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UPS (United Parcel) is Incompetent

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midnite posted on 05/31/2003

I, midnite_tiki, do hereby swear I will never use UPS, nor will I ever purchase from a retailer that uses their service for parcel delivery. It appears my Shag mugs are in the ether, lost or unaccounted for, and my new Shecky and Uncle Shrunk from Munktiki have been on the driver's truck 7-8 times and no actual delivery attempts ever made.

Today, I saw "our" UPS driver deliver a parcel to the business next door, roughly 4:15 pm, and then drive away. This, on a day that involved numerous discussions with UPS's administration office about undelivered parcels to our very address. The driver submitted an entry in his log that he attempted to deliver our parcel at 4:25 pm. Alas, no one was available heer at #204. The unforunate part is I watched him deliver the aformentioned parcel and drive off. No ringing of my door buzzer, no "we missed you slip". Oops, caught in the act of omission.

I even talked to the very driver later at UPS hq. When confronted with this inconsistency his effort to CYA was that the other parcel for the business next door was a leftover, and that he had "actually" been by my place earlier in the day. Oops, wrong answer, Jose. Caught in the lie, he asked why did I not come running down the stairs if I saw him?

UPS remains in business I do not know how. Unfortunately, Munktiki and Tiki Farm both use UPS. We will be contacting Holden and Stuckie about this, they may have have been charged for extra shipping becasue of this fiasco.

Three separate parcels never delivered, returned to sender, or lost. All in the scope of 2-3 weeks. We fear what they wil do with the parcel containing Shecky, but nothing will be accepted without checking the contents.

UPS is the worst. This is the latest, and last, episode of many I have had with UPS incompetence. The USPS does a yoeman's job in comparison to the idiocracy of UPS. No more UPS, ever.


tikichic posted on 05/31/2003

[ Edited by: tikichic on 2004-07-22 10:37 ]

kahukini posted on 05/31/2003

i'll send this to a fedex vice president i know, i'm sure he'll enjoy your post :)

stuckieshaft posted on 05/31/2003


Im very sorry to hear ups is not doing their job.
I understand how you feel though as I have vowed never to use fed-ex again(they all have problems). Unfortunatly some places like amazon dont tell you how they will send it and still occassionally am forced to use fedex.
And Unfortunatly Yes this Ups drivers apathy is costing us. I'll be sure to give a call, allthough I am doubtfull there is much I can do.
If it gets sent back again I shoot it to the post office as I want you to get the mugs.

midnite posted on 05/31/2003

Hiya Stuckie,
I assumed you were using USPS, but it had been some time since we got anything from Munktiki, so when I heard the parcel was "sent back, receiver rejected" I did not immediately think "Uh oh, UPS!" Shecky and company are somehwere at UPS. My Shag Mondo Tiki mugs are "missing" according to UPS. One other parcel was allegedly undeliverable, even though I work at home and have no trouble with USPS. The driver just ignores our deliveries, and leaves no notices of an attempt.

The latest from this driver is our building has a dificult "entry code" system that prevents him from delivering. Two problems: one, it is a board with 12 buttons, each button connected to one apartment number. Two, my postal worker, who treats me as a second son I get so many packages, never has any trouble ringing me. Funnier still, he did just that today, with three parcels for me. And three, ok there's three, he doesn't need access...it's the f&%$#* FRONT DOOR!

I have had three major "episodes" with UPS, this being the last I will have. It's just unbelieveable, and unfortunate to involve Munktiki items. They have been nothing but stellar retailers.

UPS however is satan's spawn. An incompetent, ignorant, unrelentingly poorly managed spawn.


Trader Woody posted on 05/31/2003

If it makes anyone feel slightly better, I have never had a parcel shipped by UPS, but as a young lad growing up in snowy New England, I used to get great pleasure from pelting their vans with snowballs.

Trader Woody

tikifish posted on 05/31/2003

No wonder they are calling themsleves 'BROWN' now... because they are a big steamy turd!

What can Brown do for you?

Basement Kahuna posted on 06/01/2003
tiki time posted on 06/01/2003

cheers! Down here in Key West, the mail system is awfull but the weather is nice.

TikiGoddess posted on 06/01/2003

I too have recently experienced the horrors of UPS. To make a long story short, the tracking number does not help if they lose your package, they do not even notice if a package is lost nor will they bother to check to make sure stuff gets delivered, their customer "service" department is contracted out to people who don't even work for UPS so they dont care about lost packages and they are really rude (no surprise there). I am never using them again.

Turbogod posted on 06/01/2003

You shoulda sent it sooner!

Saint-Thomas posted on 06/02/2003

In defence of UPS, I must say that when they break or lose stuff, their insurance claims are so easy, they practically fill themselves out. Getting the USPS to admit fault is more painful than dental work.
UPS is also cheaper for parcels over 5 pounds.

