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Latest from Mr. Ho - Dr. Funk and no WAITIKI?

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Mr. Ho posted on 03/08/2008

...news from the Ho has been slightly delayed due to Dr. Funk's Son in Phx, AZ. I was held back by his cold grip. (BUM: it is true they craft fine ice shells for this cocktail at TV Scottsdale! Gotta ask for real rum though :wink: Below for pic.

What else? Well, some folks have asked me...so to clear the air, yes, it's true there is no more Mr. Ho and WAITIKI - after 4 years of music, shows, writing, arranging, booking, promoting, and mixing - myself and Randy have gone our separate ways and it's time to focus on new things. So, that's what's up with the lack of Mr. Ho and WAITIKI. Mahalo to those who sent kinds vibes and mahalos my way. I will send vibes back....on CD and probably 12" again since I dig that and Jack, Java, Glen, the NE crowd and others liked the 1st one so much :wink:

For the jetsetters out there, fear not: the Orchestrotica will live on! Watch for a potential show this summer in Mexico again , some new video clips, and more. And yup, the Mayor and Smilin' Jimmy Venuti will be there, sombreros and all. I've been getting in the mexican spirit even more with yet another meheecahno project : http://myspace.com/sondelotrolado

And as for exotica and tiki....well, DJs and fans stay tuned. As soon as this [seemingly bottomless] Dr. Funk cocktail ends, you never know what might be coming...(Mr. Ho's 30pc Gong Orchestra Battles the First Pandeiro Choir of Rio de Janeiro?) :wink:

More soon!

Mr. Ho

Jeff Central posted on 03/09/2008

Good luck Mr. Ho!!

Thanks for keeping us updated.

Cheers and Mahalo,

Urban Tiki posted on 03/13/2008

Greetings Mr. Ho,
I recently procured the WAITIKI vinyl off of the web, and it is fantastic! It enjoys a place of honor in my collection next to my Les Baxter, Martin Denny, Arthur Lyman, Esquivel, etc. LPs.

I am sorry to hear of the demise of that band, but each ending is a new beginning as the parts of the former whole expand into new directions of their own- such is the nature of the music biz. Kind of it's own circle of life (or should that be circle of fifths?).

I wish you well in your future endeavours and look forward to hearing and seeing more from you in the future.

BTW I was hoping to meet up with you in NYC when we had the confusion of the multiple Shun Lee locations. I hope to see you in NYC in the near future.

pappythesailor posted on 03/13/2008

Boa sorte, Ho. I know your talent will make you a stand-out where ever it takes you.
Ate a vista!

Kenike posted on 03/13/2008

I am sorry to hear of the demise of that band, but each ending is a new beginning as the parts of the former whole expand into new directions of their own- such is the nature of the music biz.

Did I misunderstand Mr. Ho's post? I was under the impression that he's moved on from Waitiki but the band is still together.

Mr. Ho posted on 03/13/2008

WAITIKI is still playing out, just sans mr. ho and with "changes."

Hope to see ya'll soon and mahalo for the notes everyone! More adventures soon...

Mr. Ho

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