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flip flops tiki bar and grill?? carol stream illinios?

Pages: 1 18 replies

Tipsy McStagger posted on 11/05/2007

i was fishin round on the net (no pun intended) and found a site for "flip flops tiki bar and grill" located in carol stream iilinios....a quick search of their site revealed that it is a new place with an unfinished website, and that judging from the picture of the sign, it is located in a strip mall....anyone here know anything else about it before i waste my time going there??

Unkle John posted on 11/05/2007

Tipsy... the name should give you a hint! LOL

But then again you never know.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 11/06/2007

i wonder if they have gotten a call from the ol' lake surfer tiki peddler yet???...how bout it lake.?? i think you need to sell them some of your tikis cause i bet they don't have any!!

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2007-11-05 16:38 ]

Tonga Trader posted on 11/06/2007

Red flag words:
"Flip flops"
"strip mall"
"and grill"
"Carol Stream"

Doesn't sound too promising...


Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/01/2008

did anyone else on this post recieve something like this in their personal email in regards to this place??

Mr. Tipsy,

I want to say yes, it is worth going to Flip Flops Tiki Bar & Grill in Carol Stream. It is definitely up and coming. Yes, people will have difference of opinion. They are first time owners and the had a tough first week but they have ironed out any winkles and really are fantastic. I have been hearing really great things about them at my local church where people have eaten there and say it just keeps getting better and better. They really know how to give you service and the bartenders really know how to make good drinks. The live entertainment was begged to differ for at the beginning but I go in there now and really want to stay. I met a person from Downtown Chicago who was telling me that their friends go to Carol Stream once a month just to sit and enjoy the atmosphere and food. I was pretty impressed with that. You should give it a try. Their beer garden will be opening soon and will be even busie r than they are already. I hope to see you there.


to which i responded:

thanks...i don't know why you are sending this to me....but i'll look into it....


and then i recieved this:

You made a comment about flip flops tiki bar on the web and I kinda am defending them because they are not just a place in a suburban in nowhere land the way you made it sound. You asked for an opinion, please go back and look at your comment on that tiki website. It will explain everything, you wanted to know how it was because it sounded like a tiki place in a place where no one knew of. In actuality, they have been advertising a lot and like I said, I have run into people in downtown places who have gone all the way to Carol Stream, Illinois to enjoy it. If you live in Illinois, try it out the owners are very kind and heart and genuinely care about their customers.

I tried to get them to post pics and a review ....we'll wait and see....

harro posted on 04/01/2008

Uh oh, Mr Mean Tipsy hurt someone's feelings! :D :D

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/01/2008

April Fools!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/01/2008

geez...if that's all it takes to hurt their feelings (read the first post of mine in this thread - what was bad about that??) they better get a tougher skin......

after some quick research on the web we discovered that tracy is the owners daughter, which would explain her having to defend the place against tipsy's forces of evil......furthermore, her myspace page reveals her continuous attempts to pimp the place to whoever might be happening by......

..based on this, i never want, nor will i set foot in this place, i don't care how good it is!!! badgering people is not the way to get them to check out your family business.....that's what discount coupons are for!!!!! HAR!!

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2008-03-31 21:30 ]

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dogbytes posted on 04/01/2008

the build out looks promising, but a few restaurant reviews are not favorable .. i love the internet stalkiness of this thread.. GO TIPSY!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/01/2008

and the first thing you see as you peer through the door...a big screen TV!!!!......probably got the sports channel on i'm sure!......

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/01/2008

April Fools!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/01/2008

..and this...from another satisfied customer (this was lifted off a review page)......

My husband and I were so excited when they started building this bar! We need a fun place locally that we can walk to in the summer. But, this place has that feel as though somebody had part of a good idea and just couldn't pull it all together. Other than the thatch over the bar, the mural and a pathetic plastic parrot, I don't know what makes this a Tiki bar. There were no fun drinks on the menu, no interesting, let-your-hair-down Caribbean music; in fact, there was nothing that made me feel even remotely tropical, happy, or warm. I felt that I was sitting in a cold, dank, boring bar in a boring suburb with 5 or 6 other hopeful patrons who were probably as disappointed as we were. The whole place was having an identity crisis and seemed uninviting and strange. The food was mediocre - the soup was thin and the "special" firecrackers had little taste other than hot and fried. The salsa almost stood out but it was very lonely. Please, guys: Be a tiki bar or be a comfy neighborhood bar or be a sports bar, but please pick a direction and get a better cook because I was bored and dissatisfied when I left. Hey, here's an idea. Cater from that fabulous Hot Spot hotdog place next door. Their food is limited, but it's perfect. Good luck - I'll try again in a year if you're still there.

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Kahu posted on 04/01/2008

Sounds like someone should be an ambassador and take a copy of Tiki Road Trip and Beachbum's Books and show them what could be a great way for them to go.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/01/2008

On 2008-04-01 00:09, Kahu wrote:
Sounds like someone should be an ambassador and take a copy of Tiki Road Trip and Beachbum's Books and show them what could be a great way for them to go.

..thanks, but i don't have time to travel the countryside like some tiki bible banger, setting right the aesthetic ills of the bar/restaurant owners poor decisions.....in these days of information and internet, there is just simply no excuse for getting it wrong....if they are too stupid to figure it out themselves, that's their problem.....i vote with my feet.

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mrexotica posted on 04/01/2008

I don't like flip-flops in general.

the flippy-floppy noise irritates me...

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tikibars posted on 05/13/2008

This article ought to put all of your minds at rest:


Yes, this place seems truly skippable, in the most skippy skip it, skip right past it and take your pal Skip somewhere else kind of way.

The headline says it all: "Tiki meets Sporty".


But I love this quote:

"This is a tiki bar, so Flip Flops has your tiki cravings covered. Some of the featured fruity mixes include .... Mango Rum Cocktail (Bahama Mama, mango and run),"

Yes indeed, I will be running all right - in the opposite direction (and preferable to a place that DOES have all of my Tiki cravings covered - not even a Mai Tai mentioned, let alone a Zombie or Saffrin Bastardo)!

[ Edited by: tikibars 2008-05-13 14:04 ]

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Jason Wickedly posted on 05/13/2008

On 2008-05-13 14:01, tikibars wrote:
This article ought to put all of your minds at rest:


Yes, this place seems truly skippable, in the most skippy skip it, skip right past it and take your pal Skip somewhere else kind of way.

The headline says it all: "Tiki meets Sporty".


But I love this quote:

"This is a tiki bar, so Flip Flops has your tiki cravings covered. Some of the featured fruity mixes include .... Mango Rum Cocktail (Bahama Mama, mango and run),"

Yes indeed, I will be running all right - in the opposite direction (and preferable to a place that DOES have all of my Tiki cravings covered - not even a Mai Tai mentioned, let alone a Zombie or Saffrin Bastardo)!

[ Edited by: tikibars 2008-05-13 14:04 ]

Mm mm good - I bet it comes straight from the frozen margarita/hurricane machine too.

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Kaiwaza posted on 05/14/2008

I love how one mixed review person said there wasn't any lively Caribbean music playing, either. The blind leading the blind.

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mrexotica posted on 05/14/2008

I used to live in Columbia, MO.
There was a "bar" there that made a killing selling alcohol-infused slushies.
Guess they wanted their alcohol tasting like a slurpee

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