatale). Through the idol, nature has shown the idealized Jan to be a social lie, a virginal pretender made doubly laughable by her ignorance of her sin. This theme finds resonance in Jan's fellow middle child, Alice. (For analysis of Alice's sibling rivalry with her elder sister Myrtle in Seattle, see The Brady Bunch, "Monkey in the Middle").

While hula dancing, in a grotesque attempt to emulate the lithe pagan nymphs of Honolulu, Alice experiences a pain in her side: a displaced menstrual cramp in an apparently sexlesss, post-menopausal matriarch. By attempting to "go native" in a grass skirt, Alice has ventured ouside her role of Domestic Virgin Mother. Once again, cthonian narure mocks the dubious sexual masks the members of this microcosmic "bunch" ritually wear.

The idol is responsible for several near-deaths. While Peter and Bobby engage in homo-erotic horseplay on their hotel bed, they are almost crushed by a gigantic wall-hanging. The artifact has brought out the latent libidos of the family's two youngest males, and consequerntly, they are almost annihilated by society's rigid law, represented by the heavy piece of iron artwork.

The idol has its most chilling effect on Greg, the muscular Beautiful Boy of Golden Age Athens, who uses his long, sleek surfboard with consummate skill and strength (the epitome of classical arrete) to conquer the angry Pacific Ocean, representative of the uncharted and deadly liquid reality of female nature. But it is nature's talisman he wears, and so he must fall, knocked senseless by his own phallic instrument. That Mike must save the failed youth from drowning in the chaotic sea perverts the Telemachean search for father, which always ends in water. Greg emerges, limp and waterlogged, utterly conquered and robbed of his virility by an indifferent female opponent. One can read the disgust on Mike's face.

Salvation, such as it its, is finally found in the person of a mysterious, overtly homosexual father figure (Vincent Price), who first holds the boys in his hermit womb of asocial contemplation, but eventully gives in to the architect father's "calm cool reasoning". (For analysis of Mike's failure to appease Buddy Hinton's barbarian father, and the ultimate victory of Peter's brute violence, see The Brady Bunch, "Baby-talk, Baby-talk").

Thus, civilized, Apollonian norms appear to win out, with the outcast hermit's reabsoption into society and the "sensible" reconfiguration of all the horrifying misfortunes as "good luck". In other words, the magic is clearly not destroyed, but only rechristened by a terrified intellectual patriarch seeking to regain his family's faith in an unnamed Providence and a benevolent universe. The "taboo" (diddle-iddle-oo) cannot be destroyed, but only reburied and reset in an innocuous commemorative matrix, until such time as another luckless bastard unearths it, once again unfettering its chaotic influence. This episode is our momento mori, a keepsake to remind us that our heroic efforts to "somehow form a family" are always contingent on keeping the death's-head of "taboo" (diddle-iddle-oo) underground, and therefore, they are doomed."

sungod posted on 05/30/2003

Sounds like that person had too much time on their hands and not enough drink.


TheMuggler posted on 05/31/2003

I think I'm going to paint a Tiki on the face of my cell phone and sample the "diddle-iddle-oo" as the ring tone.

Kreaky Tiki posted on 05/31/2003

Tiki King, Lovely piece! I sure hope that my family and I, do not live next door to him. He sounds like a pedophile.




On 2003-05-30 13:17, Tiki King wrote:
Here is a dissertation on the brady tiki I found years ago while surfing the net. I do not know who wrote it, but it cracks me up!.....

"Why Does the "Hawaiian" Episode of The Brady Bunch So Haunt Us?

That was PRICELESS! I couldn't get barely halfway before I was in absolute stitches, laughing so hard I cried! Dear God I hope that was satire -- if it was serious the guy's got some major problems, but as satire it's beautiful! Thanks so much for posting that!

Captain Ambience posted on 06/05/2003

The movie remake treatment of the tiki episode was certainly a buzzkill wasn't it?

inkylouise posted on 06/08/2003

I always wondered if there were collage diissertaitions written on such subjects, and now I know...

I hope the bastard got an A.

TikiMaxton posted on 06/13/2003

Who was it who told the horror story of his thwarted attempt to replicate the BB tiki necklace? I found myself recounting that story just yesterday...

Tiki King posted on 06/13/2003

On 2003-06-13 14:31, TikiMaxton wrote:
Who was it who told the horror story of his thwarted attempt to replicate the BB tiki necklace? I found myself recounting that story just yesterday...

That would be me... here is a reprint...

