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witco spotted in milford NH

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nimereht posted on 03/29/2008

i was in milford NH a few weeks ago, a place known for its antique shops, and i spotted some witco bar stools. there were of the "non-tiki" variety and didnt have any coverings on the top.

it was one of the higher end shops and had a price of 600 for the pair.

a version of it can be seen here...the third image down on the post from Tiki Kollektor


again it didn't have the furry top...

i think its overpriced...but if anyone is interested i can post its address, etc...

The Granite Tiki posted on 03/29/2008

I won't be buying, but I am curious as to which store has it. I'm probably going to Milford today and would probably stop by to check'em out.

nimereht posted on 03/29/2008

well, its definitely in milford and not amherst...

i don't remember the name of it, but it was definitely one of the bigger ones? and they had a lot of the more expensive type of antiques...lots of pricey items set up in small rooms and then cabinets set up with smaller trinket type stuff...

the witco was located in one of the smaller rooms...blink and you might miss it...

hope this helps...

[ Edited by: nimereht 2008-03-29 13:04 ]

Tikisgrl posted on 03/29/2008

Ah, the one after the tiki restaurant?

nimereht posted on 03/29/2008

yeah, that sounds about right...

its hard to pinpoint because a lot of those places are very similar looking on the outside. but its the only antique place that (inside) looks like a museum more than a shop...you know what i mean?

The Granite Tiki posted on 03/29/2008

I never remember the name of that place either, I think it's the New Hampshire Co-Op or something like that. I liked it better when it had more of a junk shop quality, before they renovated it and made it museum like.

I didn't stop in, but I assumed it was that one. I DID stop in at the China Star though (the Tiki Restaurant) and bought another of those small handled mugs they sell. And the Appetizer Combo "D" :)

I was mainly in the area to buy moccasins at the Trading Post a few doors down from there.

[ Edited by: The Granite Tiki 2008-03-29 14:01 ]

nimereht posted on 03/29/2008

i keep waiting for that place to go out of business so i can swipe the mask above the door...

i've never set foot in the place...any good?

The Granite Tiki posted on 03/29/2008

I actually like it. Average New England Chinese Food. Nothing special, and no decor (except that Tiki out front) to mention, but that's enough for me! :)

Plus they sell that little mug nice and cheap. I've never sat in the lounge to drink, but I imagine it'd be okay since those low slung orange chairs at the tables are the kind of thing I like. I'll go back and take some pics for the locating Tiki thread.

The Granite Tiki posted on 03/29/2008

I went back and read my original post regarding this place:


And remembered the Mai-Tai was pretty horrible. Still like the food though.

nimereht posted on 03/30/2008


you should check out the aloha restaraunt in manchester NH (where i live). it's middle of the road chinese food (nothing really fancy) that i love when i'm in the mood for that sort of thing. they have a lounge/bar with some of the strongest drinks around.

the mai tai is pretty damn good and doesn't really taste like a lot of the other places in NH.

ask for marvin (bartender/waiter), he's the best!

The Granite Tiki posted on 03/30/2008

I'll check that out when I'm up that way, thanks!

Any Tiki decor there at all?

nimereht posted on 03/31/2008

a little bit...in the lounge...bamboo-ish wall paper and one wooden mask...but it looks more like a chinese demon than a tiki mask...

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