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The Continental Magazine #15 (surf/garage/exotica) - Last Call For Ads

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Double Crown posted on 03/15/2008

I am seriously considering expanding the Continental magazine from 36 to 52 pages, but need just a few more ads to cover the cost. I don't have any room left on the CD though. If you want to get an ad into the upcoming issue, and think you can get it to me (.jpg, .pdf or .tif) via e-mail in the next 7-10 days or so shoot me an email at: records@dblcrown.com. I'll even offer special pricing

Full Page (5.0 inches wide x 8.0 inches tall) $65.00 (NOW $40.00!!!)

Half Page (5.0 inches wide x 4.0 inches tall) $45.00 (NOW $30.00!!!)

Qtr. Page (2.5 inches wide x 4.0 inches tall OR 5.0 inches wide x 2.0 inches tall) $35.00 (NOW $20.00!!!)

Double Crown Records

[ Edited by: Double Crown 2008-03-15 11:41 ]

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