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tiki style denny's avoids wrecking ball!!

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Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/02/2008

sure looks like an old tiki long room though.....


beadtiki posted on 03/02/2008

That is the "historical" Denny's in Ballard (Seattle) - used to be the largest consentration of Norwegians (Scandanavians, in general) in the Seattle area. That Denny's emulates a viking ship - although I guess I could see the Tiki longhouse in it. It's truly a dump! It's been sitting empty for many years - covered in grafitti and concert ads. Now, if they fixed it up and turned it into a Tiki bar or lounge...that would be something! Let's cross our fingers!

Tom Slick posted on 03/02/2008

That is good that they kept it from becoming land for condos...Fu**ing real estate companies are in it for the short haul and instant profits, not worried about preservation of anything from the past...I'm glad they have to spend money to appeal the decision. Only problem I foresee is some disgruntled asshole setting the place on fire(arson) so it HAS to be leveled. Its happened here in California before. The place might be run down right now due to its long abandonment, but imagine the place retrofitted and fixed up?...It would definately be novel...Cheers to the Seattle preservation comittee led by Stephen Lee!

captnkirk posted on 03/04/2008

As we all know from the sad example of the Kahiki in Ohio.

Being a national historic landmark does not mean any thing except you may have to hire more expensive lawyers before you demolish it and build a Wallgreens in its place.

bamalamalu posted on 03/12/2008

I was in Ballard all Weekend but somehow managed not to drive past that corner. I hope it can be restored and utilized for something good. I hadn't been back in a couple years and, even though I knew it was happening, seeing the explosion of ugly condos was pretty disturbing.

I came across a few articles about the building in the neighborhood paper; if anyone's interested, they're online here:




Primo Kimo posted on 03/20/2008

Yes! I will truly sleep well, at least for, tonight. Good goin' Seattle.

bananabobs posted on 03/20/2008

On 2008-03-01 22:44, Tom Slick wrote:
...Fu**ing real estate companies are in it for the short haul and instant profits, not worried about preservation of anything from the past...I'm glad they have to spend money to appeal the decision.

I will assume that you will also complain that housing is too exspensive, not enough is available and be the first to scream if someone tried to keep you from earning a living. My assumption is off of your statement. The developers PAID 12 million for the property and a non-tiki, abandoned building is standing in the way of completing a project. If someone wanted to preserve this why didn't they do it before now? It has been a eye sore and abandoned for years.
If you look at the facts, Real Estate companies SELL property, Developers, develop properties and Builders build them, trust me there is no short haul and instant profits in real estate, development or building. The latter two are the most regulated industries in the country. For example; Developers are required to give houses to the poor, let's see the auto industry do that or the airlines or...?
We don't want to see important properties lost but if it's that important to someone, they can cough up 12 million and do what they want.
But to slam any group of people like that...without knowing the facts...play nicer please.
BTW, I am a developer/builder so I am biased, however I also know the facts, just try to get a building permit, you'll know what I mean.

aku76 posted on 03/23/2008

check out yesterday's USA today on page 12a--there's a photo and article.


Sophista-tiki posted on 03/23/2008

Some of the statements about the former Denny's property are incorrect. The building was not abandoned for years and was open for business until quite recently. The building was originally built for Manning's a famous Seattle cafeteria with multiple locations. there are piles of brand new multi use condos going up all over the city. This mass destruction of architectural character has changed the look and feel of Seattle in just a few short years. I know I'm not the only one around here who would appreciate a thoughtful re-purposing of a cool mid century building.
The actual issue with this paticular property is a loophole in the law about preserving historical buildings. The developers knew in advance about the loophole and assumed they wold be able to getaway with it. They were probably counting on no one really caring one way or another about this particular building.
There's plenty of well written articles about whats happening, that more adequately explain the real state loophole issue and the history of the building and its significance to Ballard and Seattle.
I hope they come to a compromise to save the structure. Chances are they might move it off the location. Many people have been involved for months to try and save the building and stop the sale of the property to this paticular developer.
Im sure your words would cause a riot in Ballard. Dawn, Seattle

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2008-03-23 05:08 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/23/2008

..there was another article about it in chicago sun-times yesterday...i'm assuming this is a big deal about what's happening with this building....normally you wouldn't see this much coverage over something like this unless it was important.....

