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Don Tiki Euro Tour

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Fluid Floyd posted on 03/12/2008

Aloha All,

Thought I'd ask this distinguished group of tikiphiles...

Don Tiki has been invited to play a music festival in Berlin on July 25:

We want to plan a Euro tour around that date and need tour coordination help ASAP!
Anyone/company you can recommend who books European tours/venues?

Fluid Floyd

PS- Did anyone see Don Tiki on Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations in Hawaii episode?
It repeats on the Travel Channel, also on iTunes for $1.99


GatorRob posted on 03/12/2008

On 2008-03-11 17:40, Fluid Floyd wrote:
PS- Did anyone see Don Tiki on Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations in Hawaii episode?
It repeats on the Travel Channel, also on iTunes for $1.99

... and on youtube. Yep. Nice job. But someone really should have talked him out of that $3,000 aloha shirt. Question: Did he buy that shirt before or after the zombie? :D

bigbrotiki posted on 03/12/2008

Of cosss did I see Tony and you tossing back the potions...my better half is a Bourdain fan. Say, was that third mug Tiki Diablo's Forbidden Island mug?

I wish I could help you with tour management suggestions, but I have been out of the country for so long...however, I might be the one who got you this gig because one of the organizers of this event is an old school friend of mine. He contacted me last year for suggestions and you of course were on the list. That is not to say though that you wouldn't have been contacted anyway, as the first live Exotica revival band you are ON the radar internationally.
I really want to make it to the event, but as always cannot commit until close to it when my shooting schedule becomes more set. My friend, artist Moritz R. is the movie and music coordinator on this, too. The concert hall is this cool mid-century modern building, known colloquially as the "pregnant Oyster", by a canal, across form the national gallery -I want to be in there so badly!

Koolau posted on 03/12/2008

Shoots - how about something here at home? No Don Tiki since last summer!

virani posted on 03/12/2008

I really hope you'll find something here in Paris.

I'll ask some concert organisers here, and will try to help you.

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54 house of bamboo posted on 03/12/2008

Bang!Bang!Berlin! July 18th - 20th 2008

It's a rockabilly thing but sponsored by Havana Club and co-organised by a tiki lover, Andy - he may be able to make some contacts for you.


Good luck!

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Okonkuluku! Let's go to the Hofbrauhaus!

Fluid Floyd posted on 03/13/2008

A BIG mahalo to all for your good suggestions!

Gator Rob, to answer your question... Anthony Bourdain showed up for our drinking segment wearing the vintage Aloha shirt, so it was BEFORE we started sucking down zombies and other rum delights. Who knows what he was drinking the night before though!

Koolau, we know, we know...it's hard to find gigs here for our large troupe. We're working on a new album right now, so hopefully we'll do some concerts around that in Hawaii this fall.

Sven, a HUGE mahalo to you for recommending us for the Water Music Festival! We're bringing our full troupe of 14 performers to play at the "pregnant oyster" (love the pic you posted). As you know, Moritz R. did the art and graphics for "Skinny Dip with Don Tiki" and you did the fantastic liner notes. We're trying to contact him for help with other venues and cities to play in Germany. I must have an old email. Please send privately if you have it, phone # too. The mugs used at La Mariana were by Tiki Farm as far as i know. Still pouring over Tiki Modern...epic, monumental, congrats!

Virani, two tons of chocolate macadamia nut candy for you if you can hook us up in Paris! We seem to have some fans there and would so love to play France as well!

54 House of Bamboo... will follow up on your good lead and let you know if we work anything out.

Last, Professah... woo hoo, Don Tiki and now Waitiki too! Meet me in Berlin and don't forget to wear your best vintage Aloha liederhosen.


GatorRob posted on 03/13/2008

On 2008-03-13 14:30, Fluid Floyd wrote:
We're working on a new album right now

Best news I've heard in a while! Have an approximate release date yet? Someday, some way, you must play the Mai-Kai stage. That would be heavenly.

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cheekytiki posted on 03/13/2008

London Luau's the beginning of June, how long you planning on staying?

Fluid Floyd posted on 03/13/2008

Cheeky~ Oh my gawd, we would so love to play at the London Luau as well!
Problem is your event is June 6 - 8 and the gig in Berlin is on July 25...argh.
Perhaps our troupe of 14 performers could crash at your hut for 6 weeks?!?!


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cheekytiki posted on 03/14/2008

No problem I'll start stringing up the hammocks right away!

Fluid Floyd posted on 03/14/2008

Fantastic...we'll bring the rum and passion fruit juice!

virani posted on 03/14/2008

That would be fantastic if you would go to the London Luau.
And then, you could come to France for a few days, and spain, germany... before the Berlin show.
That could work. Ask King Kukulele, he did that before.

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