"So I guess this is a good time and place to tell the tale. Back around 94' I was watching a Nickelodeon documentary about the Brady bunch. In this was a segment titled "Taboo" in which they talked about the oh so famous Tiki of the BB episodes, It was "found" in episode 72, "Hawaii bound". wreaked havoc in episode 73, "Pass the Taboo" and met it's final demise in episode 74, "The Tiki Caves". They showed a short still photo close up of the Tiki hanging around peters neck. I was stoked. Ever since I started Tiki King, I was always being asked if I made that Tiki, I always chuckled, "No way man! It's TABOO! Doodle-oodle-O!" But this documentary was like a sign. It was time to make that Tiki. So using the still as a guide, I began sketching out the design. Wellll...That night I was riding my Vespa, and got a Flat tire. not to big a deal, the vespa has a spare tire with it. But it was odd. I had actually never had a flat before. but we were in a parking lot, and it only took a moment. It was a minor inconvenience. So a few days later, I finished the sketch. That night I ran out of gas in one of the worst parts of town, and the nearest station was about three blocks away, UPHILL! and we were late getting somewhere already. So as I am pushing the Vespa along, trying to ignore the pimps, pushers, and other denezins of the back alleys I say to my wife, "Man, I must have angered the gods, or carved the wrong Tiki or something...""it's that Brady Tiki" she laughed, "It's Taboo!" So I stopped working on the Tiki for a couple weeks. Ah, but the temptation was too great. I was in a lull at work, so I got out a piece of wood, got out my sketch and started. I did a quick outline on the block of wood, and started carving. No sooner had I shaved off a few chips of wood when I heard a scream. My boss was yelling franticly for me to come up front, and as I got to the door I was met by a wall of muddy water that quickly flooded our shop. Because directly in front of our shop, a water main from 1906 had burst, and was now sending up a geyser of water. There was water, sand, mud and cobble stones flying into the air everywhere. Oddly enough the flood hardly touched the two stores next to us, but filled ours with two feet of water. After two weeks of lost business and gruesome cleanup, ( the place had to be gutted, all the drywall removed. It was a mess) I decided that the Tiki and the sketch had to go. We ceremoniously burned the drawing, and tossed the Tiki into the storm drain. As we stood in a moment of silence, a man walked up. "So how much did you loose?" he asked. We didn't really know. $10,000, $20,000 we hadn't added it up. He introduced himself as a representative of the city, and told us that we would be reimbursed for ALL of our losses. To simply fill out some forms and send them in once we had totaled it up.
So is that Tiki Taboo? hard to say. Will I ever reproduce it? hmmmmm. 1st curse, a flat tire. Not a big deal. Second, being late and running out of gas in a bad area, ten times worse than the first. Then the flood. Each one progressively much worse that the previous. I do not intend on finding out what would be next. It is all true. If you ever come for a visit, I can show you the tape of the documentary, which also was the tape that was in the VCR when they showed the flood on the evening news. So now right after the Brady documentary, is the news footage of the spouting water main, with us in the background trying to get stuff to higher ground. doodle-ooodle-ooo!"

http://www.tikiking.com Neat Tiki and Ukulele Stuff
http://www.download.com/tikiking Hear the King sing!

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2007-12-03 13:50 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 07/03/2003
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Thanks for the warning!

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thejab posted on Thu, Jul 3, 2003 2:29 PM

Where's Marcia?

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Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!

As much of a fan as I am, some things should remain in the past.

Perhaps there will be a Patridge Family Brady Bunch challenge, ala MTV Real World and Road Rules........

Carol Brady and Ruben Kincade could hook up.
Stranger things have happened. Well, maybe not....

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thejab posted on Thu, Jul 3, 2003 5:49 PM

I just saw the Happy Days episode last week with Maureen McCormick playing the girlfriend of the leader of the Dragons car club. She was hot stuff!

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Here's the Brady tiki ... sorry it's a little fuzzy. (I hope I didn't just curse the board!)

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The Brady's are going to Hawaii! I'm going to tape it this time. The schedule and episode descriptions are shown below. TVLand.com has more info

Aug 26 2003 8:30AM 074 - Hawaii Bound Part 1 Mike is able to take the entire family to Hawaii to check the construction of a building he designed. The Bradys tour the island and the boys get involved with an ancient tabu. Guest stars Don Ho.

Aug 27 2003 8:30AM 075 - Pass the Tabu Part 2 Greg is saved from drowning and bad luck continues to plague the Bradys. The boys decided to return the idol to the ancient Hawaiian burial grounds.

Aug 28 2003 8:30AM 076 - The Tiki Caves Part 3 The boys return the tiki they found to the burial cave. There they meet Professor Whitehead, who believe they intend to steal his latest “find”. Guest stars Vincent Price.



C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8498b08805ea44d7f718032ee9b91b83?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Thanks for the heads up!

KT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/727580af1027b75e3f42181deae76679?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

It's on this morning, get your VCR's ready!

8:30 AM Brady Bunch 074 - Hawaii Bound Part 1 Mike is able to take the entire family to Hawaii to check the construction of a building he designed. The Bradys tour the island and the boys get involved with an ancient tabu. Guest stars Don Ho.



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I just caught clips of that last week on VH1's "I love the '70's" marithon on my local cable station. The good news is it was followed by a feature on "blaxploitation" movies...I went out and snagged all the Pam Grier DVD's and VHS I could get my hands on! I'm now in Superfly Heaven.

