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Easter Island

Pages: 1 8 replies

McDougall posted on 05/31/2003

I am just starting to research this. Like with all I do I dove headfirst into Tiki without knowing a thing about it except i liked it. Anyway would love to hear all thoughts on the Easter Island Tiki's. I understand this might be very general, but generally I want to hear about it all. Specifically I would like a really good, detail specific, authentic picture of all the Tiki's on Easter Island. Now understand I'm an OK web searcher and can get some good stuff on my own but I've been lurking about here a bit and have a feeling you all can give me the goods.

suffering bastard posted on 05/31/2003

Have you checked out Thor Heyerdahl's book "Aku-Aku"? Not a bad place to start.

The Monitors posted on 05/31/2003

That's a great suggestion Suffering B. I'm currently reading it right now and I have to say that it's very interesting. Although, I suggest starting out with Thor's first book "Kon Tiki" then reading Aku Aku. He makes a few Kon Tiki references in Aku Aku, and he kindda sets up Aku Aku in Kon Tiki.

PolynesianPop posted on 05/31/2003

Not sure what you've already found on the web, but here's some wepages on Easter Island that I have Bookmarked:

NOVA's webpage is pretty good. They filmed a documentary that explored theories on how the MOAI were moved to their final resting places. Every once in a while, they broadcast it on PBS.

The Easter's End webpage provides a good synopsis of the island's demise. Very interesting reading.

Check out this Japanese webpage for some great Moai pics.

This Easter Island Homepage has LOTS of links to help you with more info.

Lastly, this Easter Island webpage has a Message Board like TC!

**Poly-Pop ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-05-31 10:07 ]

tikibars posted on 06/01/2003

If you go to my web site at http://www.tydirium.net you will find a 42-page account of my trip to Easter Island in May of 2000. I believe I can say without fear of dispute that this is the most detailed first-person portrait of Rapa Nui that a TC'er will be able to provide for you.

tiki.head posted on 06/02/2003

Try the book "Easter Island, Earth Island" by Paul Bahn and John Flenley. It deals with Easter Island history (where did the first inhabitants come from), the carving and moving of the Moai, and the "self destruction" of the island. Lots of great photos and scientific data to back up the theories, too.

McDougall posted on 06/03/2003

Mahalo All! Will set out to check those links asap. Read Kon-Tiki over the weekend, wow, what a book! A great read, Thor is my type of person. Can't wait to read Aku Aku, his writing is so good and this book is right on my current fascination (Easter Island). Kon Tiki only mentioned Easter Island in passing, but was a (like mentioned) a great set up for Aku Aku, haven't looked forward to reading a book this much ever. Of course the local bookstores don't have it, but more than one bids have been placed on ebay to get this book and I will be reading it soon. The feeling those men on Kon Tiki had when finally stepping onto Polynesian soil(sand) was so intense I'm feeling it for them 56 years later. Mahalo for the recommendation again!

martiki posted on 06/17/2003

This looks like a fantastic book about Easter Island from a unique perspective:


It had an excellent review in the Guardian a few weeks ago.

Unga Bunga posted on 06/17/2003

Polynesian Pop is right about Nova, which is the greatest and most recent documentary.

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