As for condos, i understand they have their place, but we have lost so much great architecture over the years to developers that i really can't rally for them.....i'm actually suprised that we have a "deveploper" in the form of bananabob here on t.c.!!!

rugbymatt posted on 03/23/2008

Okay now let's all settle down and celebrate a victory for saving this little piece of Americana but let's not go eating our own in the process. Bananabobs was just pointing out some business facts to those of us wh are not in the biz. I appreciate everyone's passion but let's stick together, n'kay? After all if anything can save the sructure long-term it will be a developer who is will to take a chance on turning the building into a new tiki bar in Seattle (we can only hope). It's Easter let us all be of good cheer and love today!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/23/2008

On 2008-03-23 09:15, rugbymatt wrote:

After all if anything can save the sructure long-term it will be a developer who is will to take a chance on turning the building into a new tiki bar in seattle

...yeah....good luck with that!!

...happy easter!!

Hiphipahula posted on 03/23/2008

Cheers to all in Seattle! It feels great to know that community involvement strong activist groups DO & CAN make the difference!
Happy Easter!

mymotiki posted on 03/23/2008

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:52 ]

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/23/2008

Hey, it would make a great building to house Polynesia Americana. But I dont have 12 million to buy it. nor do I have the aditional funds to build out a museum space and run the joint. considering the current economy it might not be the best time to invest in a new museum. but iffn you wanna see the mission statement and floor plans etc. for Poloynesia Amerivcana check out the lengthy discussion here in General Tiki or look on http://www.myspace.com/polynesiamericana .
And if you've got funding or can point me in the direction of funding Id be happy to move forward with my project of building the tiki museum.
otherwise I will stick with the original plan of traveling exhibit. Dawn

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2008-03-23 15:44 ]

mymotiki posted on 03/23/2008

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:53 ]

Tom Slick posted on 03/24/2008

On 2008-03-19 23:17, bananabobs wrote:

On 2008-03-01 22:44, Tom Slick wrote:
...Fu**ing real estate companies are in it for the short haul and instant profits, not worried about preservation of anything from the past...I'm glad they have to spend money to appeal the decision.

I will assume that you will also complain that housing is too exspensive, not enough is available and be the first to scream if someone tried to keep you from earning a living.

For example; Developers are required to give houses to the poor, let's see the auto industry do that or the airlines or...?
But to slam any group of people like that...without knowing the facts...play nicer please.
BTW, I am a developer/builder so I am biased, however I also know the facts, just try to get a building permit, you'll know what I mean.

I don't want to start a piss match on TC on something so off topic, but let me be brief as possible over some examples that need to be aired...
I don't complain about housing prices. You can live in Texas, or even Northern Nevada with very reasonable property rates, and PLENTY of growing space. But to cram 4+ units on lots that originally held 1 unit...How can you underplay that this isn't a form of greed? It's the developers faults why the SoCal freeway system is a parking lot! Example....The City of Los Angeles was originally built to house 2 million, but because all of a sudden, there is a high interest in people wanting to live there... What's the developers answer? "Lets tear down the single family homes and put up Mediterranean style condos and increase the population to 8 million"! Can't expand 'em? Stack 'em!....Also Don't forget to hire your local migrant workers to do most of the job, so you can increase your profits margin that much more by not insuring them or paying them what the work would really be estimated at! Speaking of which, you might build homes for the less fortunate, and I'm sure not by choice, but my tax dollars have to support them under section 8. I'll "Assume" Bob must think SoCal'ers are ignorant...

I also didn't want to use my "Trump" card, but look at all the developers that rushed in to the lower 9th ward in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Think they were there to aid and rebuild the structures lost/damaged for the residents? hah......Offers were flying into all of the insurance companies and families to buy up all the wrecked properties for pennies on the dollar, to be redeveloped into a wealthy community, at least that was the plan.

As you can tell, I'm a preservationist and I don't care for the overpopulation/overdevelopment of any city, and lets be truthful...Developers only interest are "How much are we taking home on this deal?"

Like I stated above...Good For Mr. Lee and his actions to save the place.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/24/2008

go get em' tom!!...give em both barrels!!!

msteeln posted on 03/24/2008

This building needs to go. To have a stand off about a structure that no longer has anything to offer just dilutes the efforts of those striving to save things that truly deserve it.
Call the ball.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/25/2008

On 2008-03-24 14:55, msteeln wrote:
This building needs to go. To have a stand off about a structure that no longer has anything to offer just dilutes the efforts of those striving to save things that truly deserve it.
Call the ball.

gee.....that will convince us to change our minds! ... ..thanks for sharing!!!

msteeln posted on 03/25/2008

Sorry to hear you can't handle the truth.
Or at least an opinion.