TJ Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/694716e4b374f170435334da0427f5d0?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Did anyone tape the three Brady Bunch episodes successfully? I have been trying to get the three episodes on tape but was unable to get them this time around. Is anyone interested in making me a copy? I will send the blank tapes and a few extra bucks for shipping back. Please email me at junkman@corecomm.net


JD Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1382/624dd9c9b320f.png?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=7ae6b36249e36731481004222aaf1a29

the hawaii vacation episodes are available on dvd now.

some screen captures, including all the tikis shown in the three episodes. enjoy!!!


reposted from flickr, shutterfly is dead. see page 5

[ Edited by: johnny dollar 2008-07-21 12:31 ]

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Bete posted on Sun, Feb 19, 2006 1:59 PM


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I saw an interview with Barry Williams (Greg Brady) not too long ago. He said he still has the necklace. Cool photos!

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Barry's wipeout is real, by the way. He really does smash into that coral you can see right in front of him and he cut himself up pretty badly.

Never knew those pix could be so vivid- the miracles of dvd. thanks, j$!

[ Edited by: martiki 2006-02-19 16:48 ]

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On 2003-07-03 17:29, suzywong wrote:
Perhaps there will be a Patridge Family Brady Bunch challenge.

There was, it was called Celebraty Boxing or something like that. Danny Partridge kicked Greg Brady's ass, knocked him out in like the first round.

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On 2006-02-19 16:11, stuff-o-rama wrote:
I saw an interview with Barry Williams (Greg Brady) not too long ago. He said he still has the necklace. Cool photos!

He loses it in a poker game at the beginning of "Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star"

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/77cb10d45d7729e0a1332e1553fc2890?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Here's an analysis....The first time I saw Lord of the Rings, after the movie ended it occured to me that the Brady Bunch Tiki episode was based on LOTR...in that the only way to break the curse is to return the TIKI (ring) to the ancient burial ground (Mordor).
Hey, Bobby and Frodo were both small guys wit curly hair...it was a dangerous mission etc...Vincent Price is Saruman... the correlations are endless.

That being said, the Brady Hawaii episodes are amongst my favorites in Television. Now I have to go rent the DVD.

[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2006-02-20 14:24 ]

MP Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

mmmmmmm, Peter Brady tied up to a tiki. So - many - fantasies - must - stop - thinking - about - it -
diddle iddle ooooooo.

This may be the intersection where my obsession with Brady meets Tiki-Bots obsession with Tiki...

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Fantastic screenshots. Now to try to determine who carved those tikis based on styles of other carvings in my postcard/matchbook collection...

Johhny Dollar - I need one more screenshot for my research. Please post a pic of Marcia in her bikini. It is scientifically important. Thanks.


J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2fd2034146d4913f2ded6ab7be6bc853?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
john posted on Tue, Feb 21, 2006 3:10 AM

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i made this brady tiki feller, i gave him a good luck belly button as not to anger anyone...still keeping my fingers crossed :)

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ewik posted on Tue, Feb 21, 2006 9:53 AM

I did a painting for the tiki show at m modern last year that was inspired from that episode

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I have the Coco Joe's lava version of the white stone tiki, he's three or four inches tall.

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On 2006-02-20 14:23, tikiyaki wrote:
Here's an analysis....The first time I saw Lord of the Rings, after the movie ended it occurred to me that the Brady Bunch Tiki episode was based on LOTR...in that the only way to break the curse is to return the TIKI (ring) to the ancient burial ground (Mordor).
Hey, Bobby and Frodo were both small guys wit curly hair...it was a dangerous mission etc...Vincent Price is Saruman... the correlations are endless.

That being said, the Brady Hawaii episodes are amongst my favorites in Television. Now I have to go rent the DVD.

[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2006-02-20 14:24 ]

It's been a theory of mine for a while that anything that comes up in life can be paralleled in an episode of The Brady Bunch. They covered it all. Come on, try it, throw something at me and I will find the example in Brady-dom.

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On 2006-02-21 09:56, Tikiwahine wrote:
I have the Coco Joe's lava version of the white stone tiki, he's three or four inches tall.


cool! have you posted a photo of it?

watch out for tarantulas and falling wall plaques!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1bb8357216aa6a07990c2024587ce985?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Haha, no, I'll(attempt to) take one tonight!

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tabu sound

i'll try and post the requested images soon as well!

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Here he is!
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[ Edited by: Tikiwahine 2006-08-27 15:00 ]

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All this media was begging for a "Your The Man Now Dog" site so here it is:


H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b3d4f38a46f9e2b10e6aef61241f3169?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Helz posted on Wed, Feb 22, 2006 6:13 AM

So weird...When I clicked on that link and the music played, my wife said "What are you looking at? That sounds like the music from the Brady Bunch Tiki Episode." How does she know these things?

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