I have had a package held up in the system of the Postal Service since October. No one seems to know where it is, even though it has tracking service, which is an extra charge to boot! My mail carrier only comes by the house two or three days a week and has never delivered a package without some sort of hassle. I signed a card to grant permission to leave packages at my door, and guess what, I still have to go get them. I recently had a envelope containing three photos for my portfolio in it, insured for $200 and sent priority mail. The postage was $18 for three pieces of paper!!!!! And they almost refused delivery!!!!

I'm sure everyone has had a bad experience with shipping. I think UPS is a bit more reliable, but I will continue to use USPS for outgoing mail.

Suburban Hipster posted on 06/02/2003

I receive at least one package from UPS per week, and I've had nothing but good delivery from then. I have a great relationship with my local driver. She knows when I'm home, and she makes sure to hold my packages and deliver them then without my asking.

On the other hand, I've had horrible problems with FedEx, and try to avoid them at all costs.

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 06/02/2003

I love UPS, and I don't care if yall hate it! NAY NAY NAY

TikiGoddess posted on 06/03/2003

Oh, one more thing, my friend used to work at UPS and he said that when a potentially valuable package came through the line (like one that might have a stereo in it) the workers would slap their own address label over the address that was originally on the box. A creative way of theft.

midnite posted on 06/03/2003

This just in from the front, the latest in the War Against Chronic Incompetence, also known as "We're UPS, and we, uh...what do we do?".

One parcel was set for delivery, but seeing the driver for this area seems to have trouble getting out of the brown truck UPS was directed to re-route the parcel. Well, the order was amended, but there's a catch. What could be the catch, you ask? I mean, don't send it "here", send it "there". Easy, right? Nope.

The boy-genius at UPS went in and modified the address for re-route. He put in the original address! So, instead of coming here, it's coming here. What's that sound? It's the jingle jangle of so many Phi Beta Kappa keys at UPS central.

TikiFarm: I got a phone message from another UPS center today. This was regarding the Shag mugs. The UPS employee asked if I was having trouble with the delivery. Upon contacting this UPS star her first question was, drun roll, "did you get the package?". Uh, you were contacted because no package ever arrived, and UPS cannot tell me where it went...your first inquiry is did I get it?

Looks like the Shag mugs are history, they just became a wee bit rarer I suppose.

Munktiki: I directed UPS to deliver that to another address. One try, one delivery, Oh My Lawd. Gee, do you think there is a problem with a particular driver? That is the good news, the bad news is one mug is cracked cracked cracked. Considering the condition of the box I doubt it left Munktiki in that shape.

UPS, brown....number 2.


Kailuageoff posted on 06/04/2003

For what it's worth I just took delivery form USPS on a 1963 Trader Vics hula girl bowl. Paid over $100 for it and it arrived broken. It was well packed in foam peanuts and bubble wrap, so hard to see how this happened. I took out insurance and am waiting for the seller to get back to me. I feel like crying... It was a present for my wahine, too. Is there somewhere I can press charges?

Kailuageoff posted on 06/05/2003

It gets worse. I didn't fill in that pesky insurance box on the Paypal site like I thought I did. Whaaaaah! Obviously, the seller is under no obligation, but I hope he is semi-understanding about it.
What's the best technique for glueing ceramics back together, especially if I want to drink from this mutha?
The break is fairly clean.

Basement Kahuna posted on 06/06/2003

It doesn't matter. The knee-jerk reaction from UPS when one tries to have them make good on a claim will always be "claim unpayable due to insufficient packaging". The follow up is they will never call back, and alas you will end up calling their robots until you get tired of fighting this so-called corporation over 100 lousy bucks. Avoid UPS at all costs.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2003-06-05 21:57 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 06/06/2003

Incidentally, I sent this thread to a UPS rep whose adress I got from their website. I doubt they'll give an iota as my personal experience with them has been "The customer (or customers as the case may be here)is always wrong" but what the heck, right?

mrtikibar posted on 06/06/2003

I have had no problem with UPS. Several orders have been delivered on time with no damage or problems. Maybe I'm due. Or maybe things are a bit distorted about their supposed incompetence.

atomiczombie posted on 06/07/2003

I know a couple of people who work at a local UPS distribution facility. Apparently they relentlessly overwork their employees there. As a result, they[dock workers] take out their frustrations on the packages they move... violently. Then everything's better. It's too bad our stuff has to get crushed because their bosses are a**holes :(

tikitony posted on 06/08/2003

UPS busted a 5 foot hard wood tiki in half that I sent to Florida. I've dropped my tikis before and they've never broken, they must have catapolted this thing. Luckily the dude was cool about it and just epoxied it together.

tikitony posted on 06/08/2003

I use to work for CCS (California Cheap Skates) (mail order skateboards) and each xmas UPS use to make lots of kids cry because of lost or late skateboards so this one xmas, UPS reserved an entire cargo plane just for CCS and then at the last minute we used FedEx. That was great...

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