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Matche? Matches? We don need no stinkin' matches!

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Again, I find myself having to purge another one of my packrat collections after moving to a much smaller home. I have maybe 1000+ matchbooks and boxes from all over. If anyone interested in swapping them for a mug or two please shoot me note. If not I guess I can have a nice bonfire in the backyard.

I am holding on to a few that have special significance to my wife and I such as Conestoga Inn (where we met while I was DJing) Maxwell's on the pier (our first date) and Sam's Seafood (where we were married). In doing my review I did find several matchbooks from Don the Beachcombers, no location printed. How long has it been since they were in business?? Anyone?


Trustar, who are you giys? Are those matchbooks tiki? what % are? I might be interested in a trade.


Mr G

No, I don't think there is any tiki left in the box left. Just a lot of So Cal spots, assorted forign locals, and other places in the States. I just thought I would let my tiki compadres know before I dumped or burned them knowing that we have a great assortment of folks with varied pack-rat tendencies. I did find some old Bahooka matches that I have had since the 70's, when both the West Covina and Rosemead locals were open. Much nicer then the book I picked up yesterday with my ribs and grog. There I go again! STOP! I DON'T COLLECT MATCHES ANYMORE!!!


i can give pre-1970 So Cal or Vegas matches a good home and could find something to trade?
my 'cousin' cherry has been doing paintings based on cool old matchbooks - maybe a painting in trade for some cool matches?

[ Edited by: Futura Girl on 2003-06-04 20:25 ]

MM, you take'em. Just let me scan a few from time to time? I like your home better.

mea culpa... i didn't see your earlier post too clearly... we can share and share alike - that is if the offer still stands?
BTW, I still have to take a picture of your matchbook painting Chiki - It went up on the wall of our tiki dining room that very night same i got it!!!


Send me a note offline with addresses and I will send out half to both if you to share/swap. I just did not want to throw them away if anyone might have an interest in going through them for hidden gold.

[email protected]



Futura girl

I have a box packed for you with nowhere to send it yet. Still interested?? Let me know.


Do you have a picture of what matchbooks you have left by chance?



If your going to Sam's tonight send me an email and I will bring them by.

[email protected]


Thanks for the box-o-matches Trustar! I didn't count each one, but there had to of been at least 500 (maybe more) of them!

I found a few that I could add to my collection. I will be passing the box on to a fellow TC'er. I believe I told TraderPup he is the next one to receive "the box".

i just emailed you - sorry for the delay - hey - if you'll be at the tiki ti gathering of the tribes on wednesday night - we could have some trading?

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