[ Edited by: msteeln 2008-03-24 18:18 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/25/2008

On 2008-03-24 18:14, msteeln wrote:
Sorry to hear you can't handle the truth.
Or at least an opinion.

[ Edited by: msteeln 2008-03-24 18:18 ]

..i heard your opinion and you are more than welcome to express it here...i just may not agree with it. - That's MY opinion...can you handle that truth??...besides, now that you joined our happy little tiki forum, i expect to see more than 2 posts from you and hopefully about something that actually pertains more to why we are here....like tiki for example??!!....hopefully we will get a proper introduction from you if you have not posted one already....

Tiki Lion posted on 03/25/2008

Oops - looks like I'm losing it.
I just signed on to "developer flame war" Central instead of Tiki Central, didn't I?
My bad.

msteeln posted on 03/25/2008

Thanx, but I'll pass on your angry gauntlet of expectations, hoping the hangover passes quickly and you return to your normally sweet as pie 1st drink self.


Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/25/2008

On 2008-03-24 19:38, msteeln wrote:
Thanx, but I'll pass on your angry gauntlet of expectations, hoping the hangover passes quickly and you return to your normally sweet as pie 1st drink self.


.. gee.....i guess that sounds like your final word on the subject......GOOD!! that means we won't be hearing anymore from you then!!

..now stop hijacking my thread with your nonsense.....and in case you are not aware of who i am, i'm the resident tiki central satan himself!!...or did you not notice where i was located at on the left hand sidebar......"HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!"

mymotiki posted on 03/25/2008

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:53 ]

msteeln posted on 03/25/2008

Damn Tips, from hell or heck, I thot you were a... gurl!

BambooLodge posted on 03/25/2008

On 2008-03-24 20:54, msteeln wrote:
Damn Tips, from hell or heck, I thot you were a... gurl!

You might wanna learn to spell! Now there's a thot!

mymotiki posted on 03/25/2008

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:53 ]

beadtiki posted on 03/25/2008

On 2008-03-25 07:20, mymotiki wrote:
Who cares if my spelling is bad? I guess the grammar nazis do. Can't come up with a good response, so you pick on something not related to the discussion? LAME!

Oops sis, you forgot to read the post - Bamboo was referring to the newbie - not you! Never get into an argument before you go to work either - makes for bad communications with your patients! LOL

mymotiki posted on 03/26/2008

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:54 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/26/2008

On 2008-03-25 17:41, mymotiki wrote:

And of course all the psychos decided to tell me all their problems today. Which then deteriorated my mood even further. B

..spoken like a true healer!!

beadtiki posted on 03/26/2008

On 2008-03-25 17:47, Tipsy McStagger wrote:

On 2008-03-25 17:41, mymotiki wrote:

And of course all the psychos decided to tell me all their problems today. Which then deteriorated my mood even further. B

..spoken like a true healer!!

Tipsy, don't be a dick - she's not the doctor for pete's sake. I'm sure you're just a prince with everyone you meet too - which is evidenced right here in the forums.

thefuzz posted on 03/26/2008

I don't know if anyone mentioned this before, but, this building wasn't meant to look like a tiki long house, but as a Viking boat! The area is a heavily Nordic population zone in the 20's-now....well a little less now being that all the relatives are selling out to developers.

beadtiki posted on 03/26/2008

On 2008-03-25 20:59, thefuzz wrote:
I don't know if anyone mentioned this before, but, this building wasn't meant to look like a tiki long house, but as a Viking boat! The area is a heavily Nordic population zone in the 20's-now....well a little less now being that all the relatives are selling out to developers.

I posted that a while ago - I thought the same thing. Ya Sure Yabetcha! LOL

mymotiki posted on 03/26/2008

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:54 ]

msteeln posted on 03/26/2008

Now that we're in calmer waters again, let me clarify that I'd too would love to see the Viking styled building transformed into exactly what we'd all dig. But the realistic possibilities this would ever happen are obviously less than slim to say the least. If Denny's couldn't justify staying, then there's probably more negatives to the story than we know, that would kill most any chances to save her no matter who jumped in. Too bad.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/26/2008

Tipsy, don't be a dick - she's not the doctor for pete's sake. I'm sure you're just a prince with everyone you meet too - which is evidenced right here in the forums.

..you're just saying that to make me feel good....

beadtiki posted on 03/26/2008

On 2008-03-25 23:06, Tipsy McStagger wrote:

Tipsy, don't be a dick - she's not the doctor for pete's sake. I'm sure you're just a prince with everyone you meet too - which is evidenced right here in the forums.

..you're just saying that to make me feel good....

Absolutely. Now, let's get back on-topic

TorchGuy posted on 04/26/2008

Denny's couldn't "not justify staying" - They were offered 12 million! It was a nice, if very plain internally, Denny's until very recently. I, too, would like it to become something more, as Seattle is quickly turning all its neighborhoods into condo castles. Ballard, I'm sure, could use somne condominium towers...


Not one on every lot. I, for one, hope residents save this place and do something with it. Not necessarily something tiki, but something nice. A Ballard history center maybe? Many residents are still very proud of their heritage, and many (judging by the letters I see in the paper) aren't happy about the condo flood. Not that the individuals can do much when their landlords sell in a heartbeat and evict them. Yes, some individuals do sell, for many different reasons.

I'm not going hard-edged here, no "stop them all" or "bring them all> There's a middle ground.

mymotiki posted on 04/26/2008


[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:56 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/27/2008

On 2008-04-26 16:48, mymotiki wrote:
I spoke to an elderly Ballardite and the way it was, mannings cafeteria owners went totally against the norm and the building was all polynesian design and decor and nobody in Ballard liked it. So, when people asked about it, they were told it was a viking ship or an M for mannings cafeteria. It was built around 1958-1961. Being Norwegian myself, the norskies didn't like anything that didn't fit in. They didn't like change period.

ha!..so maybe i was correct after all in saying this was a polynesian style building at the beginning off the post....

mymotiki posted on 04/27/2008

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:56 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/27/2008

On 2008-04-26 18:58, mymotiki wrote:

...... replaced by yuppies and expensive stores and coffee shops.

...hmmm...it sounds like the same cancer that afflicts most urban areas these days......"let's all rush to be like everyone else while at the same time trying to assert our individuality!!"

...now- do any of these folks you talk to have any pics of what the place looked like back in the day??? and where are all the decorations from the interior?? this sounds like another good tiki mystery about to unravel......(i know i'm stating this as if you had all the answers already...but right now you're all we got!!!) LOL

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2008-04-26 22:38 ]

TorchGuy posted on 04/27/2008

I could try to ask around... I always thought it had to be tiki design (though if I had heard the Viking ship idea, I would have accepted it). I never saw it before the Denny's diner-style remodel (which was a lot softer here than most Denny's locations - no quilted aluminum wall, no WurliTzer 1015 jukebox replica, just a generic, bland remodel with vaguely 50s colors).

It DOES look like it's been abandoned for a decade. It's boarded up and absolutely covered in graffiti - big, colorful mural tags and lots of small, scribbled ones. But it's only been closed a few months, it simply got slammed with tagging.

woofmutt posted on 05/12/2008

"I spoke to an elderly Ballardite and the way it was, mannings cafeteria owners went totally against the norm and the building was all polynesian design and decor and nobody in Ballard liked it. So, when people asked about it, they were told it was a viking ship or an M for mannings cafeteria. It was built around 1958-1961." mymotiki

I always thought the Ballard Denny's looked somewhat Polynesian, but I could also see elements of traditional Skandahoovian design in it. A few years back I wrote Seattle pop culture historian Clark Humphrey***** and asked. He told me it had been a Manning's and had never been a Polynesian place.

Some consideration of traditional Nordic design gives one an idea for the inspiration of the Ballard Manning's.

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Manning's in 1983 (photo from Vintage Seattle )

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An example of a traditional Viking longhouse.

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A traditional style Norwegian tine, a food container, which has ornamentation similar to the longhouse.

And now for something really beautiful...

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Manning's interior in its prime. *“Family style food prepared by all women cooks.” * (A postcard image from Vintage Seattle.) The interior looks very much like pictures of Norwegian/Swedish/etc restaurants from that era.

By the time The Manning's was a Denny's almost all the really swell aspects of it were gone. But there was a bar there, so you could have beer with your pie. Don't knock it til yuh've tried it.

*****Clark Humphrey is the author of Vanishing Seattle a swell book full of pictures of long gone Seattle places, objects, and people.

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mymotiki posted on 05/12/2008

[ Edited by: mymotiki 2008-06-14 20:57 ]

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bigbrotiki posted on 05/12/2008

Yeah, that interior looks great. Sigh, why can't things (SOME at least) just stay the way they originally were....

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